*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Posted this screenshot of a Wolf-Rayet system I jumped into last night on the Elite sub-Reddit and it now has over 500 upvotes, chuffed with that! :)


You made this weeks newsletter, grats dude :D
To save me looking, any news on expected Beta release for Horizons? IIRC, it was before Chrimbo but my old age memory is **** poor :p
Looked good to me, I did chuckle at using a docking computer on the Cobra but manually docking the Anaconda :p That sure was a pretty Res you were in though :)

What software were you using to stream with?
Looked good to me, I did chuckle at using a docking computer on the Cobra but manually docking the Anaconda :p That sure was a pretty Res you were in though :)

What software were you using to stream with?

Cheers Mr Grimes :)

That is using the latest Beta of Geforce Experience. It now comes with Youtube live streaming as well as Twitch.

That Res is jaw droppingly pretty and I quite enjoy just sitting there at times and as for the docking computer, I spend far too long looking around for those landing pads on outposts :D
Oh that is pretty cool, just set mine up to test and works like a dream :) I probably wont stream much as it would look bad with my TrackIR going all over the place lol. Had a good day in Elite today, 15 Million payout for a single cargo load of slaves to Achenar :D
Well I just finished a 2.5 hour trip from sothis and 14 smuggling missions. Crazy the rewards, I don't think these need to be changed, but I do think there should be more risk.
They clearly need to be otherwise it trivialises the acquisition of the larger ships and equipment.

Was doing a bounties clear up last night and jumped into a system on my way to an alliance world when I spotted a planet and ring system really close to the main star, flew past it thinking to myself that sure looks a lot like the spot Gregster was bounty hunting at, it only blooming well was, what a coincidence! :-)
Played last night after getting frustrated at my teams uselessness on BF4. Picked up a smuggling mission (which now seem to have much longer jumps than previously), took off and pressed what I thought was landing gear. Was actually jettison cargo. Inside the station. Oops.

Got interdicted on one of the runs. By a Sidewinder. Much LOL's but only a 22.5k bounty. Figured it was an NPC.
Finally got my Anaconda fully A rated. 24 mill rebuy cost and only 17 mill spare, so solo play it is for now and extreme caution :p
I look forward to reading your "lost my Anaconda, no insurance, I quit this stupid game" thread on the official forums shortly :p
So grey, dead Lunar-like worlds are all we can expect to see in planetary exploration? What about frozen or volcanic worlds like the moons of Jupiter, ie something other than grey lifelessness.
So grey, dead Lunar-like worlds are all we can expect to see in planetary exploration? What about frozen or volcanic worlds like the moons of Jupiter, ie something other than grey lifelessness.
Horizons will ship with rocky, icy and metallic worlds (and combinations, e.g. Mars-like planets which are rocky but with icy peaks). Ice and lava volcanism will be added at some point this season.

Well worth watching the livestream explaining the planetary generation tech:

And for the non-broken versions of the videos they tried to show:

The colour of the planet will depend on its makeup, so we should hopefully get lots of variation in colour and in features present on the surface.
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