*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Does anyone have a recommended set up guide for voice attack?

If you can afford it, get one of the HCS voice packs, everything is setup and it can respond to queued commands, the responses back depending on which one you choose are great as well. I'm currently running with the Unity Beta version and have 3 AI's voice by Tom Baker, Brent Spiner and William Shatner in different crew positions. You can even pay extra with Astra to have personal responses for your name in the non Beta.

**Edit: The voice packs also include profiles for Star Citizen as well if you are that way inclined :eek:
What's the general view on the "Rebuy" system? Not that it's an issue for me at present in my bare bones Sidey but it appears to evoke quite a bit of emotion on some of the ED forums I've scoured. Opinions almost as divided as those in our own B...x.t discussions in SC! My personal view is that in Solo Play the game should simply restore the last docked save and not penalise you for loss of the ship. That would be enough to discourage save scumming without disheartening the more casual player. It doesn't encourage the player to do most normal things you might attempt in a space sim. Presumably the origins lie in FD choosing to abandon the true single player game for this "live" environment, but it means not only do you have to scrape the credits for a new ship and fittings but keep a substantial sum (on the basis you might crash the replacement ship straight after the first rebuy) in reserve.

I can only hope Ego don't adopt the same idea for X4... :)
I got a thrustmaster 160000m HOTAS for Christmas which I wasn't expecting so its given me a reason to get back into the game.

However it doesn't work. Im having issues with anything USB randomly disconnecting so I might refresh my windows install see if that solves the issue.

For anyone just getting into the game I would recommend playing some of your own music or a podcast while travelling about. It can get boring and tedious but I find it quite relaxing.

Also set yourself a goal. I have a bunch of ships I want to buy and try out so I am aiming to get as many credits as possible so I can get them that always kept me going.

Start off with data delivery missions. Those are quick, easy and give a small amount of credits to start with. Helps ease you into the game.

If you want to try your hand at combat go to a planet with rings. In the rings look for resource extraction sites. There will be pirates lerking about and you can get into combat with them. Kill them to receive bounties that you cash out at stations. There will usually be police around so getting it makes it easier when they have your back.

USB disconnect - try it in an entirely different USB port, it may not be getting enough power. If it's plugged in at the front of the PC, try at the rear etc. Had some really odd issues with stuff like this in the past. Also worth checking what type of port it is, I had one on my motherboard that was a fast charging port, which did something similar - would work for a while then disconnect/reconnect every few seconds. Try a USB 2 port if you have it in USB 3 too.
Just a quick update, I solved the Horizons issue after re-purchasing. You must add the serial number supplied with your Steam purchase to your account with FD, in order to update the launcher. After doing so I now have the blue rather than original yellow one.

Also started kitting out my Sidey with better jump drive and thrusters after a 17k Boom mission paid an early delivery bonus of 80k :D, couldn't believe the game is that generous. Will have that Cobra in no time mindful, of course, of the rebuy insurance element.
USB disconnect - try it in an entirely different USB port, it may not be getting enough power. If it's plugged in at the front of the PC, try at the rear etc. Had some really odd issues with stuff like this in the past. Also worth checking what type of port it is, I had one on my motherboard that was a fast charging port, which did something similar - would work for a while then disconnect/reconnect every few seconds. Try a USB 2 port if you have it in USB 3 too.

I was having issues with Windows anyway (kept deactivating during a restart and I would have to contact support to get them to remote in and reactivate) so I decided to reset my windows 10.

Everythings been working fine since and windows is now activated with no issues
I know a few players of this game have been cencored on the ED forums for calling out people on thier constant SC hate campaign.
First time I'd heard about this type of censorship on a forum. Shame in todays society to be censoring online, for basically calling others out for being hateful.
Sad really.
I know a few players of this game have been cencored on the ED forums for calling out people on thier constant SC hate campaign.
First time I'd heard about this type of censorship on a forum. Shame in todays society to be censoring online, for basically calling others out for being hateful.
Sad really.

And that has what to do with the discussion here? It's nothing but hearsay and speculation in an attempt to derail this discussion I suspect.
And that has what to do with the discussion here? It's nothing but hearsay and speculation in an attempt to derail this discussion I suspect.

Not really no.
Its about ED plus the devs and the rest that goes with this game. The discussion moves with whatever people say or talk about here. Read through this thread, its easy to see most things have been discussed at some time or other.
Its also not hearsay as I've witnessed one member posting, the posts are witheld for moderation. Bare in mind this player was a very early backer of ED, way before release of the game going back a good few years now. He's polite and very honest (not me) even online, which is rare. That is why he and a few others are soo surprised by this action He just called them out, for what is very easy to see.

I think there was a great amount of this type of thing, hateful speach, going on over at the SC forum, but they threw out the section, although that is the last time I used SC forum, year or so back now. Could have changed again.

I took a read through the thread on FD's forum that he and another pointed out, the SC thread. It is completely bias and very hateful towards SC. It highlights the multiple accounts mods and devs and cronies perhaps have there. Seems to be a little misguided as the two games are very different.

Just an observation.

Other than that, ED is coming along as a game. I too backed reasonably early, I would like to see more though. We shall see.
Its also not hearsay as I've witnessed one member posting, the posts are witheld for moderation.

Never heard of this before & it's really something you should raise over there. However, I will say that it is common practice by companies to prevent people advertising a rival company or product on their Forums and quite understandably so - they are a business.
SC and ED fans are the gaming equivalent of Nvidia and AMD it seems.

Your right I think. Which is a great shame, because like myself, being a space game fan, I would have thought the idea would be, the more to choose from the better.
Seems that isn't the case here.
Load of rubbish, FD are very hot on stopping people from dissing other games, I'd put money on it having been moderated for another reason entirely and somebody is trying to forward their own agenda. It has no relevance to this thread whatsoever and is a poorly veiled attempt to yet again force discussion off track, go discuss it elsewhere.
Load of rubbish, FD are very hot on stopping people from dissing other games, I'd put money on it having been moderated for another reason entirely and somebody is trying to forward their own agenda. It has no relevance to this thread whatsoever and is a poorly veiled attempt to yet again force discussion off track, go discuss it elsewhere.

You obviously haven't read any of the SC thread over there..

This thread is about FD/ED, its relevant if its about that. This is about the ED community, or perhaps just a small few members of it. Nothing bad has been said about them, just that censorship really has no place in any forum. If they don't like the person and they think he's rude, throw them off (ban). They haven't because I guess he has a point. Plus I know the guy personally, he's not got a bad bone in his body.

Just read and see. Its a shame any game has that type of people playing, especially if they're closely linked to the business itself or forum etc.

It was just something I thought worth bringing up. Obviously you disagree, but that is what forums are about, comments, ideas, discussion etc. Not censorship.

Edit: your comment 'they're hot on stopping dissing of games'..... Wow, just read that thread a little. Your comment is way off target.
There is a definitely a hate campaign over there concerning CIG/SC/CR, possibly orchestrated by FD themselves, they're allowing it. Looking at it, just by brushing through, its been going on for a few years, by the looks of things. . Tell me who you see as stopping it, when its all there in writing.
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I have actually... and no it's not relevant, you're using this thread to discuss moderation on another forum because quite rightly you're not allowed to do so over there, go ahead and add to the discussion about Elite, this isn't doing it though.
Spell that out a little.

Don't be silly now...

I suggest you go take this to the Star Citizen thread as that is what you are trying to discuss, if you have an issue with the moderation over at the FD forums then contact them about it, getting on your soapbox here is not in the least bit relevant no matter how you wish it was otherwise.
Don't be silly now...

I suggest you go take this to the Star Citizen thread as that is what you are trying to discuss, if you have an issue with the moderation over at the FD forums then contact them about it, getting on your soapbox here is not in the least bit relevant no matter how you wish it was otherwise.

You write in a familiar way, having brushed through the thread over there. You on there by any chance ?
I am, I use my commander name, don't post much and tend to be only in the game section, not other games, so I don't look there much. It opened my eyes a little to the behaviour of some of the community and mods. It saddened me really, I know a lot of players personally and through the game too. On the whole they're really nice people. But the forum/mods let them, and indeed me, down badly

Its all relevant. You can talk about whatever you want, I'll not stop or hinder you. I don't go for that behaviour.

This is a community, Don't forget that.
Is this worth picking up? Never played a space game before.

Is a joystick required? Or will a controller suffice.
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