*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I was going to. If you got in early you could have one a personalised version....Maybe its not actually out yet


No its available. Off to check youtube for samples

Couldn't find any sample. If you do please let me know.
<Sigh> Camping with a fricking Anacoda the damn Cubeo routes the other muppet shooting down Type 6s. And yes I mean players.
How low someone can get to -_-

First time ever couldn't get to fully avoid interception even if it took 5 minutes trying to intercept me while I was on pointing to the escape vector.
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Yes Voice Attack fully works and you must also get a voice pack to add immersion. There are many.
From William Shatner to Brent Spiner to John De Lancie and even Marina Sirtis. And lets not forget Brian Blessed :D


By the way, did anyone bought the Marina Sirtis voice pack? I cannot find a sample of it anywhere.

Tom Baker is my favourite :D
<Sigh> Camping with a fricking Anacoda the damn Cubeo routes the other muppet shooting down Type 6s. And yes I mean players.
How low someone can get to -_-

First time ever couldn't get to fully avoid interception even if it took 5 minutes trying to intercept me while I was on pointing to the escape vector.

Cubeo is the Powerplay headquarters of Aisling Duval & yesterday was the final day of the Powerplay cycle so that kind of a thing happens and it is in fact what is meant to happen in such systems.
Cubeo is the Powerplay headquarters of Aisling Duval & yesterday was the final day of the Powerplay cycle so that kind of a thing happens and it is in fact what is meant to happen in such systems.

True but camping the planet near Medupe City, waiting for someone to automatically slow down due to planet gravity is low. The guy could be there the whole day and maybe hit 1 ship.
But I am mostly annoyed that couldn't break the scrambling. I was there for almost 5 minutes at max out speed pointing at the Escape Vector and couldn't go over more than the second pip.
Out of curiosity, could you evade an interdiction by just disabling your FSD whilst cruising? That will drop you out for sure, but does it drop out the other player on grid with you as if you were submitting? Would be a fun way to get away, although I guess it would be pretty broken :p

Been playing a lot of Elite the past few days in VR. Sitting in a comfortable chair just cruising around exploring is fantastic, previously I'd been sat at my desk and not really taking in the sights whilst in combat. As much as I still wish for more resolution to read the text in game more easily the general graphically quality is hugely impressive.
Thanks guys, yeah VA looks good, got it just not set it up yet.

I was more angling towards communicating with other players? Is there an in-game solution or is it Discord type option?

Out of curiosity, could you evade an interdiction by just disabling your FSD whilst cruising? That will drop you out for sure, but does it drop out the other player on grid with you as if you were submitting? Would be a fun way to get away, although I guess it would be pretty broken :p

Been playing a lot of Elite the past few days in VR. Sitting in a comfortable chair just cruising around exploring is fantastic, previously I'd been sat at my desk and not really taking in the sights whilst in combat. As much as I still wish for more resolution to read the text in game more easily the general graphically quality is hugely impressive.

No but you can ramp up the speed. The issue in my case was that he was camping near the planet. When you are travelling from the star to the base, you pass through the planet gravitational pull. Because he camped near the base/planet and not in the middle of space, the system already slows you down for landing. He was just 2Ls away from the base.

To break the interdiction it requires from you to ramp up the speed to escape by pointing at the Escape point. Some times that can throw you 700-800Ls away especially against strong player interdiction. However because of the planet gravitational pull you cannot ramp up the speed, and you are sitting duck for 5 minutes trying to break the interdiction with just 2 yellow pips on the left side of the HUD, while the enemy has full bar.

The first time I passed there, managed to escape because I was taking the wide route as the base was behind the planet. In that occasion I broke free in just 2 minutes.
However the second time I was much closer to the planet and couldnt break the interdiction regardless how hard I tried.
Not something you see everyday.

Yeh not common to see them that close. Think I've seen it maybe twice in my ~20k LY exploration loop I'm nearly home from. Good fun to fuel scoop straight through the middle, probably not recommended in most ships but my DBX runs at about 18% heat as base and has dual heat sinks if needed :D

As for what to do next, thinking Colonia/Sag A. Might swap ships though to mix it up as much as I like my DBX. think the Asp is meant to be particularly awesome in VR so could give that another look after not thinking much of it previously.
True but camping the planet near Medupe City, waiting for someone to automatically slow down due to planet gravity is low. The guy could be there the whole day and maybe hit 1 ship.

He was probably on a rotating patrol so wouldn't be there that long himself (unless they were short manned at that time). If you know about Powerplay and it happened to you once but still went back than really you don't have any reason to be annoyed. If the Q4 Powerplay update happens such tactics will only increase and Powerplay control systems & HQs become even dangerous.
Needs a big update of content.

I just wish the next generation of VR hurry`s up and is released so I can actually go to visit SOL system and just spend a week exploring it :)

What is it coming up-to 5 years since release and I have still not been to SOL for the above reason :)


(i might have actually been when i was ranking up for FEDS back in the day, but it did it one eye closed and squinted with the other)
Yeh not common to see them that close. Think I've seen it maybe twice in my ~20k LY exploration loop I'm nearly home from. Good fun to fuel scoop straight through the middle, probably not recommended in most ships but my DBX runs at about 18% heat as base and has dual heat sinks if needed :D

I'm pretty sure it was 58 Ophiuchi, but Wikipedia says that that's a single star.
Is anyone interested to create our own minor factions?
Already have seen quite a few player factions last few days especially around the federation space.

If we do, for me to join, has to be affiliated with the Empire.

Because Empire until the stars fade out....
I cannot get why some people say Python is better than Type 7 when comes to cargo capacity.
True one is M size but costs 76million for 256T capacity, while Type 7 can do 296T with 3D shields, docking computer and planet landing while is costs 18million tops. Without computer goes over 300T
I cannot get why some people say Python is better than Type 7 when comes to cargo capacity.
True one is M size but costs 76million for 256T capacity, while Type 7 can do 296T with 3D shields, docking computer and planet landing while is costs 18million tops. Without computer goes over 300T

armed cruiser vs. sitting duck.
armed cruiser vs. sitting duck.

Armed cruiser without weapons? :P
Because there are the template loadouts, otherwise it will crawl with sub 10ly jumps going nowhere.

As for the Type 7, I do not see how can be a sitting duck if you know how to escape interdiction, especially NPC interdiction which is dead easy to do so even on the more pathetic Type 6.
It's the flexibility that does it. Python is a multi-classed ship that barely gets outclassed by the more dedicated ships it competes with. It's probably too good imo, from what I gather the Anaconda is kinda similar in that regard. Currently flying my Python around doing some hauling missions and enjoying the views in VR. As you mention it's got 256T of capacity whilst still having ok shields, decent jump range and enough fitting for weaponry. Despite downgrading the power plant, power distributor and engines it's still manoeuvrable enough to throw around, land on planets and fight off lower end stuff. Don't underestimate that benefit of being medium sized too, it's useful being able to land at Outposts! For comparison my Python has a 4A shields, shield boosters in the utility slots to give me some bugger, 256T cargo, 3 large multicannons, 2 medium pulse lasers and a jump range ranging from ~25LY to ~39LY depending on load. Way beyond 10ly :)

Not flown the Type-7, can see it would be useful on a cost basis over the Python, but once you've got the latter I don't think it's worth looking back! I think the cost is the only thing that really justifies the Type-7. Once your at the Python it's arguably not a huge stretch extra to look at moving to the Type-9 and have ~3x the cargo.

Re: Interdiction. From what I understand the larger the ships the harder it is to evade interdiction. The stats suggest the Type-7 is a brick compared to the Type-6 so would struggle to evade a lot more. The latter is somewhat similar to the Python.
It's the flexibility that does it. Python is a multi-classed ship that barely gets outclassed by the more dedicated ships it competes with. It's probably too good imo, from what I gather the Anaconda is kinda similar in that regard. Currently flying my Python around doing some hauling missions and enjoying the views in VR. As you mention it's got 256T of capacity whilst still having ok shields, decent jump range and enough fitting for weaponry. Despite downgrading the power plant, power distributor and engines it's still manoeuvrable enough to throw around, land on planets and fight off lower end stuff. Don't underestimate that benefit of being medium sized too, it's useful being able to land at Outposts! For comparison my Python has a 4A shields, shield boosters in the utility slots to give me some bugger, 256T cargo, 3 large multicannons, 2 medium pulse lasers and a jump range ranging from ~25LY to ~39LY depending on load. Way beyond 10ly :)

Not flown the Type-7, can see it would be useful on a cost basis over the Python, but once you've got the latter I don't think it's worth looking back! I think the cost is the only thing that really justifies the Type-7. Once your at the Python it's arguably not a huge stretch extra to look at moving to the Type-9 and have ~3x the cargo.

Re: Interdiction. From what I understand the larger the ships the harder it is to evade interdiction. The stats suggest the Type-7 is a brick compared to the Type-6 so would struggle to evade a lot more. The latter is somewhat similar to the Python.

Actually tested Type-7 against interdictions yesterday. Had no issue to escape even 5 pip strong one.
It also felt easier to turn towards the escape vector at full speed compared to Type 6.

As for ships, decided I will keep the Type-7 for big purpose hauling, and going to replace the Type 6 with a Challenger.
For same medium cargo capacity (~100T) I can have a better ship to have if comes to failing an interdiction, while can load scanners etc keeping same cargo capacity.
Also insurance is half that of the Python.

Is shame the Imperial Clipper can only dock on L, as is the perfect solution :(
Fair enough re: the interdictions. Maybe the stats are missleading or the mass of the ship can actually help in the interdictions to some point! I've not read that much into the mechanics to be honest.

Switching the Type-6 to the Challenger seems an odd one to me, with the restricted military only slots you're lacking a good slot layout for cargo imo. There's 2 size 6 slots, but then you have to have a size 3 shield or run shieldless. Or are you looking to run a large shield and using the remaining slots for cargo? Python would work a lot better for this imo, unless you're expecting to lose the ships regularly to bring insurance into play. How about the Krait?

Yeh I want to like the Clipper too, but that size is killer. Bar it being fast there's just no reason to use it over some of the other Medium ships like the Python.
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