*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Is this worth picking up? Never played a space game before.

Is a joystick required? Or will a controller suffice.

I only picked up this sale and I would say go for it. I currently only use keyboard and mouse, haven't tried my PS4 controller yet. Seems like a good game though.
I may give this another shot, never really got too far as I didn't understand it but did enjoy the draw of flying about, upgrading etc. Are the expansions required or is the base game enough?

I may return on pc or grab it on xb1x as it's been patched for that system etc

If I plug a 360 controller in to my pc, will this game play identically to how it would do on the console? (Performance aside). May try the pc one which I own with a controller to help decide if I may prefer it on console
What's the general view on the "Rebuy" system? Not that it's an issue for me at present in my bare bones Sidey but it appears to evoke quite a bit of emotion on some of the ED forums I've scoured. Opinions almost as divided as those in our own B...x.t discussions in SC! My personal view is that in Solo Play the game should simply restore the last docked save and not penalise you for loss of the ship. That would be enough to discourage save scumming without disheartening the more casual player.

Imo it only really affects PVP players.
Once you have gotten used to the game, you might start to forget what the rebuy screen looks like.
Perhaps when the Thargoids get more... involved, then it may become an issue again in PvE.
I picked it up on sale recently and I'm liking it so far.

The only question I have is, is there a way to free up the mouse cursor while flying?

I have 2 monitors and some of the journey's to different systems take a few minutes of just flying. It would be good if I could be watching a youtube video or listening to some music while I fly.

At the moment, even when I go to the panels, if I move the mouse it turns the ship.

I'm currently on the default keyboard and mouse setup.
The only question I have is, is there a way to free up the mouse cursor while flying?

There is a mouse widget option for mouse users?
Otherwise I've also noticed the annoying mouse cursor only since the last patch. I have to nudge the mouse whilst in flight to get rid of it. I assume its always there for mouse users though?

Edit: Realised its not that you are asking about. Never used mouse, so cant help there about its flight operation.
At the moment, even when I go to the panels, if I move the mouse it turns the ship.

Are you talking about freelook? You navigate the menus using 1,2,3,4 and use w,a,s,d to use the menu. If you want to freelook, you can press the middle mouse scroll button and it lets me look around without moving my ship.

I didn't know this until my 2yo daughter was messing with my mouse and accidently pressed it :D.
Ive just done the first couple of tutorials about the controls and landing etc. Never played a space sim before and it was very hard but satisfying when i did manage to land.

My only gripe with the controller settings is that vertical thrust for take off/landing is bound to the controller, meanwhile lateral thrust for perfecting the landing/take off is bound to Q+E ? which makes it very tricky. Anyone got better binding suggestions for Xbox controller?

I'd assign it to the controller myself somehow but i know i'll displace about 17 other settings if i do it without consultation. :D
By the way, do you guys mostly play Open or Solo? I know in Solo you still see other people, but does it take away the ability to use chat? Also I guess it's so the only people who can attack you are AI?
Anyone got better binding suggestions for Xbox controller?

In one of the presets for the Xbox controller when you lower your landing gear it changes the joystick from rolling the craft to lateral thrust...always found this really useful.
By the way, do you guys mostly play Open or Solo? I know in Solo you still see other people, but does it take away the ability to use chat? Also I guess it's so the only people who can attack you are AI?

I fly in all modes as it depends what I'm doing (when in a wing I usually use a private group to help instancing plus the Player Group I am in has their own Private Group for stuff). You can chat with anyone no matter what mode they are playing in though sometimes people can miss a message as the chat window is hidden when you have a full screen window open (such as the Galaxy Map). In Solo mode it is just you; you affect the universe like everyone else but you will never encounter another real player. However, if they are on your Friends list you can still chat with them (select them on the list & select Text Message). To access the chat select Comms Panel by pressing 2 then press your UI select key (usually space). Type /help for the commands.
Would you mind sharing a screenshot of your keybinds?

Not at all.


Flight Rotation

Flight Thrust

Flight Landing Overide

Flight Misc


Weapons & Cooling

Misc & Mode Switches

Headlock & Interface
Galaxy Map


Driving Mode Switchers


Fighter Orders
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Yes. Go to Options - Controls - Mouse Controls and there are four Mouse Axis settings. Turn them all to Off & you should be good to go.

He's using the mouse to fly. I think hes looking for a better option to control 2nd monitor than alt tabbing. Presumably running in borderless windowed. My suggestion is to buy a T16000 ;p

By the way, do you guys mostly play Open or Solo?
Always open.
You obviously haven't read any of the SC thread over there..

This thread is about FD/ED, its relevant if its about that. This is about the ED community, or perhaps just a small few members of it. Nothing bad has been said about them, just that censorship really has no place in any forum. If they don't like the person and they think he's rude, throw them off (ban). They haven't because I guess he has a point. Plus I know the guy personally, he's not got a bad bone in his body.

Just read and see. Its a shame any game has that type of people playing, especially if they're closely linked to the business itself or forum etc.

It was just something I thought worth bringing up. Obviously you disagree, but that is what forums are about, comments, ideas, discussion etc. Not censorship.

Edit: your comment 'they're hot on stopping dissing of games'..... Wow, just read that thread a little. Your comment is way off target.
There is a definitely a hate campaign over there concerning CIG/SC/CR, possibly orchestrated by FD themselves, they're allowing it. Looking at it, just by brushing through, its been going on for a few years, by the looks of things. . Tell me who you see as stopping it, when its all there in writing.

Totally agree. You would have to be blind not to see what is going on over there on the ed board. Encouraged by the mods, they only consor those that call these d***'s out. Thats because its probably the mods themselves or half of them, as you say. Just tell your mate to steer clear of the place, its just toxic crap.
I know a few players of this game have been cencored on the ED forums for calling out people on thier constant SC hate campaign.
First time I'd heard about this type of censorship on a forum. Shame in todays society to be censoring online, for basically calling others out for being hateful.
Sad really.

I don't even see them as competitors I like both I backed both very early on. The fanboy stuff isn't helpful for either but some need the drama I guess.
Anyone played this on a tv with a controller via a steam link? Does it work well? I remember there being a launcher for this game so wondering how it would handle that stuff
I took the plunge and joined the ED official forum, but it does seem a bit of a bear-pit over there. Very biased towards the multiplayer side of things and the extremes make the fanbois/haters on other gaming forums look like cuddly teddy bears. Thus far I've largely confined myself to the newbie forum and confined myself to relating my experience or passing on noob tips, rather than expressing an opinion. That latter seems to elicit a following 11 pages of keyboard measuring and back and forth which the mods here would never (thankfully) tolerate.

Not sure how the "rep" system works, no post count but I assume your rank only goes up if you get repped (as opposed to ripped...).
I took the plunge and joined the ED official forum, but it does seem a bit of a bear-pit over there. Very biased towards the multiplayer side of things and the extremes make the fanbois/haters on other gaming forums look like cuddly teddy bears.
I tend to post 1 or 2 times per thread then move on. It's like politics, no point arguing with people who will never change their mind even if they are 100% wrong :)

Not sure how the "rep" system works, no post count but I assume your rank only goes up if you get repped (as opposed to ripped...).


EDIT: you might want to check out the Focused Feedback subforums as they appear as they have sections just to make suggestions were people aren't allowed to have an argument.
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