*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Yes in time I will come to love that rebuy screen! The mantra "Don't fly if you can't rebuy" is apt and heeded. I currently have around 20x rebuy in reserve for my T6 if it should again fall prey... and no doubt it will!
I found when trading with the T6 I found myself having to put up with seeing the rebuy screen more than I'd like! That's why I went back to the Asp and used that for trading until I could afford the Python (I love this ship!), since doing that I haven't looked back at any other ship!
I think you may be right about the T6. I haven't got the best shields (3B not 3A) but still seem paper thin and only passive defence measures. It turns like a brick too so not much point even putting a couple of pew pews on the front. The Asp is my next aspiration, that or the Imperial equivalent (Courier?). However I need to grind on a bit before than can happen.
With this on sale I'm thinking about picking it up to play on the rift, but I have a few questions. I've had a look back a couple of pages and cant really find answers to these so I hope they don't get asked all the time. If they do then sorry!

1. How does everyone play? Do you all have a HOTAS? I think at least to begin with I would just be using a controller, as I cant see M+KB being great for this. If I get really into it then maybe I'll look at a cheap HOTAS.

2. Is it worth getting the Commander Deluxe Edition? What extra does that provide? It says Elite Dangerous, Commander Pack and Horizons Season Pass, the only details I can find say the Horizon season pass gets you access to landing on planets.

3. Is it suitable to dip in and out of or does it take quite a big commitment? My time is kind of sporadic when it comes to games.

Thanks all :)
1. How does everyone play? Do you all have a HOTAS? I think at least to begin with I would just be using a controller, as I cant see M+KB being great for this. If I get really into it then maybe I'll look at a cheap HOTAS.
If you've played any arcadey space games on M&KB, like Nightstar, Everspace, House of the Dying Sun, even Freelancer, then you'll have some idea. A good number of people do.
Many have just a cheap joystick, like the Saitek FLY5 or a basic stick with throttle feature of some kind.
You can even get reasonable full-on HOTASes for about £100, too - One thing I will say is that, if you get into this, a HOTAS does make it a lot more fun!!

2. Is it worth getting the Commander Deluxe Edition? What extra does that provide? It says Elite Dangerous, Commander Pack and Horizons Season Pass, the only details I can find say the Horizon season pass gets you access to landing on planets.
This is what Horizons gives you: https://www.frontierstore.net/games/elite-dangerous-cat/elite-dangerous-horizons-dlc.html
Basically Multi-Crew multiplayer mode and ship-launched fighters, customisable avatars, Engineered upgrades, landing on and exploration all around full-scale planets, plus a load of additional mission features and gameplay additions not available in the base game.
The Deluxe edition also has a set of cosmetic extras for the three most popular starting ships.

3. Is it suitable to dip in and out of or does it take quite a big commitment? My time is kind of sporadic when it comes to games.
There will be a bit of a learning curve to start with and it'll take a bit of practice to get the hang of everything, partly because there's so much to do. There are elements of realism combined with enough pure gameplay to keep it on the fun side.
But you don't have to spend night after night and every weekend playing, if you don't want to. You can pick up exactly where you left off. It will just take longer to progress... but the whole idea of the Elite games has always been that it's a long-haul game that takes time, rather than something 10 minutes long with three lives.

Excellent thanks for the detailed reply!

Unfortunately I haven't played any of those games so i don't really have any reference, but I do think this looks interesting. I regularly see people recommending it as a VR experience as well so that's why I'm tempted to give it a go. Plus the way you described it is enough to push me over the edge haha.

If the season pass actually adds gameplay then I'll get that too. Not fussed about the cosmetics but multi-crew sounds cool as do the planets. Cheers!
You pretty much need Horizons as the base game will still generate planetside destinations for missions on the BBS. You won't be able to complete these otherwise.

I use a standard Thrustmaster joystick with throttle supplemented by various key commands. Works for me.

I've been playing pretty solid since Xmas even to the exclusion of playing a couple of other titles I bought. However I'm now starting to feel the urge to go part time as it has become a bit samey - good but grindy and not really made much progress in the rankings despite the hours I've put in.

Eventually it will be like Flight Sim - couple of flights a month to stay active with my VA but as a filler more than prime time.
Glad I went for the deluxe edition then. It's weird, I've never had the urge for a flight sim before but the idea of flying round in space has really drawn me to this for some reason. This better not be the start of an expensive hobby...


Probably just for Ram Tah and barnicle system finding without needing out of game web sites all the time, rather than a suggestion of any Guardian changes this year.
Just getting back into this after some time off. Was in rhea doing fed rep (currently ensign), but I hear the station attacks are pretty cool, and I have yet to go hunt any thargoids.

What is fun to do these days?
As far as a HOTAS goes, I'd recommend the Thrustmaster T Flight. You can pick it up for about £40 and it does everything you'd want it to.

If you find yourself sticking with the game and want a little more, then you could splash out on a more expensive set-up
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