Taking your build as a basis, personally I'd go with this:
http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...0.AwRj49RYg===.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper
or this:
http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...==.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper Lightweight
Main differences between those and yours:
Bulkheads - the Viper relies on speed. For its size it has pretty good shields, so weighing it down with armour is a waste. To get the best flight model ideally you need the weight of the ship to be half that of the max thruster output. For the Viper this means 90T. The further away from that you stray, the worse the ship flies.
If you loose your shields, use the Viper's pace to disengage, recharge then come back to the fight. As such I chucked in a SCB for this very occasion in the first build. Keep it switched off unless you're in a position to disengage, turn a few other things off, fire the SCB's and then come back to the fight with it turned off again.
Life support - go for a D class, just because it weighs less.
Discovery whatnots - Viper's aren't known for their jump ability. Waste of time messing about with the scanner, you're better off using the pointy end to make credits... Chuck a bigger scoop in there if you're planning to move around.
The second build is a lightweight but viable combat/pirate build. The cargo space just gives you flexibility should you wish to relieve someone of their cargo weight.