*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Not unless they added VR already?

X:R VR only. X4 doesn't support VR and it will never do. For no other reason other than Egosoft lost a lot of money on X:R VR since the market is tiny to justify the development costs.
However Egosoft has said if tomorrow X:R VR sells enough units to cover it's costs, they would implement VR on X4.
Is a great game. Use the Beta 2.6 patch and start a new campaign :)

Appreciate the update. On my Steam wishlist and once the next Steam sale drops, I'll jump in.

With regard to ED, I nuked my previous Commander and decided to start with a fresh profile, but I really can't get back into it anymore. Just... bland, both in terms of appearance and gameplay. There is really nothing to do other than flying around identikit systems doing identikit trading/combat. I mean, yes I went to Beagle Point (twice) with my previous persona, but the prospect of the two months or so of jumping that took each time, out and back, just makes me shudder.
Yes, I suspect the 2020 update is going to be a massive let down. Don't get me wrong I still love playing the game but FD do themselves no favours at all.
I am torn with ED. I adored the game at launch and some bits in it are top notch (stellar forge, visuals, audio, VR, flight model, SRV drive model)... And other stuff is either barebones, a sloppy mess or just make it seems like the Devs are totally out of touch and have no interest in the lore or maintaining versimitude.

There is no persistence , hell just Friday night I nearly lost my ship because my mark on 2 occasions in a battle of attrition jumped out with no shields and 30% health only to jump back in again 2 mins later full shields and health when my own shields were barely online.
Then there are the meat and potato missions for games like this which were in games like wing commander or xwing over 20 years ago (escort and protect missions or wing based convoys,)

Other issues such as a complete inconsistency in the lore which is nothing to some folk but for me it's a huge reason why I love the game. In development there were certain features FD promised would never be in the game such as fast travel.... And yet it took a massive fight to get them to stick to the DDF design when making ship transport NOT instant, and we still got the mess that is holome multicrew.

We have these huge ships the size of air craft carrier's and yet they are all ghost ships flown by 1 person engineering is less engineering and more "enchantment" ,Power Play relies on manual server reboots and bugs in it go unfixed for years, space stations are built in 3 stages again on server reboots . Hardly the living breathing galaxy we were expecting.
Game launched end 2014 and yet 5 years on we have 1 paid dlc and at least a year off a 2nd. That £125 life time pass some bought is gonna take some time to pay for itself !!!

All that negativity and yet I Still love the game but it is so far from the game I backed in KSer I am just so dissapointed.
.I hope FD raise their game in 2020

(Yay! I managed a whole post without mentioning the in your face F2P like big blue "buy out of game currency" thrown in our faces on the in game docking screen...;) )

I look at what FD started with with ED 1.0 and see what progress has been made even including a £30 paid expansion by a supposed team of 100 people. i compare that to the mess that was NMS at launch but just look how much that game had matured since 2016, by a handful of Devs and all for free. It makes me sad.
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What irks me most is the early days saw fixes coming nice and fast and it seemed like they actually cared about the product, remember the huge patch note postings and how fast they seemed to be able to get stuff out? These days it seems to go months for very little and they usually break more than they fix :rolleyes: They're not alone in this either, flight sims have suffered badly since the early days where we had fully dynamic campaigns and then suddenly it was as if everybody who knew anything about making them was abducted :confused: I still love the game and still play it as there really is nothing else out there that compares for me, and yes, I stumped up the money for the lifetime pass too, still, in about ten months I'm sure they'll be telling us that exciting announcements are coming but they can't talk about it yet. Oh well, I'm fully expecting half implemented features that nobody asked for and even less people actually want that will then be undeveloped further because nobody is using them... There's a dev diary of David Braben talking about how he wanted to do planets right and not be the same all over, it's like they took that as the instruction for it and went from there and then wondered why nobody bothered.

NMS is a good example as you say, sadly it's not the game I expected it to be after watching all the Sean Murray interviews and stuff, it's certainly not what he was selling as it stands but it's still a damn sight more impressive as a development story than anything Frontier has managed with it's alleged hundred odd staff working on elite.
Got my Asp Exp upto 69ly unladen, about 64.5 per jump, and made it to Sag A via Colonia. I might head straight back to the bubble and use the exploration data to quickly sort some more engineers.
I do love a good ED whine thread. As much as i love the game, its just so utterly disappointing in its current state and has been since 6 months after release.

Never before has a dev team made such stupid ideas to gameplay than FD. A game where their is no end goal, yet you was expected to grind like you was a unemployed for months on end to achieve extra jump range so you can achieve nothing.... Same goes for thargoids a ancient enemy where yet again to even access this content you had to guess what grind....

This was pretty much the nail in the coffin for me on ED more badly implemented gameplay. Aside from graphics frontier II is still the better game. I still play now and then mainly for flying around asteroid and some bounty hunting.
not played this for a couple of years and was tempted to reinstall - being put off by some comments, has it really not changed at all? Are there any good alternatives in the genre?
not played this for a couple of years and was tempted to reinstall - being put off by some comments, has it really not changed at all? Are there any good alternatives in the genre?
Nah, don't let it put you off, most people moaning about it have hundreds if not thousands (I include myself in that!!!) of hours played so it's likely a different viewpoint.
Nah, don't let it put you off, most people moaning about it have hundreds if not thousands (I include myself in that!!!) of hours played so it's likely a different viewpoint.
Hah. That's exactly my point when people complain about 'there's nothing to do in Elite' and then find out they have hundreds and hundreds of hours pumped into the game!
Hah. That's exactly my point when people complain about 'there's nothing to do in Elite' and then find out they have hundreds and hundreds of hours pumped into the game!

I have 1000s of hrs in the game... and whilst yes i am dissapointed at the glacial pace of new content in the game, actually my complaints have never been about lack of stuff to do in the game, more that the game in many ways is going backwards and is just not as good as it was at launch.

I would not swap my 1st 6 months in ED for anything, I tried starting from scratch a while back..... the early game experience no longer really exists in elite dangerous and that is the biggest shame of the game imo.

what is the point in all of those ships in the game which cost under 1 million to buy (and under 15 million to fully deck out)

steal 2 kills in a starter sidewinder in a RES and within 5 mins you have enough cash to buy a cobra III, thus side stepping a huge amount of early game content.

Imagine starting fallout game and within 5 mins you have a top of the range power armour, 1000s of caps of money and a kick ass weapon on top. None of this matters if all you want out of elite is a pure sandbox where you do what you want when you want.

but it sucks balls if you actually want a structured game in there with any progression, and you can get to elite in exploration now without ever doing any exploration at all, and you can get to elite in trading just by doing some mining for 20 hrs or so. Again not an issue for some.... I actively am trying NOT to get to elite , and that is not good game design imo.
I agree totally - the most fun I had in the game was scrabbling for 100s or credits, not millions.

I took me weeks to get from side-winder to the cobra, a real sense of achievement.

As I sit there in my cutter it all seems a bit easy.
I could not agree more, I was in my starter sidewinder for weeks if not months, credits are far too easy to get these days.
i was in my sidey for 25hrs or more..... I made "rules" to slow down my progression (if it feels exploity it IS exploity and never sell a ship i do not have another version of, and never strip down 1 ship to equip or get money to equip another ship. I was literally excited when saving up for the next weapon upgrade or other ship upgrade. I DID actually go from E to D to B to A on stuff over many hrs.

i was at maybe 100 - 150 hrs when i finally got my cobra III which is THE iconic ship of elite.... this was after fully upgrading my sidewinder (I still have that of course now named Bully's Special Prize), my eagle and my Adder - which I still use from time to time, it is a good ship for landing close to crashed stuff on planets.... (my backer level could have let me start the game with a loaded cobra III and some cash but there is no way i was cheating myself out of that early game experience).

That is all gone now.. FD could still fix it by implementing missions which come with a forced ship and really expanding on the whole ship reputation mechanic..... (that way whilst the economy would still be borked, I could not buy my way out of having to use cheap gear if i had say an under cover mission to join a pirate gang in my low tier pirate ship, or to carry out a security patrol in a station supplied viper )

Lots of ways FD could make all the ships have purpose, instead, the only reason to fly the weak ships is for a bit of fun, but it really takes away from verisimilitude imo. (in a universe where you are attacked as regularly as Elite, why would you risk your meat suit in an eagle when you can afford a vulture - which is better in every respect, still cheap as chips but will protect you 10x more).

All my gripes aside, dont miss understand me... in VR ED has given me the best gaming experience of my life and even now it is still great for what it is, it just isnt what i hoped it would be, nor what it used to be either)
I remeber the beta days when the 'galaxy' was literally just a dozen or so planets. I really liked that stage as I drew my own maps with trade routes scribbled on them.

I even went as far as buying a second account (side note how hard is it to have multiple accounts! literally had to download this twice rather than mess about with simlinks etc) so that people coming to mine to check out VR could play on this account without messing up my save.
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