*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

That's it really... it shouldn't be this difficult to find stuff in the game... I thought grinding the ranks to get a Fed Corvette would be the "boring bit" and then going onto to engineers would be more fun....
But for the love of god.... its even more unintuitive and... (not boring but just... ) frustrating....

Dammit I want to love this game so much but its not helping me....

I just want to get frikkin rapid fire pew pew....
...its even more unintuitive and... (not boring but just... ) frustrating....

Dammit I want to love this game so much but its not helping me....

That is a superb summary of my experience with Elite Dangerous.

Though it always ends up dragging me back in...

Unintuitive and addictive.
Yep, beta is 25 January - yipee!

@Cavallino the Material Trader arrives in Beyond q1 update, the beta of which starts in a couple of weeks so getting such stuff will hopefully become a lot easier very soon! But if you need SLF now try flying in deep space, 200ly - 2000ly from a sun & checking Degraded & Encoded Signals Sources. Or find a medium sized settlement with low security & scan its data beacons.
Yep, beta is 25 January - yipee!

@Cavallino the Material Trader arrives in Beyond q1 update, the beta of which starts in a couple of weeks so getting such stuff will hopefully become a lot easier very soon! But if you need SLF now try flying in deep space, 200ly - 2000ly from a sun & checking Degraded & Encoded Signals Sources. Or find a medium sized settlement with low security & scan its data beacons.
Thanks NW. You wont believe me if I said I am STILL trying to find Specialised Legacy Firmware for the past week.

Just incredible....
Where do I set the key binds for taking screenshots?

I've been trawling through the Options menu but can't find anything in relation to the standard screenshots and hi-res screenshots...
Yes, that's what I meant.

In that case, what are the keybinds?

For both standard screenshots and the hi-res version?

After a few seconds of googling :rolleyes::
  • F10 is the standard screenshot
  • Left Alt + F10 gives you the Hi Res version, but it's a bit sensitive about whether you are in open play or not (it was this that was confusing me, and I'm still confused :confused:)
I think it is because it was a dev bug fixing helper that has kind of evolved as everyone uses it. Of course there is always the chance that that is an old wives' tale since I can't remember where I heard it :)

From memory:
Crime & Punishment: Bounties received now include part of your ship's rebuy cost & part of the victim's if it is a Commander
Crime & Punishment: Friendly fire is now just a fine & the threshold is increased
Crime & Punishment: Bounties never expire
Crime & Punishment: Bounties can be paid off at Interstellar Factors
Crime & Punishment: Committing crimes creates a hot ship - if you dock with a hot ship system services will be restricted in the jurisdiction you committed the crimes.
Crime & Punishment: If you commit too many crimes against a superpower's factions they will put a superpower bounty on you & dispatch Advanced Tactical Responders; each superpower has its own.
Crime & Punishment: If you die in a hot ship you get sent to a detention centre in its own private instance

Powerplay: Killing Powerships whether Commanders or NPCs does not create a crime but a Powerplay 'Paramilitary' bounty

Missions: you can choose the type of reward. Starting with wing missions & coming to all.
Missions: cargo delivery missions will no longer be blocked due to not enough cargo space-they can be done in multiple runs
Wing Missions (& missions?): can be terminated at partial completion for a partial reward
Wing Missions: can be done by commanders in solo but they will be noticeably harder than normal missions

BGS: a new mission reward choice of increased influence is being added

Personally I think all this is excellent; can't wait! 1 live stream down; 2 more to go!
Hey guys, I jumped in at the deep end... Got Elite a few weeks ago and then went and grabbed a Rift.

I played Elite a bit before getting the Rift but now i'm trying to get the settings right for VR.
I'm using the ED Profiler tool and a bit confused about supersampling and HMD quality. I noticed it the ship cockpit itself looks great, but stations feel a bit immersion breaking as they seem really pixelly and like they're not part of space if you know what I mean?

Any advice for settings?
4670k @ 4.3ghz
16gb Ram

Cheers Commanders :p
Still grinding away at the lower levels trying to build rep and cash. Got my posterior handed to me in Empire space by two aggressive AI attackers which gave me the pleasure of the rebuy screen for a second time. Then got zero sympathy at the official forum when I related my experience!!
The official forum is quite the bear bit. I wouldn't pay too much attention to posts on it; unless they are by Devs or me of course :)
Still grinding away at the lower levels trying to build rep and cash. Got my posterior handed to me in Empire space by two aggressive AI attackers which gave me the pleasure of the rebuy screen for a second time. Then got zero sympathy at the official forum when I related my experience!!
Nope, no sympathy.
At the lower levels, especially with the FREE Sidewinder, you can deek about as much as you like, as you first learn the ropes and then practice to get better... and it's all free.
Later on, when some evil frakking SoB NPC wing brings two Fer de Lances and a Python to come trash your ship and you lose over 50,000,000 Cr.... then you're on your way to sympathy-entitlement!!!!!
Still grinding away at the lower levels trying to build rep and cash. Got my posterior handed to me in Empire space by two aggressive AI attackers which gave me the pleasure of the rebuy screen for a second time. Then got zero sympathy at the official forum when I related my experience!!
you wont ..it s the way the game is ..i have around 500 million in rebuys alone..im just a simple open trader..just dust your self off and carry on
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