*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Just found a blue-white supergiant with HD designation less than 1.5k ly from Sol which is previously undiscovered, didn't expect that :)
this community goal has been very successful, and people will travel the 1hr 20 to hutton!

I think this has been the first CG that has been popular, anyone else doing the run?
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this community goal has been very successful, and people will travel the 1hr 20 to hutton!
I think this has been the first CG that has been popular, anyone else doing the run?
I actually did it aaaaaaaages back in my Eagle, before this was a thing - Some faction gave me a delivery mission and off I went, only realising when I got in-system.
I've managed to get my head around the game more now and I got over 400k credits which I splashed out on a new MKIII ship (sold sidewinder) by doing narcotics runs lol. Looking for recommendations on which 4 loadout weapons to get for the new ship? Currently have 4 multi cannons but eats ammo like nobodys business. Any tips?

Also when it talks about putting weapons on 1st fire mode and 2nd firemode etc..what does that mean? How do I switch from 1st to 2nd "modes" still not sure what this means :(

Also someone mentioned it but I bought a docking computer and it's amazing lol....nerdgasm when I first tried it as other have said lol :D :D
Also when it talks about putting weapons on 1st fire mode and 2nd firemode etc..what does that mean? How do I switch from 1st to 2nd "modes" still not sure what this means :(

Basically if you have lasers & kinetic weaps...

Set lasers to 1, set kinetic's to 2.
When you pull trigger 1 you'll fire lasers.
Trigger 2 MC's
Both = both.

Say you want to use KWS...
Fire group 1:
Lasers to 1
KWS to 2

Fire group 2:
Lasers to 1
MC to 2

So when in fire group 1, you can shoot enemies and scan at the same time.
Once scanned, change firegroup to the 2nd and once shields down, use MC to get the hull. (MC & Lasers at same time normally)

Basically what firegroups can be used for... If you have an interdictor, can use it in your normal firegroup and have it auto-disable when you bring your weapons out (how I run them)
You must be using a lot of cannon shells to get through shields, Is more efficient if you get two lasers and two cannons you can use your lasers to take down shields and cannons on the hull

Think of the "modes" more as groups, if you go to your right hand display you can set up fire groups so in this case set your lasers to one group and cannons to another and maybe another group with both....you can then bind a key/button to switch your groups

Docking computers are nice for the first couple of runs but the soon get boring as you can get in much quicker without them, and you defo do not want to be running narcotics and using a DC, you will get scanned and fined in short order
Nah, docking computer is quite fast these days, the only time you need to worry is if it queues, though it's easier to just keep control until through the entry port and then throttle back. I've been running plenty of illicit cargo in my python and leaving docking to the computer :)

I did a run to Hutton to take some scrap over, bit too much damage to make it worthwhile without making multiple runs though, was nice to see the place so busy though :)

Currently trying to work on my Empire Navy rank in the Gende/Bragur area and playing a bit of CQC beta which is good fun, eagerly awaiting it going live along with all the other improvements coming with 1.4 :)
I've never used a docking computer and I reckon I've inly been scanned and fined maybe a dozen times through hundreds of illegal cargo runs. It's worth the risk as the fines are usually less than the run is worth!
Question for you guys, do I need to buy both the standard Elite game and then Horizons very shortly, or will buying Horizons include the standard game?
I use a mouse and keyboard. Not got my joystick yet. Do you have to assign both mouse right and left as weapon 1 and 2? i.e. you click left and 1 weapon fires and then click right mouse and second weapon fires etc...??
Bought myself an Eagle, kitted out and went bounty hunting, I've made 350k so far, thanks to 1 or 2 nice bounties.

I'm a bit puzzled on how the whole rep thing works. I'm trying to earn Fed rep, but all the missions seem to be for smaller factions.
I think everybody would like to understand it :(


Basically put, You'll earn rep (and thus rank) with major factions by working for and with minor factions that are aligned with them, thankfully 1.4 has an update that will show faction icons in the mission text so we will be able to tell at a glance without having to refer to the faction listing on the right hand panel.
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