*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Given the current payouts it's probably better to ignore Anaconda's and stick to killing more smaller ships in the same time I'd have thought.

True this. I found Fer-De-Lance's are paying really good and takes little time to take out. Generally around the 200K mark for one of those.
picked up the courier last night along with the CG money off (20%), a system (can't remember the name off hand) has an additional 15% off, the discount stacks so picked it up for 15 mill credits..

all i did was to take it out of the station and back in and i think i'm in love... the sound is amazing.. and feels so nimble... whacked a couple of tanks in it so i can speed run back to what my base is... and then come back out again in a hauler to retrieve my python..
Is the courier slow? I have killed a few now and they seem to lumber about like slugs lol but quite strong in time it takes to destroy one.
What's the purpose of the planetary landings? As in what can you do once you're on the planet? I just can't really get excited about the expansion, it seems a heck of a lot of money for not a huge amount that's of interest to me.
What's the purpose of the planetary landings? As in what can you do once you're on the planet? I just can't really get excited about the expansion, it seems a heck of a lot of money for not a huge amount that's of interest to me.

but but, its landing on a planet....

I have said the same thing since it was on the cards. Planetary landings is just fluff. The game is simply about gathering credits, it has no charm STILL
but but, its landing on a planet....

I have said the same thing since it was on the cards. Planetary landings is just fluff. The game is simply about gathering credits, it has no charm STILL

Well that's what I've felt about it. I got shot down in the PC Daily Deals thread because I dared to question why the "expansion" is £40 for not a lot of content. There's barely any information on what you'll be able to do on the planet when you get there. Guns are all well and good, but I'm not all that bothered about driving around on a planet's surface shooting. If I wanted to do that I'd play Borderlands!
Well that's what I've felt about it. I got shot down in the PC Daily Deals thread because I dared to question why the "expansion" is £40 for not a lot of content. There's barely any information on what you'll be able to do on the planet when you get there. Guns are all well and good, but I'm not all that bothered about driving around on a planet's surface shooting. If I wanted to do that I'd play Borderlands!

*** - I am going to wait for the reviews before I decide if it is worth price , which at the moment it does not.
but but, its landing on a planet....

I have said the same thing since it was on the cards. Planetary landings is just fluff. The game is simply about gathering credits, it has no charm STILL

If you feel that way then the game is never going to be for you, that's not a criticism just an observation, in the same way that WoW has never been a game for me, I have never found it to be the least bit appealing, each to their own and all that :)
I believe there will be missions on planets as the first video of the seamless planetary zoomout had an outpost in it. Also mining and probably bounty hunting. There was hint of random generated content on the surface as well from that live stream last night, although nothing was turned on. Yes I expect the last bit will be planetary versions of signal sources that you get in space, i mean you cant have handcrafted missions and content for 10LY square of planetary surface they have to fill. I cant wait to be honest, hopefully down the line we will be able to create our own mining/trading outposts.
If you feel that way then the game is never going to be for you, that's not a criticism just an observation, in the same way that WoW has never been a game for me, I have never found it to be the least bit appealing, each to their own and all that :)

That's not really a fair response to his comment. Right now there's not much to go by, and you have to admit that the ability to land on a planet without really knowing what there will be to do isn't that exciting for some. That really isn't a reason to say "...it isn't for you". Are you really excited about the ability to drive a dune buggy around on a desolate planet with nothing else to do? Don't you think that might get a bit boring after a while? Even some of the things that have been suggested might be available don't really seem all that exciting.

I just feel that right now there's not much to the game aside from chasing credits for the next big ship. It feels very incomplete, they've given over a lot of their development time to getting it working on the XBone and I personally feel that the PC version has been neglected. Now to get new content, which we know little about, we're being told it'll be £40. As it is now, there's not a whole lot of depth to the game, and whilst I've returned to the game recently after about 6 months of not playing, I'm kinda feeling exactly the same about it as I did when I left. I want to get a better ship (I'm currently in a Vulture), but that's about the only thing that's making me play. After I get it, what am I going to do with it? And now, to get the better ship, my options are bounty hunting or trading because they make the most money. I am not interested in mining and I was excited about giving smuggling a go in Sothis but that's been heavily nerfed, so my options are back to what they were originally.

I don't really know what I'm expecting, but I do feel that there should be more to the game than there is right now, and I don't feel that Horizons, with what we've been told so far, is going to fill that gap.
The video posted yesterday was only about the mechanics of the SRV's not gameplay items. I believe that a gameplay stream will be coming shortly. We know that there will be planetary bases and it has been mentioned that these can be attacked and defended, attack drones, crashed ships as we've seen all of these in other videos or screenshots.

Also remember that Horizons is a years worth of content, not just the planetary landings. We know that a crafting system is coming, and no doubt that will tie into locating resources on crashed craft and bases on the surfaces of planets etc. There will also be the ability to multi-crew ships and an avatar designer which opens up the possibility of walking around. There is also likely to be a lot of stuff coming in Horizons that we simply don't know about.
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I've pre-ordered Horizons. It will help develop the game and £30 ain't much for another whole years worth of updates/content. I have spent considerably more on that just on premium membership/packs for warthunder over the last year.

I do think though, FD will need to do something to expand the top end of the economy. The Anaconda is the most expensive ship. What do you spend your money on after that?

I know for me, money and Anaconda ownership don't represent any kind of end game, there's a lot of other stuff to do, not least 3 Elite ranks to achieve, but there is little point in having an economy if it reaches a sort of financial end-game where all the other stuff you can do becomes pointless because it generates cash you can't spend.
I think we're still to see the "big" trading ships such as the Panther which should help with the top end economy. I'm not sure when we will see them as I don't think they are included in 1.5 "Ships". I'd love to see them get to the point where the trading ship is so big, that it has to dock on an external mooring point and you need to ferry cargo to and from it. That could be a nice adaption of wings and multi-crew.
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Like I said, if that is your attitude then Elite isn't the game for you.

My attitude? What? Are you deliberately trying to create friction here? It has nothing to do with my attitude, that never comes into it. My feelings on the game is that the end goal is to get enough credits to buy the next ship, then rinse and repeat. What objective is there? What's the end-game? Go on, please tell me, rather than being deliberately confrontational because I dared say something bad about a game you obviously enjoy.
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