*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

ChokKA, there is no end game as such there's not meant to be. It's a big sandbox, you find stuff you like to do or you don't. All the previous Elite games were the same and eventually you would have the biggest/best ship fully kitted out and a load of cash with nowhere else really to go. The game wouldn't stop but you then either kept doing what you enjoyed or stopped playing. There is no definitive end game, story completion or closure to the game. At least with this one they are updating content so there should be new things to do, goals to achieve over time whether that be the next ship, piece of hardware, rating etc.
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My attitude? What? Are you deliberately trying to create friction here? It has nothing to do with my attitude, that never comes into it. My feelings on the game is that the end goal is to get enough credits to buy the next ship, then rinse and repeat. What objective is there? What's the end-game? Go on, please tell me, rather than being deliberately confrontational because I dared say something bad about a game you obviously enjoy.

I think you are taking it the wrong way. While i haven't followed / played much in recent months. There are no goals in this game except the ones you set yourself. is there an end-game? nope not really, does minecraft have an end-game? nope.

In elite you do what you want, go bounty hunting, warzones, mining, exploring,..
My attitude? What? Are you deliberately trying to create friction here? It has nothing to do with my attitude, that never comes into it. My feelings on the game is that the end goal is to get enough credits to buy the next ship, then rinse and repeat. What objective is there? What's the end-game? Go on, please tell me, rather than being deliberately confrontational because I dared say something bad about a game you obviously enjoy.

a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
"he was questioned on his attitude to South Africa"

You feelings towards the game is your attitude towards it, don't take it so negatively or assume that I am being confrontational, I am not, merely pointing out that if you feel that way towards the game then it's probably not for you, we are all entitled to our opinions on it, and I am sorry if you find my comments confrontational, they are not meant to be at all.
You feelings towards the game is your attitude towards it, don't take it so negatively or assume that I am being confrontational, I am not, merely pointing out that if you feel that way towards the game then it's probably not for you, we are all entitled to our opinions on it, and I am sorry if you find my comments confrontational, they are not meant to be at all.

My bad, I'm having a rough day! Point taken, I took attitude to be negative :) Don't get me wrong, the time I spend in ED is enjoyable, it's just I sometimes find it hard to get enjoyment out of anything else other than bounty hunting or trading. I guess I don't feel like my time is well spent if it isn't used up making money, but perhaps that's my problem. Maybe I need to look at things differently. That said, maybe someone could respond to my genuine questions about what there is to do to have fun. As in, what do you guys do that makes you enjoy the game?
My attitude? What? Are you deliberately trying to create friction here? It has nothing to do with my attitude, that never comes into it. My feelings on the game is that the end goal is to get enough credits to buy the next ship, then rinse and repeat. What objective is there? What's the end-game? Go on, please tell me, rather than being deliberately confrontational because I dared say something bad about a game you obviously enjoy.

No need for that bud and he did say that it isn't the game for you which it clearly isn't. And as for the end goal, those of us who enjoy it have differing opinions on that. For me, I am really enjoying the combat at present and powerplay, which means I am doing my part to get other systems sided with my Boss (Zachary Hudson) by wiping out the opposition and keeping the systems we have by delivering intel. I also really enjoy just going exploring and I do feel immersed in the game at times and can't wait to fire it up.

I can see others won't like it and that is fair enough and I am pretty much the same as Dano in WoW isn't my cuppa, nor many other games but that doesn't mean I hate on those games and respect that others do enjoy them.

No offence :)
I really don't want to buy a joystick, have no space to put it without it being awkward. Can I get by using a xbox360 controller or is mouse and keyboard better?

Controller works well but Joystick and throttle is the best. I did play for quite a bit on a 360 pad with no probs.
I sometimes find it hard to get enjoyment out of anything else other than bounty hunting or trading.
Try smuggling?
By that, I mean try to lug some seriously high value, highly illegal goods right into the core of where they're outlawed and sell them.
How about you go out and kick the crap out of some traders? Go Pirate or Murderer and see if you can become one of the galaxy's top ten most wanted on all the station menus - Couple of people have millions in bounties on their heads.
Maybe get into Powerplay and see if you can massively beef up one power's hold on a system or area?

I really don't want to buy a joystick, have no space to put it without it being awkward. Can I get by using a xbox360 controller or is mouse and keyboard better?
I would have said M&KB is easier, simply because you have more buttons. The mouse controlling flight is a bit Freelancery/Evochron Mercenary/Darkstar One, but you can get the hang of it.
My bad, I'm having a rough day! Point taken, I took attitude to be negative :) Don't get me wrong, the time I spend in ED is enjoyable, it's just I sometimes find it hard to get enjoyment out of anything else other than bounty hunting or trading. I guess I don't feel like my time is well spent if it isn't used up making money, but perhaps that's my problem. Maybe I need to look at things differently. That said, maybe someone could respond to my genuine questions about what there is to do to have fun. As in, what do you guys do that makes you enjoy the game?

No worries :)

I honestly am just happy tootling about in a spaceship, I know it sounds inane but there it is, I can see me spending far too much time just flying through canyons and stuff when we get Horizons, I don't feel the need for bigger ships really and actually wish there was more incentive to the smaller stuff, it's an odd thing for me as I normally get very bored very fast in open world games, Bethesda's stuff being a great example, but Elite just satisfies some craving in me lol :D
I really don't want to buy a joystick, have no space to put it without it being awkward. Can I get by using a xbox360 controller or is mouse and keyboard better?

It's perfectly playable with the mouse and keyboard. You'll likely struggle with a lack of buttons on the controllers.
Well that's what I've felt about it. I got shot down in the PC Daily Deals thread because I dared to question why the "expansion" is £40 for not a lot of content. There's barely any information on what you'll be able to do on the planet when you get there. Guns are all well and good, but I'm not all that bothered about driving around on a planet's surface shooting. If I wanted to do that I'd play Borderlands!
You cant hop back in your spaceship, manually fly to another planet in the solar system(or elsewhere) and land there as well in Borderlands, though.

Anyways, we dont fully know what all will be in the expansion. For one, it will not be a single download and you get all the expansion content straight away on Day 1. It will be a sequence of expansions, building on the foundations, throughout the year. So even when they do announce the sorts of things we'll be able to do on the surfaces, some of the things might not be there straightaway, or if they are, then there'll be even more things to do later on that they just haven't announced.

We'll see. But there's no point in going around questioning the value of something that we dont even know much about yet. I agree that just driving around in and of itself doesn't sound super exciting, but there *will* obviously be more to it than that, so let's wait and see first.
I've pre-ordered Horizons. It will help develop the game and £30 ain't much for another whole years worth of updates/content. I have spent considerably more on that just on premium membership/packs for warthunder over the last year.
As a recovering World of Tanks and War Thunder addict myself, I'm more than happy with the price model for this game.
It's a big sandbox, you find stuff you like to do or you don't.
Some have described it as a "sandbox without any sand", which is only partially fair; player generated content is all well and good, but there needs to be more building blocks in place in order to create and sustain a vibrant player driven gaming world. All the signs indicate however that they are striving to put those features in place, albeit over the course of several seasons/years.
Frontier do seem to be a company pretty closed about what exactly they're going to be doing, my assumption being that they feel it's better to over-deliver, than under.

My hope is that planetary landings and the multi-crew ships will give the options of:
- Planet colonisation, giving us another reason for going out beyond existing human space. Of course THAT would mean suitably huge ships to transport goods to the other planet, then shuttle them down to the surface
- Being able to attack and/or defend planets against raiders and similar. Defense is less important, but there's talk of the Thargoids coming at some point
- Linked to the Thargoid, the creation of a genuine navy to actually go FIGHT against them. That'll require scouting, and combat, potentially on a huge scale. That would give a genuine reason for the use/availability of capital ships, and I'm hoping the option of carriers. With the introduction of fighters, wouldn't it be cool to have say one player fly his carrier out to an enemy system, drop his friends off in their fighter squadron, then allow them to go in and attack the enemy

We can but hope...
Here is this week’s quick-and-dirty unedited video capture from the Planetary Landings update for Horizons (using the same dev machines as before) as we begin a raid on a surface base, using two SRVs and a ship. Still quite a few elements need work which I won’t list here, but you can see there's been good progress since last week:

Hmm. Was considering upgrading my Cobra to a Vulture but then last night I got interdicted by one. And I wasn't that impressed although it was an NPC pilot. I would have about three million left over for upgrades, would I be better off waiting a little while?
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