*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Don't worry - You'll always have a place on my Python as a tea boy... or stewardess... depending on your inclination... and what you expect as a salary package...:p

Im a cheap and easy worker!

although I think the other half was hoping to jump in my 'conda and be my tea lady tbf
although I think the other half was hoping to jump in my 'conda and be my tea lady tbf
Aboard you come then, Mauney-me-lad... Let the Lady go shopping in the big toy while we get some serious work done.

Finish scrubbing the deck and then come watch/laugh as she tries to park yer Anaconda! :p
Anaconda bought, can't bring myself to sell the Python so it's been stripped, keeping the Asp and Vulture too as I can't be done with re-buying them later and needing to find all the outfitting parts I want so currently the Anaconda is very poorly fitted, I managed to launch and dock without dinging it though so quite happy with that :)
Anaconda bought, can't bring myself to sell the Python so it's been stripped, keeping the Asp and Vulture too as I can't be done with re-buying them later and needing to find all the outfitting parts I want so currently the Anaconda is very poorly fitted, I managed to launch and dock without dinging it though so quite happy with that :)

I bounced off the top and bottom first time I took it out :D I was so used to sitting in the middle with the T9.
Getting a bit ****** off ATM

I have been destroyed more time in the past few days than I have since I bought it.

I can understand that the mechanics might have changed but I fail to see how being interdicted by an elite pirate when in a type 7 is remotely balanced. I had no chance. Could not Boost away, could not frame shift... Just a prolonged destruction.

I would say "oh that was bad luck" but this has happened 3 times.... 3 million a time....
I am really poor at this game. Are there any good training websites/vids to view?

I may have over complicated the experience. Got track IR, an X55 and voice attack.
Getting a bit ****** off ATM

I have been destroyed more time in the past few days than I have since I bought it.

I can understand that the mechanics might have changed but I fail to see how being interdicted by an elite pirate when in a type 7 is remotely balanced. I had no chance. Could not Boost away, could not frame shift... Just a prolonged destruction.

I would say "oh that was bad luck" but this has happened 3 times.... 3 million a time....

What are you shipping and where? Are you allied in the area or not? So many factors involved in that sort of thing. If you are anywhere close to me I will happily come fly escort if I am online. Also, you are aware that mass lock does not work against hyperspace jumps yes? If you cannot jump to supercruise jump to another system.

I am really poor at this game. Are there any good training websites/vids to view?

I may have over complicated the experience. Got track IR, an X55 and voice attack.

Ditch voice attack until you feel the need, its nothing but flavour when you have an x55 which has enough buttons for everything. Might be a good idea to ditch trackir while learning the basics if you are new to it too as that can be quite difficult. There are loads of training videos linked in the launcher and main menu, did you try those?
Aboard you come then, Mauney-me-lad... Let the Lady go shopping in the big toy while we get some serious work done.

Finish scrubbing the deck and then come watch/laugh as she tries to park yer Anaconda! :p

There's no way im giving her the keys to the 'conda!!
Ditch voice attack until you feel the need, its nothing but flavour when you have an x55 which has enough buttons for everything. Might be a good idea to ditch trackir while learning the basics if you are new to it too as that can be quite difficult. There are loads of training videos linked in the launcher and main menu, did you try those?

Yes, tried a few of the games training missions but found them quite shallow. I think you are probably correct in not using VA for now but I am quite ok using TrackIR. I find it useful. :)
To start with trade, get some credits to upgrade then start bounty hunting.

My advice then, is to research some web sites for the best buy low/sell high routes in your area. Haven't traded in a while so don't know any off the top of my head.

Better than that would be to head to the local systems nav point (by the star) and go straight in to some bounty hunting. Local security will help you out (if it isn't a compromised nav beacon) and you will make some credits pretty quick.
I can understand that the mechanics might have changed but I fail to see how being interdicted by an elite pirate when in a type 7 is remotely balanced. I had no chance. Could not Boost away, could not frame shift... Just a prolonged destruction.
Generally, being rich enough to own a Type 7 would suggest you've levelled up high enough and been playing the game long enough to have figured out how to evade more formiddable enemies and/or evade interdictions completely... At least that's what the game is probably calculating when it decides what rank of enemy to throw at you.

Personally I never get interdicted unless I intentionally surrender, as escaping it is fairly easy. Beyond that, if you get caught then it's down to what patterns you fly, what kit you have and generally whether you're an OK pilot or not.
I assume you're cargo-running with more than zero weapons/point defence, zero shields and lightweight bulkheads?

It could just be that you're playing while tired.
I lost three high-specced Pythons one night before I realised why I was suddenly sucking against mid-rank Cobras...!

There's no way im giving her the keys to the 'conda!!
I already stole them off you and gave them to her... as payment for you. You belong to my ship now, me little Cabin Boy!!!
Guys I just wanted to come back and mention that Im giving ED another fair crack I think Im getting sucked into it once again, will know for sure later tonight :)
Listening to "Lave Radio" podcast to catch up and like the sound of the true pirate experience when they demand only a % of your cargo and have a bit of banter instead of simply blowing you up. Love the sound of that, obviously the pirate had a bit of gamer class about him.
Can you land in these bases (as in safe in a hanger) and then drive out? Be interesting if bases can be attacked and players decide to defend it by rushing out in the buggies! Drift, hand brake turns, Rolls the whole SRV just looks spot on and will add so much to the variety of fun you can have.
Joystick hat controls the turret. Joystick axes control the vehicle.
That said, I'd expect all this to be completely user-definable to whatever you wanted anyway, so it's whatever works best for you.

For ground vehicles i think i will prefer to switch to good ol' wsad for driving and the mouse for the turret. Makes most sense to me. I will keep the X55 for flying :D relly looking forward to Horizons
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