*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Yes I've got the details of the "rats" stowed away just in case. They are the opposite of the griefers, being the healers.

Luckily the next system I jumped to had fuel so no need to activate, "Who ya gonna call..."

However it does seem a weakness to build in the game that all the stations in a system have no fuel. Why not flash up a warning on the pre-jump screen that the system is low in resources, next to the security rating?

Is it me or are the "tour" missions a poor way to make money. One passenger paying ~220k credits but took around 60 mins of actual gameplay jumping through 14 systems out and 14 back, plus the fuel stops. Bombarded with messages about taking too long, even though the mission brief said not in a hurry. At least freight doesn't complain...
I purchased the base game in the Steam sale but struggled with an Xbox pad to even complete the tutorials.
I picked up a thrust master t16000m and a twcs throttle and it's made a huge difference.
I was able to get through the tutorials and spent about 4 hours just flying around a system investigating unknown signals and collecting space junk with my cargo pod.
I think I'm going to have to do some actual jobs soon to make some money for fuel and upgrades :)
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Ok something I don't get....

How the hell do I find black market that is actually available.
I understand that you have to find a system that is not ruled by ALD for example.

But the game doesn't make it easy for players to make these searches.

For example one could say you need to search for these type of systems and then go through them one by one....

But if a human can do this, then surely an algorthim/script can be written (in the universe itself) which helps you do this?

Its not exactly cheating since it exists in EDDB.IO and such....

I really hope this comes :(
It`s like everything in Elite, its the 25th century and for the technology you cant do the simplest of things that should be automated.... plan a jump route so you do not have to be at the controls every jump..... you know jump... dodge big thing yellow thing in-front of you every time.... move up/down.... cool down...jump.... Gather trade data etc, the list is pretty large.
You can find black markets by checking the system map station features before travelling to it. However you need to be in system before you can check what state each faction is in.

I wouldn't have thought there was that much chance of them being in lockdown if you just pitch up? 5 tons of biowaste at the closest 5 stations with the facility unlocked the engineer quickly on my 2nd account. If that's not working, check the powerplay status as suggested in the above post.

Eddb.com system search will tell you what it thinks the status is, and is worth it if you are specifically looking for a high pop famine system, for example when material hunting.
Does anyone know if A.S.T.R.A - Performed by CLASSIFIED voice pack is the best one to get?

I still haven't taken off as yet :o
Does anyone know if A.S.T.R.A - Performed by CLASSIFIED voice pack is the best one to get?

I still haven't taken off as yet :o
I was looking at voice attack and did think about getting the ASTRA pack but i'm sure it wasn't too long ago that they were on sale for about a fiver.

I completed my first data delivery mission last night - yay! :)
Earned a few thousand to pay off my fines (lol), buy fuel and add to my balance.
I'm still not very good at coming out of the jumps yet, i'm usually dropping out too early and spending ages flying the last part or overshooting and having to take another run.
Just stick it at 75% blue to begin with. About a 6 second approach time. With more manouvourable ships you can do 3 second approach times keeping the station in the corner of the screen.

No clue on voice packs.
Thinking about starting this. I KS'd it a while back so have the option of starting in the various ships as a pirate, trader etc. but i'm thinking of just starting normally and working my way up. Any thoughts?
However it does seem a weakness to build in the game that all the stations in a system have no fuel.
No weaker than driving up to a real life petrol station at 2am and only then finding the sign that says it's NOT a 24-hr one!!!

It`s like everything in Elite, its the 25th century and for the technology you cant do the simplest of things that should be automated....
Also a common complaint about real life today.
Perhaps people in the future got too bored/tired/lazy having everything automated and society went the other way to try and jump-start their brains?
Or maybe it's a safety feature to stop Arabian Princes from remote-hacking your ship automation and flying you into a supernova after emptying your Credits account ...?
Thinking about starting this. I KS'd it a while back so have the option of starting in the various ships as a pirate, trader etc. but i'm thinking of just starting normally and working my way up. Any thoughts?

Starting in a Sidewinder is more satisfying.
Until recently, I'd say start in the Cobra - pirate or explorer options - due to the loan status on the cobra making it super cheap to transport. Meaning its the same cost to use as a hauler as your dedicated taxi ship. However now, making money is so trivial that short range taxi ship transport costs are somewhat irrelevant.

To explain, later in game you have lots of ships all spread out. To get from one to another you can pay to bring it to your current position, or use your current ship to travel there to pick it up.
People use a cheap light-weight transport ship that can travel big jump distances to get to their slow moving mega expensive main ships.
I'm at the point where I want to throw something at my screen.

I cant find frikkin Specialised Legacy Firmware...
Following Inara.cz... but still nothing
You used to get them from missions rewards.

TBH I'd say skip grade3 drives and go straight for 4/5 If the component is a problem, but urgh Palin grind. Though I hear the terminals drop from the damaged stations now.
Hi all, just thought I'd drop into this thread to catch up.

I got hold of ED as part of the kickstarter (twice actually) but for the past 18 months or so I haven't had a computer capable of playing. I hear there have been some big changes to the game since then, with wings and multiple players per ship.

Is it still viable to play solo and drift around doing your own thing?
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