*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Is anyone actually playing Odyssey ?
I am. Mostly still flying a ship though, so can call it horizons in odyssey environment.
I do enjoy exobiology, so probably that would be odyssey activity for me. At first look it may seem to be tedious, just hunting plants, but it is low altitude flight in VR to just find a sample, then quick pop out to collect it, and back to the cockpit. So guess still more horizons in it than odyssey.
I've just got a Python for the first time. Any advice for the weapons loadout? I just stuck the biggest guns I could find on it, since there was no issue with power levels - but I'm overheating within a couple of seconds of starting to fire.
I got 3x 3C beam lasers and 2x 2D cannons currently.

I also just made the mistake of joining in some system police who were attacking an Anaconda. After all, I've always read that the Python can hold it's own. I was dead about 10 seconds later...
I've just got a Python for the first time. Any advice for the weapons loadout? I just stuck the biggest guns I could find on it, since there was no issue with power levels - but I'm overheating within a couple of seconds of starting to fire.
I got 3x 3C beam lasers and 2x 2D cannons currently.

I also just made the mistake of joining in some system police who were attacking an Anaconda. After all, I've always read that the Python can hold it's own. I was dead about 10 seconds later...
Re: weapons, the first thing I'd say is that you almost certainly don't want to use cannons. There are probably some niche builds which can be made to work with them, but for standard PvE they're not good (slow, difficult to hit, ammo restricted and just a bit pants). Some combination of lasers and multicannons is a pretty safe default to be starting out with.

Secondly, be aware that firing weapons generates more heat the fewer pips you have assigned to weapons. In general, I would say that understanding pip management is the biggest, easiest improvement that you can make to your combat game. Lots of info about this online, e.g. https://www.edtutorials.com/ships/pip-distro-management-for-beginners/

For more general feedback, can you link to your ship build on Edsy or Coriolis? If your ship is overheating in seconds then something odd's going on - I'd expect your distributor to run dry from the beam lasers way before you actually start to overheat.
Having switched to multi-cannons, this is the build:

HPS is 25.

I have just switched out the beam lasers for pulse lasers, and that has dropped HPS to 12, so seems to have solved the problem, although obviously dropped my damage output too.

In hindsight, I think the reason the Anaconda stripped me so quickly is that I had failed to recognise that the overheating had already damaged me quite badly.
In hindsight, I think the reason the Anaconda stripped me so quickly is that I had failed to recognise that the overheating had already damaged me quite badly.
That certainly wouldn't help, although overheating doesn't damage shields, as far as I recall. The -20% thermal resistance on your shields, on the other hand, would definitely be an issue - that's fixable with some engineering, either on the shields themselves or a shield booster.

Something that we all have to accept in ED is that you can't have one build that is good at everything. Your build right now is basically a non-combat ship with some weapons on it. No shield boosters, no shield engineering, no hull or module reinforcements. Lots of cargo space, though :p

Realistically, you can't build a good ship for bounty hunting and hauling cargo at the same time. If you have a "home" station then you can use your Python for different roles by swapping out modules before you head out, but you will not be taking down those Anacondas with the same build you're hauling 100+ tons of cargo.

As an aside, because I noticed your build has 6B sensors - the A-E scale is not a purely "best to worst" scale. B-graded modules have much higher integrity, which you don't care about, and also higher weight, which you do. Generally you want A or D rated modules - A being the "best" (highest performing, but not always most appropriate) and D being the lightest. That doesn't apply to weightless modules like fuel scoops, where the only reason to go for a lower grade is to keep your rebuy costs down.
try using 2x Beam Lasers (M), and 3x Multi Cannons (L)

beam lasers use loads of heat

my python is an "all rounder" i have 1x beam laser and 1x multi cannon only
i also have mining equipment though, and i dont over heat in battles
Yeah, I only do a bit of bounty hunting to keep entertained. And I'm careful about only taking on stuff I can overpower usually. I went for the Anaconda because it had 3 or 4 police ships attacking it, I was kind of hoping it would continue attacking them, and I'd get a free ride.

I'm in Gliese where the community goal is currently though, so maybe I will re-outfit temporarily.

I'm looking for "Technetium"

and I looked on Inara and there was a 1.5% system near by, so i went there and mapped it, and nothing came up ?
so i then landed and i found a settlement near by, so i then went into my SRV as i approached it, it said "mining site" or something, as i got close , i crossed the invisible line and onto their territory and they stated shooting at me

what on earth are you supposed to do here ?
Did you go to harvest shard forest? ;)
Sounds like you did basing on distance.
Anyway, if you're after top tier raw materials, 'shard forests' are way to go.

Also when going 1500ly out, look out for neutron stars to boost your fsd, just be careful not to hit exclusion zone, shouldn't be a big problem with neutrons though.
im currently at "HIP 36601" ;)

yes you could say shard forest

fleet carriers are here to use, which is handy :)

just maxed out Tellinum and something else, tomorrow ill be going for "Technetium"
so i woke up this morning 1,100.000 ly away from where i was !!


so I'm no longer in HIP 36601
I'm in Synufe CA-H C13-5

No departure planned it said..
whilst out here, i thought lets explore a bit

came here, no idea why I've bookmarked this station though..




NOW I remember !
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