*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Fair enough re: the interdictions. Maybe the stats are missleading or the mass of the ship can actually help in the interdictions to some point! I've not read that much into the mechanics to be honest.

Switching the Type-6 to the Challenger seems an odd one to me, with the restricted military only slots you're lacking a good slot layout for cargo imo. There's 2 size 6 slots, but then you have to have a size 3 shield or run shieldless. Or are you looking to run a large shield and using the remaining slots for cargo? Python would work a lot better for this imo, unless you're expecting to lose the ships regularly to bring insurance into play. How about the Krait?

Yeh I want to like the Clipper too, but that size is killer. Bar it being fast there's just no reason to use it over some of the other Medium ships like the Python.

Clipper is beautiful, might buy it for the sake of it, however cannot get what they were thinking. It's dimensions are smaller than the Python, I believe in total mass also, yet needs L pads.
Imperial grandeur? :rolleyes:

Anyhow. After a lot of thought and trying different ships and outfits on the designer, decided to bite the bullet and get a Python :p
Happened to have a nice supply mission generation tonight, from the minor power trying to push in the local system, making bit more than 40 million in just two hours.
So off 6 jumps to LHS 1228 and bought a discounted (15%) Python. Equipped it nicely (cost me less than the value, around 70ish as I have some engineered parts like 5A drive)


and 212T cargo is good enough until the weekend when I will have time to pop and buy a Type 9 for general haulage.

Going to setup a Viper MK3 for planetary landings etc, because I never felt comfortable with this part. So better be safe than losing 5mil because in the dark side of the planet didn't saw the crater and off I went. Almost destroyed the DBX yesterday. :o
Jump drive looks ok on the Type-9 considering it's size if you've engineered the FSD, especially if you sacrifice one of the smaller slots for one of the guardian fsd boosters.

Think I'm going to buy a Krait next, I fancy a heavily shielded combat ship and can see the Krait can pull that off well with Guardian shield boost slots if I use them, plus has the power to use a shield cell bank well and have nice dps. Plus I get to try out a fighter! Should make a change from using a Chieftain for combat.
I originally gave up as I messed up the KB/M controls settings and couldn't be bothered doing it all again. I ended up downloaded this again and now sorted out the controls for it properly, thanks to @NeoWave for previously providing me with these controls a while ago. They work great now I'm used to it!

What should I begin with when I spawn to earn money?

My profile is CMDR Amidala Sorrows if anyone is interested in added me ingame. I deleted the previous profile to start again.
Probably an easy way to make some money where you aren't somewhat reliant on having ships of a specific size (for cargo / passenger missions) or strength (combat) would be to do the surface scan style missions with an SRV. You do need the Horizons addon for that though, have you got it?
If so the missions tend to involve flying a planet, landing by a building and scanning a target. There are also variations that involve killing a few things in the SRV, which is pretty easy. They can pay pretty well and it's easy to stack a bunch of missions at a time, and whilst you can't exploit them by having the game thinking you are completing multiple at once - they can often be around a single planet/moon and you can save a lot of time to get a decent credit per hour ratio.

You can pick them up in most systems, I think they pay best in warzones or areas where there is competition between factions. I know there's plenty available in Maia where I've been running missions from recently. But imagine you want something a little closer to the Bubble if you are just starting out. I can dig around and see if I can suggest some other systems this evening if that sounds of interest?
@PinkFloyd Thanks, I do have Horizons. When using the map, how do I know which places has missions? I just visited some base on a planet and I could see the pads light up but I couldn't land on any of them. They just kept being taken up by other ships (I'm playing Solo). It wasn't a base where you are required to request permission to land. I did get on a pad once in time but it didn't say I could land and I ended up getting in the way of a landing ship... :rolleyes:.

Its somewhat confusing trying to find things you can do :p.
As far as I know, all bases require landing permission?

I did look through the tabs where you normally request landing and nothing was showing up. The pads was lighting up and then going away, different ones at different times. Even when I did get over one of them lit up, the screen didn't change to tell me about my landing (my landing gear was down).
I did look through the tabs where you normally request landing and nothing was showing up. The pads was lighting up and then going away, different ones at different times. Even when I did get over one of them lit up, the screen didn't change to tell me about my landing (my landing gear was down).

I would advise doing the tutorials.

You go to the base, go onto contacts and select the station and select request docking
I would advise doing the tutorials.

You go to the base, go onto contacts and select the station and select request docking

I've done them all and I just couldn't figure out what to call them, so said tabs. I know how to request access but this place just didn't have the option. It was like it was a port for deliveries, but then the pads would light up and then go off when another ship landed on them. Maybe I didn't have the correct requirements to land / request permission to land.

I guess I just entered the wrong location to browse :p.
Type 9 why why why, I hate that ship with a passion, the jump range or lack of drives me insane.

Because in 2 single jump trips can do 23 million pure profit on the 30million missions I am getting. (plus 3million per return trip on goods sales)
I don't have to do 7 trips the Python needs.
what missions

Supplying stuff to a station faction.
It works wonders in Imperial space with minor Imperial factions having Patronage as government.

One day you have a Viper MK3 and 200k in the back, next day 20million. In two weeks time of barely playing couple of hours per day, 120m in back and 100m equiped python.
Without even firing a single shot. Just relaxing cruising.


I have also it's little brother...
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I did look through the tabs where you normally request landing and nothing was showing up. The pads was lighting up and then going away, different ones at different times. Even when I did get over one of them lit up, the screen didn't change to tell me about my landing (my landing gear was down).

First do the tutorials. Then make sure you have set everything on "HIGH", take off Bloom (doesn't look nice) take a backup of the GraphicsConfiguration.xml file found in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64
(assuming you are using the 64bit client).
And start playing with settings.

Have a look here, ignore his Bloom looks bad just turn if off

Also where he set the TextureSize make it 8192.

As long as you are not using injectors, which I find crap, you wont have issues even on a GTX970 while the game will look amazing even on a good tuned TN panel.
On a VA panel should look even better.
@Panos What has this got to do with anything I just said? The game isn't broken or glitching, the graphics and performance is fine.

I also know how to request access.... as I've already said. I just didn't get the option onscreen to ask to land.

Anyway, doesn't matter now. I ran out of fuel and oxygen and blew up :D.
@Panos What has this got to do with anything I just said? The game isn't broken or glitching, the graphics and performance is fine.

I also know how to request access.... as I've already said. I just didn't get the option onscreen to ask to land.

Anyway, doesn't matter now. I ran out of fuel and oxygen and blew up :D.

Because you are new to the game, just thought to tell you how to make it look better. And believe me it does look MUCH better than on default Ultra settings without affecting performance.
(if you see some glitching when jumping systems, lower the nebula values or if you have AMD card with HBCC support activate it)

As for running out of oxygen, on our first steps with the game, all of us have suffocated at least once. Anyone who says the opposite is a liar :D

Some even got outselves marooned on a planet somehow :o
@Panos ah okay, thanks. I'll have a look at them tomorrow. If talking settings, probably worth mentioning I game at 1440p and on a 980. So a little more demanding than 1080p but, I'll look at some of these tomorrow.
@Panos ah okay, thanks. I'll have a look at them tomorrow. If talking settings, probably worth mentioning I game at 1440p and on a 980. So a little more demanding than 1080p but, I'll look at some of these tomorrow.

I game at 2560X1440 with the Vega 64 at powersave mode and except in stations I hit 140 fps (my driver cap) while the game is looking like this, without using the more commonly used injectors which are greatly affect performance.

Thats how it looks now (especially look at the galactic plane)


and how it looked before.


The images are in the same area of space give or take 100 light years looking at the galactic plane

But as I said. Take a backup of the file first. :)
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