*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

They have said Christmas but not sure if that is release or Beta release. All I could find.

Holidays is the term they are using and that is full Horizons release not beta.

Hmm. Was considering upgrading my Cobra to a Vulture but then last night I got interdicted by one. And I wasn't that impressed although it was an NPC pilot. I would have about three million left over for upgrades, would I be better off waiting a little while?

The Vulture will walk all over the Cobra for combat, but it's not as versatile and while you can do some trading and exploration in it, it is not exactly suited to that purpose, that said, you'll earn enough in a HazRes in no time at all to rebuy and refit the Cobra.

Should be good to start HazRes hunting: http://coriolis.io/outfit/vulture/04D5D4D3E5A4E3C1e1e----4d02--2h.Iw19kA==.Aw19kA==

Will leave you enough for insurance a few times over too. Then you can upgrade as you earn :)
Frontier do seem to be a company pretty closed about what exactly they're going to be doing, my assumption being that they feel it's better to over-deliver, than under.
Given how they kinda messed up before with somewhat ambiguous content delivery predictions, as well as how a similar game has promised the moon on a stick and delivered nothing beyond playable demo walkarounds and boring mingames, I'd say that's the safe option.

The Vulture will walk all over the Cobra for combat
Upgraded a bit, the Vulture happily goes head-to-head with and beats the pants off of most NPC ships!!!

Which reminds me... I need to hop online tonight and buy mine something better than that basic armour, heh heh!!
Damned Vultures are a pain, they get in behind me in my Conda and make it a nightmare trying to get them in my sights. They can rip my shields down in no time as well :(
Well on my way to 10,000 merits so thought I would show an easy way of getting there for those that don't know. Be careful though and cash in your merits often "just in case" :D

Beams are easy to aim correctly and fixed have better damage output than gimballed.

The time he had on target that Cobra at the start would have been dead by the time he had it's shields down with gimbals, less damage output or not.
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Much higher damage on fixed and I find them easy enough. Gimballed work very well but not quick enough.

Quicker than your beams were working there, like I said, the Cobra at the start would have been dead by the time you got it's shields down. Beams have their place but they are not the be all and end all that they are made out to be.
Quicker than your beams were working there, like I said, the Cobra at the start would have been dead by the time you got it's shields down. Beams have their place but they are not the be all and end all that they are made out to be.

Yer maybe. Might give it a try when I finish work tonight and see what is what. Not used gimballed since the early days.
Yup, plus they give you the ability to stay firing off bore sight, giving you the ability to dodge incoming fire whilst still accurately returning it. Side/vertical thrusters help hugely in this regard. :)
the sneak peek vid looks awesome.... i can't wait...

on a side note finally ranking up my combat and attained competent. :)

does anyone hang out on the lave radio ts? or part of hutton truckers?
How are they going to balance ship vs buggie combat situations? Surely ships should just be able to decimate anything on the ground?

Low heat from the SRV means they are going to an absolute nightmare to target, sounds like it will be visual only so no target locks.

Screenie from today's newsletter looks great :)

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What is the quickest way to get hold of around 20M credits that I need to make my Python dreams come true? I have a well-kitted Vulture so am guessing sticking to RES hunting?
What is the quickest way to get hold of around 20M credits that I need to make my Python dreams come true? I have a well-kitted Vulture so am guessing sticking to RES hunting?

Community goals can be great money earners even with minimal effort, I made 15 million from a single cargo drop for the last one, might be worth making a trip to get yourself on the board even if it is at the lowest tier.

Hows the controls on this, do I need some kind of controller to get the best out of it?

It's set up to work with keyboard and mouse, no idea how well it works as I've always used a HOTAS + Rudders, but I know people do happily play with k/m and Xbox controllers.
Gimballs on, now time to test them.


And I am impressed, not as powerfull but for smaller ships that are hard to keep locked in the sights, the gimballs more than make up for my misses. Good advice cheers Dano :)
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