*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

On a side note do you have any Imperial rank? Next ship upgrade could look toward a Courier, really good fun that. Or if you have the funds consider a Vulture, but honestly it's a bit like cheat mode if you're playing PVE. :D

I tried a Vulture for a bit but the fire arc was a bit crap, then I went afk, came back to the machine and had been destroyed, then I started from the original station in a Sidey rather than insurancing it to my last location, so that was a pita lol
Currently flying about in that above Viper and just over 1m in the bank..
I tried a Vulture for a bit but the fire arc was a bit crap, then I went afk, came back to the machine and had been destroyed, then I started from the original station in a Sidey rather than insurancing it to my last location, so that was a pita lol
Currently flying about in that above Viper and just over 1m in the bank..

Gimbals ;)

AFK, argh - fatal. Always log out, guess you don't need telling that now haha!
Yep, if you need to go afk and really don't want to log out make sure you drop into normal space, turn flight assist off and hit boost, chances of getting dead then are minimal so long as you're not likely to collide with something :)
Bit annoyed.

Was doing bounty missions, finished up with about 1 million to be claimed + system bounties. Jumped to the first port of call to claim and just as I exited hyper space, I had a "lost connection" error and was booted to the menu screen. Logged back in and the ship was at a safe distance from the star, still intact however I have lost all my job mission completion tickets..... The system bounties are still there though.... :(
Yep, if you need to go afk and really don't want to log out make sure you drop into normal space, turn flight assist off and hit boost, chances of getting dead then are minimal so long as you're not likely to collide with something :)

I've always dropped into normal space, then just 4 pips into engine and left it flying into a random, not towards a star, direction..
Does the FA stop you decelerating back to normal speeds then?
Nope, pretty sure your method will work just as well, I just think that maybe the ship will run cooler with FA off and be harder to detect :)
WOW - just got ranked in Zachary so I get the bounty bonus.

5 million credits in a standard RES in 50 minutes.

Love the way the Python just melts faces with a all pulse setup.
Bit annoyed.

Was doing bounty missions, finished up with about 1 million to be claimed + system bounties. Jumped to the first port of call to claim and just as I exited hyper space, I had a "lost connection" error and was booted to the menu screen. Logged back in and the ship was at a safe distance from the star, still intact however I have lost all my job mission completion tickets..... The system bounties are still there though.... :(

Harsh that. I have lost connection before but kept my bounties etc.
That's a pretty open ended question, depends what you want to use it for I guess, have a look on http://coriolis.io/outfit/python/ and see how much you can spend lol

Actually I cant believe I asked that. Excuse my ignorance please!

Do you reckon it would be possible if we formed like an armada of ships and went to Sol and blew up one of the stations, is this at all possible?
Haha I've thought that before, it would in theory be possible, if its modelled or not is a different matter, you would have thought, certainly with some of the smaller stations that just have those flying defence things, if you co-ordinated properly, took those out, then sat there firing at the station, you would be able to knock it out, the larger ones though, that's a different ball game I would have thought..
Sadly you can't blow up stations. Not possible at the present.

Shame, I didn't think it would be possible tbh, wonder if there are plans to make it possible in the future, at least on the smaller stations..

The flip side of this is you could get the Capitol ships involved in rebuilding stuff, could make for some interesting Powerplay struggles..
Shame, I didn't think it would be possible tbh, wonder if there are plans to make it possible in the future, at least on the smaller stations..

The flip side of this is you could get the Capitol ships involved in rebuilding stuff, could make for some interesting Powerplay struggles..

I like your thinking there. Blow them up and rebuild them. :cool:
This is the problem with Elite, there needs to be more freedom to allow players to mould the galaxy.
Even blow up planets with "planet destroyers".

The trouble devs have already spoken about there is the EVE situation, where players end up controlling too much and adversely affecting the games of other players, particularly newer ones.
Taking your build as a basis, personally I'd go with this:

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...0.AwRj49RYg===.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper

or this:

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...==.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper Lightweight

Main differences between those and yours:

Bulkheads - the Viper relies on speed. For its size it has pretty good shields, so weighing it down with armour is a waste. To get the best flight model ideally you need the weight of the ship to be half that of the max thruster output. For the Viper this means 90T. The further away from that you stray, the worse the ship flies.

If you loose your shields, use the Viper's pace to disengage, recharge then come back to the fight. As such I chucked in a SCB for this very occasion in the first build. Keep it switched off unless you're in a position to disengage, turn a few other things off, fire the SCB's and then come back to the fight with it turned off again.

Life support - go for a D class, just because it weighs less.

Discovery whatnots - Viper's aren't known for their jump ability. Waste of time messing about with the scanner, you're better off using the pointy end to make credits... Chuck a bigger scoop in there if you're planning to move around.

The second build is a lightweight but viable combat/pirate build. The cargo space just gives you flexibility should you wish to relieve someone of their cargo weight. ;)

Cheers for the effort in the builds. I'm using a Viper to get back into ED and the first of those two might fit the bill...
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