*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Update. Playing with the settings atm. Setting LocalDustBrightness to -0.15 indeed makes it blue, but too blue for my liking.


So here is with -0.13. Need to add more dust and remove the core brightness.

Cheers @Malevolence
Think I maybe onto something. The MilkyWayInstancesCount parameter seems to determine how many 'blobs' there are within the main Milky Way, so knocking it down a few (from 16000 to 10000 in my case) means the centre has less things add to the brightness. This is with the following.


Seeing the Screenshots reminds me I should tweak my game some more. I threw in some improved settings ages back but haven't really fine tuned. I suspect I can get it to look better :D

Started building a Combat Krait last night, going to go with heavy shields making the most of the Guardian shield boosters and engineering and make the most of the fighter bay, should be fun! I'm liking the cockpit on it, particularly with having the 2 medium hardpoints in view either side of the cockpit :D

@PinkFloyd Thanks, I do have Horizons. When using the map, how do I know which places has missions? I just visited some base on a planet and I could see the pads light up but I couldn't land on any of them. They just kept being taken up by other ships (I'm playing Solo). It wasn't a base where you are required to request permission to land. I did get on a pad once in time but it didn't say I could land and I ended up getting in the way of a landing ship... :rolleyes:.

Its somewhat confusing trying to find things you can do :p.
Sounds like you had gone to an Faction Outpost if you weren't getting the option to request docking permission. I'm not familiar with the mechanics around them but I've seen bases where you can't dock on planets before so suspect this was one.
Think I maybe onto something. The MilkyWayInstancesCount parameter seems to determine how many 'blobs' there are within the main Milky Way, so knocking it down a few (from 16000 to 10000 in my case) means the centre has less things add to the brightness. This is with the following.



Aha here we are. I will try later on MilkyWayInstancesCount 7000 and MilkywayInstancesSize a value between 2 and 3.
That will make the core less bright, more "cloudy" and overall bigger than 1.25. Cheers mate.

@PinkFloyd it doesn't take a lot of effort to backup the config file, and set the settings.
Having used in in the past redshade and sweetfx bloatware, going and fiddling the game by hand is easier and doesn't push your system to it's limits.

Btw, why Krait and not Krait II? The latter is better

Before I go to bed last night went and bought the "cow" known as Type-9.
I believe is the only ship in game that needs "undocking computer" or the AI should organise better the traffic. This is huge and barely fits on the hatches of the stations. I feel it's size creates a gravitational pull towards the local star after you jump in the system. Cannot explain otherwise the inability to turn away from them :D

Even a tiny neutron star encountered on my way back from LHS 1228, I believe saw it's jets curving towards the Type-9 the moment tried to speed up and jump to the next system.

Now I need to get seeker missiles and torpedoes and a crewman. Since the AI has the ability to lock on targets that aren't easy to do so with the classic way.
It will cut through profits but with 5 outstanding 27mil - 33mill missions, the profits going to be fast in with 700t+ capacity and an afford to pay for help.
(might try and switch ship the moment I conclude the missions, after having handed over the goods that might mean that I retain all the profits)
@Panos I've done it before, like you say - simple. I've just forgotten to fine tune after doing an initial pass on it ages back! I can't even recall how long ago it was, it might have even been on my previous graphics card before buying a bigger screen / Vive.

It's the Krait II I've got, the original doesn't exist in game so I didn't specify the 2 :)

Re: profits from wingmen. Does that % only apply to when you are flying the ship with them in support, or does it apply to anything and everything?
@Panos I've done it before, like you say - simple. I've just forgotten to fine tune after doing an initial pass on it ages back! I can't even recall how long ago it was, it might have even been on my previous graphics card before buying a bigger screen / Vive.

It's the Krait II I've got, the original doesn't exist in game so I didn't specify the 2 :)

Re: profits from wingmen. Does that % only apply to when you are flying the ship with them in support, or does it apply to anything and everything?

I shall find out later today. :)

Btw if I manage to make it half descent as this guy, I wont buy another ship....
Wtf :p

That puts shame to even the heaviest combat oriented ship. :eek:
First landing on planet base with Type 9.
Is so heavy that even the game cannot manage this thing. Vertical 90 degrees drop and got me out of glide at 3km from the ground
Usually all other ships including the Type 7, the system holds them at 20-25km. But inertia of the Type 9 cannot be stopped. Probably pulled the planet towards it.



It does look OK
Thinking of getting back into this for a bit after my FO4 playthrough concludes, so thanks for posting the tweaks to change the background space colour. I always liked the inky blue look of Frontier Elite II and it would be nice to emulate this.

Haven't played ED since ~April when I returned from Beagle Point and was dismayed to find I hadn't quite gained Elite for exploration. Any significant changes I need to be aware of? I'm strictly a "solo" mode player.
I shall find out later today. :)
It appears that if you change ships around they get removed from the roster, now that may have just happened because I changed to a single seat ship but that's useful to know all the same. I guess when they are off the roster you wouldn't pay them. Not actually closely looked at money yet though!

Haven't played ED since ~April when I returned from Beagle Point and was dismayed to find I hadn't quite gained Elite for exploration. Any significant changes I need to be aware of? I'm strictly a "solo" mode layer.
I think the big engineering changes have happened since then, in short it's less randomised and everything can be a bit better than it was before. I think there was also balancing around some of the guardian modules, some of them are really useful. Loving the FSD Booster and Shield reinforcement modules so far.

Got my combat Krait II fitted out now, it's a beast. It's notably less agile than the Chieftain I had been using, but with the fighter and heavy shield setup it's a great change. I've stacked Guardian shield reinforcement modules and despite minimal engineering I've got ~1200 shields, and resistances of around 55/40/40 and Biweave recharge speeds, it's a damage sponge. I happily facetanked a NPC Anaconda and it's fighter last night :D Flying the fighters seems fun too, so will definitely be pimping this ship out more, might even buy the raider ship kit for it as it looks cool :p
I've never been more confused with what to do :p currently jumping from star to star in hope of finding something to take on. I took on a mission to source some items, couldn't find a single source to purchase from using the map and searching for the item. Had a mission in which planning a route wasn't possible, so my ship seems a little limited in distance I can go. Had a mission to take out some sentry things but got to said planet, zero idea who my target was and got destroyed by some big guards.

So I'm obviously doing something wrong, what's the way to go about this?
Welcome to Elite, a game you can't play without using external tools to achieve even simple things.
Firstly you'll want to use a tool like EDDB to find things you need to purchase - https://eddb.io/commodity - That should help you locate the items you are searching for and give you an idea of whether the mission is going to be profitable when you take into account the distance you may have to travel.
For that second mission, was it a passenger transport mission? I can't imagine what else you would find that would give you a distance you can't add to the route planner, even if you have the planner set to most efficient (max of 1000LY) vs fastest route (max of 20k LY iirc). Unless you've got a really odd ship setup I can't see you not having enough jump range to get around occupied space (the bubble) but I guess it is possible. What's you jump range showing as in the right hand menu under Function?
As for the Sentry mission, best bet is to google the mission type and see a guide. They tend to highlight what you need to do in a far more helpful way than the game does. Depending on the surface mission you sometimes need to provoke the base before the target enemy sentries start spawning.
Quick question

Is worth removing my old engineered upgrades for the new and improved versions (No God rolls on the older stuff) ?
By and large yes, the new G5 on the whole will be better than previous. Apparently there are some very rare super god roles that might be better off unchanged, but from what I have heard these are very very rare, and my guess those would be only for surprise mass reduction odd ball extra affects on some modules which wouldn't get a mass reduction affect with the new system, where all other module affects common between the pre and post systems are at least equal. Mostly the fact you can choose an experimental affect each and every time overrides any previous random effect god role, except for as I say, very rare cases. Anyway you should be able to test on Coriolis or ED Shipyard.
Thanks for That, took some sorting out with Shipyard and a evening of resource gathering to sort the hardpoints and powerplant outs from the old G5 stuff,

I do love flying a fully engineered corvette with full efficient beam load-out with a auto-loaded multi-cannons, I can stay in a Haz-rez for days on end :)
I found that after G5ing even a Python I could stay in a compromised nav beacon continuously with very little risk, until ammo runs out. I had to do this to unlock my final engineer Lori Jameson, it took absolutely ages but at no point was I even close to losing shields. I have heard the challenge these days is in pirate lord assassination missions as you are set upon by multiple ships at once, which are also engineered, that and Thargoids pf course. I am currently grinding Powerplay for prismatic shields so I can set up for the pirate lord missions. I also looked at how long it took me to go from Competent to Dangerous doing nothing but CNAV beacon constantly grinding dangerous and above ships and the thought of grinding for at least as long again jut to get to Deadly is just uuugh. I think at this stage I am nearing that point where you have to choose short term goals and work towards them and enjoy it for what it is, whether that is choosing a spot to explore to, or do mining missions for a week, or fully engineer a Sidewinder or whatever, rather than trying to excessive combat grinding for the sake of a rank.
Do you guys doing lots of combat tend to use fixed weapons or gimballed? I'm really trying to make the switch to fixed but I'm just wasting so many shots it's proving futile, I can maybe hit big slow lumbering targets but I can't deal with anything small or even some medium ships :( I'd do better with a more manouvrable ship than the Krait, likewise I imagine switching to a proper joystick rather than xbox pad would help, but even so it looks like a massive step up to being able to do it effectively against a good range of targets. I'm tempted to leave the Krait as gimbals and maybe even some turrets and have the AI do most of the flying whilst I get in a fighter and play around. Imagine the Chieftain I used to fly would be a lot easier as I could just stay still and strafe/fly backwards a lot more keeping pointing at the target!
Both very different play-styles tbh, fixed will improve your handling skills especially on the smaller ships and its really the only way to play these, takes a while longer as your constantly swooping in and out though, Transfer this ethos to the bigger ships and the challenge increases as you will require to FA off more and boost, so if like me your a beam laser whore you will also be constantly screaming commands to voice attack the likes of "full weapons" "full engines" getting the boost all wrong for the quick flip etc.

Its just different, i would work on a engineered gimbled load-out first (python upwards) then dabble into fixed when funds/time allows.
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