Quick heads-up for any Elite players who haven't noticed the ridiculous profits on offer for hauling Tritium in this week's CG.
Fozard Port is buying Tritium for 413k per unit, which means you can make upwards of a quarter of a billion credits per run, depending on your hauling setup. You'll need a decent long-range hauler or be willing to make a lot of jumps.
In my most recent session I was buying from a station about 100LY from Fozard, which was 3 jumps out, 4 back with a full load in my Cutter, for a profit of about 240 million per run. I run with good shields, weapons and a fighter bay, but you can haul more if you're happy with dodging or escaping interdictions. Use EDDB to find the best stations to buy from, and choose ones with a lot of stock that have been recently updated so you don't have a wasted trip.
If you do decide to take advantage, please don't sign up to the CG, just do the trading loop. You get the same money without signing up (minus a tiny amount in CG rewards), and the fewer people that sign up, the longer it'll run. Chances are it'll complete before the weekend is over, maybe even tomorrow. So get in now, if you can!