*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Got it - also discovered Spacebar is the KB equivalent.

The game is definitely picking up for me now with BBS courier missions coming in between 5000 and 10000 credits so that Cobra Mk3 doesn't look quite so far away. Still lots of grinding to do but let's be honest no worse than the repeated Spacefuel runs in Herron's Nebula to build up cash in Terran Conflict.
I made my first trade mission tonight. Was asked to get 1x Fish. I travelled to where it was available to buy and bought one. Straight after I get an mail asking me to deliver it to a different port. Seemed a little lazy of them making me do this as the port I was now to deliver to was the same port I bought it from... :rolleyes:

I often run ED without steam so feel free to send me a friend request in-game, Justinian Octavius and ask me anything you want.

Thanks! I added you tonight, so I hope it makes it your way.
I made my first trade mission tonight. Was asked to get 1x Fish. I travelled to where it was available to buy and bought one. Straight after I get an mail asking me to deliver it to a different port. Seemed a little lazy of them making me do this as the port I was now to deliver to was the same port I bought it from... :rolleyes:

I got this mission after finally figuring out how to scroll along the Comms Panel (in another non mnemonic Braben moment you have to hit Esc first to cancel the text box). There are messages offering a nice reward for completing the training missions - if you land at particular bases and also guidance to locations where you can get simple trade missions that reward you with 10000 credits. However after loading up the fish and launching, I got the destination switch message which has led me to a system where the location (Ogden Depot) isn't marked on the system map. Now sat there in my tin can figuring out the next step. Google-Fu indicates it is on one of the moons in the Potriti system (where I'm now sitting) but the moons don't appear on the map either. Luckily I've got about two days to complete the mission but if the intention was a hand holding exercise to get some easy credits, it's not quite doing as it should. I'm loathe to cancel the mission and lose the small amount of rep I've built up so far!
Not sure but I think if you travel to a systems nav beacon and get close to it, it will update your system map with all the planets and moons.

Think it also brings up the location of mission objects.

I'm new to this also so maybe someone can clarify?
Not sure but I think if you travel to a systems nav beacon and get close to it, it will update your system map with all the planets and moons.

Think it also brings up the location of mission objects.

I'm new to this also so maybe someone can clarify?

Absolutely right, you need to drop out of supercruise and target the white nav beacon (they really need to merge the location and beacon into one) and stay pointed at it until the scan completes.
Not sure but I think if you travel to a systems nav beacon and get close to it, it will update your system map with all the planets and moons.

Think it also brings up the location of mission objects.

I'm new to this also so maybe someone can clarify?

Correct. Travel to a Nav Beacon in SC then exit out of it. Go to the Left 'Target' Panel and select the Nav Beacon under Contacts. Fly towards it until the you start scanning it then stop & wait for the scan to complete. Once complete all bodies, ports, & mission locations will be updated for you.

Edit: beaten too it :)
I got a thrustmaster 160000m HOTAS for Christmas which I wasn't expecting so its given me a reason to get back into the game.

However it doesn't work. Im having issues with anything USB randomly disconnecting so I might refresh my windows install see if that solves the issue.

For anyone just getting into the game I would recommend playing some of your own music or a podcast while travelling about. It can get boring and tedious but I find it quite relaxing.

Also set yourself a goal. I have a bunch of ships I want to buy and try out so I am aiming to get as many credits as possible so I can get them that always kept me going.

Start off with data delivery missions. Those are quick, easy and give a small amount of credits to start with. Helps ease you into the game.

If you want to try your hand at combat go to a planet with rings. In the rings look for resource extraction sites. There will be pirates lerking about and you can get into combat with them. Kill them to receive bounties that you cash out at stations. There will usually be police around so getting it makes it easier when they have your back.
I'm at a stage where I can now decide my allegiance. Does it matter which one I join and is it possible to change your allegiance at a later date?
My account is a bit boring, i'm only 50 hours or so in. My dad on the other hand, went onto his account to have a play with his x56 to see if i want to upgrade, 700,000,000+ credits, multiple of every ship in the game, dotted around space. And i crashed one and it blew up, his 30 mill rebuy didn't even touch the bank account. I fly without rebuy to live life on the edge!
Unfortunately the mission switch went a bit pear shaped. Having scanned a nav beacon I closed in on Potriti 3 but on re-loading my save game got a message that ED couldn't render the graphics. Now I did buy the Horizons DLC a couple of days ago but appears this might have borked things up, in that I wasn't getting the option to start the game as this version but the mission generator thinks it is running. I tried to force a Steam update but that didn't improve matters. So for now I have refunded Horizons and gone back to Vanilla. A shame as it looks as though it added some cool features but for now I will persevere as is, maybe rebuy later on.

I also managed to find the first shipyard stocking a Cobra Mk3 - 349k bare bones - eek. Guess I've got a fair bit more grinding to do...
Unfortunately the mission switch went a bit pear shaped. Having scanned a nav beacon I closed in on Potriti 3 but on re-loading my save game got a message that ED couldn't render the graphics. Now I did buy the Horizons DLC a couple of days ago but appears this might have borked things up, in that I wasn't getting the option to start the game as this version but the mission generator thinks it is running. I tried to force a Steam update but that didn't improve matters. So for now I have refunded Horizons and gone back to Vanilla. A shame as it looks as though it added some cool features but for now I will persevere as is, maybe rebuy later on.

I also managed to find the first shipyard stocking a Cobra Mk3 - 349k bare bones - eek. Guess I've got a fair bit more grinding to do...

There's an option in the launcher to launch the vanilla game without Horizons, what graphics card are you running on?
I also managed to find the first shipyard stocking a Cobra Mk3 - 349k bare bones - eek. Guess I've got a fair bit more grinding to do...

The current Powerplay cycle ends tomorrow at 7am GMT - give me a buzz & I'll get you that cash in no time if you want either by winging up or you can have some Painite as I'm doing a mining speed test tomorrow as my power is the Mining Power & I'm collecting data for the focused feedback session on it. (Painite sells for 40k a ton).

There's an option in the launcher to launch the vanilla game without Horizons, what graphics card are you running on?

As above. Iirc there was an issue for some people with a new driver, I think it was Nvidia's but don't quote me on that.
With the change to engineering - does it mean if you gather enough resources for ten rolls you are guaranteed a better roll each time? Is there a catch anywhere or does this mean god level rolls for anyone patient enough to gather the resources?
There's an option in the launcher to launch the vanilla game without Horizons, what graphics card are you running on?

GTX950 with 2Gb VRAM so would have thought that okay. The only options on the launcher were the same as after installing the base game - 32 bit, 64 bit (which I'm using) and combat training. No 2.x or Horizons option. Guess I will rebuy it and see if I can get it running as it would be a shame to lose all the additional features.

The current Powerplay cycle ends tomorrow at 7am GMT - give me a buzz & I'll get you that cash in no time if you want either by winging up or you can have some Painite as I'm doing a mining speed test tomorrow as my power is the Mining Power & I'm collecting data for the focused feedback session on it. (Painite sells for 40k a ton).

Appreciate the offer but I've just started Nights, so only get around 45 mins after tea to play!
With the change to engineering - does it mean if you gather enough resources for ten rolls you are guaranteed a better roll each time? Is there a catch anywhere or does this mean god level rolls for anyone patient enough to gather the resources?

Yes, but as it stands you'll need to roll it through grade one all the way up to grade 5 rather than just rolling a grade 5 from the outset. We shall not know the exact changed until they go live next year sometime though.

GTX950 with 2Gb VRAM so would have thought that okay. The only options on the launcher were the same as after installing the base game - 32 bit, 64 bit (which I'm using) and combat training. No 2.x or Horizons option. Guess I will rebuy it and see if I can get it running as it would be a shame to lose all the additional features.

No option for Elite Dangerous [32bit/64bit]?

It certainly should run too, are your graphics drivers up to date?
Does anyone have a recommended set up guide for voice attack?

Sorry, no but if you've got a voice pack then just go with their set up else I would just do each command as you need it. Use the edit profile button (middle-ish left on the toolbar), press new command then tick the 'When I Say' checkbox, type in phrase then simply select Key Press etc and map your Elite Dangerous binds to it, eg l for landing gear etc.
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