*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

You are basically finding out what Elite Dangerous Dullness is all about I'm afraid. I am an early alpha backer and I really wanted Elite to match what the devs promised but it clearly hasn't. In fact they are now my officially least trusted developer. When they dropped the promised SP mode I tried and failed to get a refund. I tested the grind in alpha and beta for almost a year in the vain hope that someday it would have a decent immersive SP experience. That the USS and mind numbing star system shuffle were just place holders. I deluded myself into thinking it will all come good when the real game is released but the grind just got worse and worse.

I come back now and again in some vain hope it gotten better, a few hours in I can't take the grind anymore. I already have a day job I need to grind, no need to do it in my spare time. :rolleyes:

I am sorry to say that you are unlikely to ever see it any different, all games are a grind, some we enjoy, others we see the grind way too much to do so. Each to their own and all that, I hope one day you log in and find it different but I doubt it.
I am sorry to say that you are unlikely to ever see it any different, all games are a grind, some we enjoy, others we see the grind way too much to do so. Each to their own and all that, I hope one day you log in and find it different but I doubt it.

This is why I haven't thrown in the towel yet on ED. I want to rediscover it again.
Sigh... you just hit the nail on the head for me there bud. That's exactly how I feel.

I want to come back home and enjoy a game... not grind it out like a chore...

I really do not want to admit it since Elite has a special place in my heart, but at the same time, I can relate to what you are saying....

I mean is it simply because we are getting older?

Elite 2 was a superb game... but key words following after this sentence should be "back in the day", for it was essentially no different to what Dangerous is today (under the shine)....

I don't know, really don't know... I tried CQC, good fun, but....

Horizons.... just don't know....

Elite has a special place in my heart also. I find that ED is nothing like Elite 2, at least in Elite 2 the game galaxy was seamless. You would get a bounty hunting mission and would be told the following.

  • The Target
  • Their last know location
  • Their flight/travel plans
  • The date/time they will possibly be at station X

You then used this info to stalk or track your target, or even setup an ambush. It all felt so much more immersive than the ED version.

Pick bounty hunting mission
  • Go to system and grind random USS "instances" until you find a random NPC just floating in the middle of space who kindly tells you that your target went thataway.
  • Go to another system and grind the random USS "instances", until your target randomly shows up, kill target.
After the servers came back online last night I jumped straight back in, made about 500k doing some bounty hunting around a nav point.

Shorty after I started having issues with my Fly 5, z rotation was stuck turning right, tried everything I could to sort it, removed drivers etc.

Took to google to look for info and apparently it's a common fault, following advice I stripped it down and one of the wires has come off the solder :(
Not played my copy yet and I was one of the first to back it on KS being an original player on the BBC. Looking forward to the grind in truth and slowly just enjoying the beauty of the game. Watched enough of Obsidian Ants U-tube to know just how good it looks. Breathtaking at times. Do I want to explore the surface like in the clips dam right but its in space I think I’ll get the most enjoyment. The moment these VR headsets go mainstream this will be the go to game for a lot.
Exactly, if you are grinding you're playing it wrong :)

Nonsense, quite frankly.

ED has MMO style gameplay but the 16 per instance limit makes it utterly useless as an MMO.

  • Grind for credits
  • Grind for status
  • Community goals reward those who grind the most
  • Power Play rewards those who grind the most and actually punishes casual players for NOT grinding
  • Exploring = press H loads then honk your horn and point your ship to "discover". HONK...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...PRESS H (Star system shuffled)...HONK...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...PRESS H (Star system shuffled). And over, and over and over.

The entire premise for ED is grind.
It's one of those games where you need to create your own goals, once you have a target in mind then keep working towards it. Sometimes I head into RES zones to make money but my main goal is to move around and see the galaxy. Right now I'm trying to up my reputation in the empire so I'm heading out their way to try and pick up some missions for them. On the way I'll hop into RES zones when bored of constant jumping.
Nonsense, quite frankly.

ED has MMO style gameplay but the 16 per instance limit makes it utterly useless as an MMO.

  • Grind for credits
  • Grind for status
  • Community goals reward those who grind the most
  • Power Play rewards those who grind the most and actually punishes casual players for NOT grinding
  • Exploring = press H loads then honk your horn and point your ship to "discover". HONK...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...PRESS H (Star system shuffled)...HONK...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...PRESS H (Star system shuffled). And over, and over and over.

The entire premise for ED is grind.

Those of us enjoying it will disagree but if you feel you have to grind to enjoy the game, then i would say the game isn't for you. Each to their own though and I enjoy a casual game of BF4 but find if I spend more than 30 minutes playing, I am bored out of my box, so whilst I appreciate it is a fantastic game for others, it isn't really for me.
I agree, each to their own but please understand this thread is not only for those who love ED. I responded to Cavallino who was clearly suffering from the "is this it" Syndrome that Elite Dangerous provides IMHO.
I agree, each to their own but please understand this thread is not only for those who love ED. I responded to Cavallino who was clearly suffering from the "is this it" Syndrome that Elite Dangerous provides IMHO.

Did anybody ask you to leave? Got no issues with discussing it at all but don't expect not to be argued with when you come in here with super negative vibes, don't let that stop you though, the fact that you care enough to be in here is a good thing :)
I agree, each to their own but please understand this thread is not only for those who love ED. I responded to Cavallino who was clearly suffering from the "is this it" Syndrome that Elite Dangerous provides IMHO.

Easy tiger and your opinion is valid, albeit one I don't agree with personally but yer, if you find it a grind, that's cool. I am old enough to remember losing masses of my childhood to Elite on the C64 and I am now losing masses of my adulthood to ED on the PC (except beer sessions at the pub take priority over everything) :D
ED has MMO style gameplay but the 16 per instance limit makes it utterly useless as an MMO.
There is a massive debate over whether it is or isn't an MMO.
There *is* a massive number of online players, but they are *not* all in the same place at the same time... Is it, isn't it...

The entire premise for ED is grind.
Wasn't the original pretty much the same thing?
Grind away with the goal of becoming Elite, and then much more beyond....
Just got more to do here.

You would get a bounty hunting mission and would be told the following.
You get some of that on the Station Menu with the Top 5 bounties.
Difference here is that they're a live player target, so kinda impossible to predict.
What kind of outlaw files a flightplan, anyway? That's just begging to be caught!

Go to system and grind random USS "instances" until you find a random NPC just floating in the middle of space who kindly tells you that your target went thataway.
Or in other cases, fly around system until you discover the target and interdict them, with a rush to destroy them (if you can) before their wingmen drop in and start ripping you to pieces...

It'd be nice to have a tracking mission or two and I daresay things will improve on that front, but at the minute you could search every one of teh 400 billion systems and still not chance upon your target. What a wonderful game that wouldn't be, eh!
It is a grind TBH. However I am more than happy to do that. Same with GTA V. That is a grind. I think different people have different views on how the feel about grinding in games. There is no doubt that you can't just level up and have all the whistles n bells in a few hours. It is a reward based game with no short cuts (unlike GTA V) It is not your average game though. There is a lot of history to the franchise. I played it first on the BBC B in my school library. It is a game that has stood the test of time. For me, it feels no different today than when I was a small boy.
That is how I feel about the game.... Even if I have just rage quit after loosing my Vulture (1.2 Million insurance) and a million in bounties to a system anaconda that refused to leave me be and of course meant I could not FS........
Yay, just made 'Deadly' rank for combat and nabbed 11K merits in a military strike zone. Quite tough going from Dangerous and I think it was around 20 ships killed for 1%
Yay, just made 'Deadly' rank for combat and nabbed 11K merits in a military strike zone. Quite tough going from Dangerous and I think it was around 20 ships killed for 1%
Greg, what are your job rewards like now you are dealdy?????
Just seems the rewards for jobs killing pirates are quite high now I am dangerous..
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