*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

You don't have to but it is certainly easier to find them there, any system that has metallic rings should have a selection of RES, I've no idea what causes them to be hazardous.
There is no system security in them, so basically a free for all.

Are are servers down?

Yeh, I know that, what I meant was I've no idea what conditions cause a RES to become hazardous rather than high intensity in the first place and yes, the servers are having issues :(
Ok... I tried... I really tried... I so want to love this game....

But everytime I do a mission to blow up some pirates or bounty hunters etc, I seem to just spend my entire evening looking for them in signal sources....

And I found myself just nodding off between searching for them....

Im getting so ticked off with this.. :(

I can understand and a break isn't a bad thing and even me, the most stanch ED player has a break from time to time. Go play other games for a bit and when you are sat there thinking "bored need something", fire it up again and see.
Hello CMDR's

We are aware of some current server issues are currently looking into the issue.

Thank you for you patience as we address this.


UPDATE: We have located the issue, we should be back online est 20 Minutes~

UPDATE 2: Servers may suffer connection issues for some players for the next hour as we continue maintenance.

I can understand and a break isn't a bad thing and even me, the most stanch ED player has a break from time to time. Go play other games for a bit and when you are sat there thinking "bored need something", fire it up again and see.

I took a break for about 2 months as I couldn't earn enough money.. kept swapping between an A spec Asp and combat Vulture for trading/fighting then the smuggling missions came up and I played non stop and it rekindled my love. Just bought an x52 Pro to replace my Hotas X and a head tracker so I can enjoy it even more! :D :D
I took a break for about 2 months as I couldn't earn enough money.. kept swapping between an A spec Asp and combat Vulture for trading/fighting then the smuggling missions came up and I played non stop and it rekindled my love. Just bought an x52 Pro to replace my Hotas X and a head tracker so I can enjoy it even more! :D :D

I'm intrigued about ehy you think the headtracker could be eplaced by a better joystick...
I have the headtracker, but honestly, I think sometimes it just gets in the way of the experience of the game...

Man.. I really want to get into this but just so many barriers.
I have the headtracker, but honestly, I think sometimes it just gets in the way of the experience of the game...

Man.. I really want to get into this but just so many barriers.

Is it new to you? They can certainly take a little getting used to before they become second nature and then you'll wonder how you ever played without one :)

That said, Elite doesn't really need one, it is nice though :)
Is it new to you? They can certainly take a little getting used to before they become second nature and then you'll wonder how you ever played without one :)

That said, Elite doesn't really need one, it is nice though :)

No no Ive been using it a little while...

It is good, but sometimes it just feels a little "artificial" and makes my neck a little sore having to control the angle of view etc... (I.e not true a la Oculus type virtual cockpit - which it isn't trying to be of course :))
Hmmmm... have you tried different settings? I found using any sort of curve in the responses felt really odd and eventually settled on a completely linear response which I find much more natural.
Ok... I tried... I really tried... I so want to love this game....

But everytime I do a mission to blow up some pirates or bounty hunters etc, I seem to just spend my entire evening looking for them in signal sources....

And I found myself just nodding off between searching for them....

Im getting so ticked off with this.. :(

You are basically finding out what Elite Dangerous Dullness is all about I'm afraid. I am an early alpha backer and I really wanted Elite to match what the devs promised but it clearly hasn't. In fact they are now my officially least trusted developer. When they dropped the promised SP mode I tried and failed to get a refund. I tested the grind in alpha and beta for almost a year in the vain hope that someday it would have a decent immersive SP experience. That the USS and mind numbing star system shuffle were just place holders. I deluded myself into thinking it will all come good when the real game is released but the grind just got worse and worse.

I come back now and again in some vain hope it gotten better, a few hours in I can't take the grind anymore. I already have a day job I need to grind, no need to do it in my spare time. :rolleyes:
Hmmmm... have you tried different settings? I found using any sort of curve in the responses felt really odd and eventually settled on a completely linear response which I find much more natural.

Its the Smooth setting which I set it to I believe.

Don't get me wrong the performance is ok but just doesn't feel... well natural? (for a want of a better word?)
I already have a day job I need to grind, no need to do it in my spare time. :rolleyes:

Sigh... you just hit the nail on the head for me there bud. That's exactly how I feel.

I want to come back home and enjoy a game... not grind it out like a chore...

I really do not want to admit it since Elite has a special place in my heart, but at the same time, I can relate to what you are saying....

I mean is it simply because we are getting older?

Elite 2 was a superb game... but key words following after this sentence should be "back in the day", for it was essentially no different to what Dangerous is today (under the shine)....

I don't know, really don't know... I tried CQC, good fun, but....

Horizons.... just don't know....
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