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How's this looking for basic BB missions, mainly take this here or go kill 5 pirates etc..
Not sure if I should be upping my shield boosters or my multicannons..

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/23A3A3A2E3A3D2C24241212080802402h2j.Iw1+kA==.Aw1+kA==?bn=Trig Viper

I did think about putting a multicannon on with the burst laser rather than having 2 top 2 bottom, would give me a bit more punch as well as the ability to increase arc with the multi's it having one top one bottom..

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/23A...2402h2j.Iw1+kA==.EwBhEYy7uI==?bn=Trig Viper 2
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Synthesis sounds like it could be pretty good and it's nice to see a wider selection of ships coming, Corvette does look cool I have to say, not sure about the hardpoints though :)
I like the Cutter as well as the Corvette but I was hoping to see a couple of ships like the Orca and offer some decent people transport missions.
Chaff vs ECM, which is more useful?
Think I'll change my load out from the above ones and have a better booster and then some sort of anti shoot me device...
ECM is useless. No-one uses missiles since they're totally ineffective against shields. Chaff on the other hand is very useful. Get two chaffs, don't bother assigning them to a fire group and just use the standard chaff button. It will auto switch between the two chaff launchers allowing you to keep up a perfectly consistent stream, making it really hard for anyone using turrets or gimbals.
Wooot, Made it to Admiral rank but be warned anyone also ranking up. I only accepted Federation rep missions and I marked down a line and a strike through on the 5th line on every mission completion to see how many missions it took....

A grand total of 294 missions from the rank of Vice Admiral to Admiral before a ascension mission came up :eek:
Wooot, Made it to Admiral rank but be warned anyone also ranking up. I only accepted Federation rep missions and I marked down a line and a strike through on the 5th line on every mission completion to see how many missions it took....

A grand total of 294 missions from the rank of Vice Admiral to Admiral before a ascension mission came up :eek:

Well done.... :)

Well I am finally making some proper money now I am rank 4 for Z Hudson. I recon at the current rate in the RES I am in, it's about 2-3 Million an hour.... Also I have noticed that bounties now seem to fly into asteroids a great deal more and Security service anaconda's like to ram ships.... which is helpful
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Boom! Post Commander for me this morning, I'll keep a log of how many missions I do before the next one pops up now too :)

Grats Admiral Gregster :D
Cheers Andy, hows this look then as an end point for my Viper?

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/23A...00002402f2j.AwRj4yWI.Aw1+kA==?bn=Trig Viper 3

Until I save up for a Python at least..

Taking your build as a basis, personally I'd go with this:

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...0.AwRj49RYg===.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper

or this:

http://coriolis.io/outfit/viper/03A...==.AwhMwRgyu5QuIA==?bn=Lowe Viper Lightweight

Main differences between those and yours:

Bulkheads - the Viper relies on speed. For its size it has pretty good shields, so weighing it down with armour is a waste. To get the best flight model ideally you need the weight of the ship to be half that of the max thruster output. For the Viper this means 90T. The further away from that you stray, the worse the ship flies.

If you loose your shields, use the Viper's pace to disengage, recharge then come back to the fight. As such I chucked in a SCB for this very occasion in the first build. Keep it switched off unless you're in a position to disengage, turn a few other things off, fire the SCB's and then come back to the fight with it turned off again.

Life support - go for a D class, just because it weighs less.

Discovery whatnots - Viper's aren't known for their jump ability. Waste of time messing about with the scanner, you're better off using the pointy end to make credits... Chuck a bigger scoop in there if you're planning to move around.

The second build is a lightweight but viable combat/pirate build. The cargo space just gives you flexibility should you wish to relieve someone of their cargo weight. ;)
A look at the new ships and some other cool stuff to do with collecting materials.

Is it just me that cannot stand the presenter on the Frontier Developments youtube channel?

He is probably a nice guy but constantly cutting people off and interrupting them mid-flow, really annoys me...

And because of this I must admit I usually don't watch any of their videos just because of how difficult to watch I find them.
Main differences between those and yours:

Bulkheads - the Viper relies on speed. For its size it has pretty good shields, so weighing it down with armour is a waste. To get the best flight model ideally you need the weight of the ship to be half that of the max thruster output. For the Viper this means 90T. The further away from that you stray, the worse the ship flies.

If you loose your shields, use the Viper's pace to disengage, recharge then come back to the fight. As such I chucked in a SCB for this very occasion in the first build. Keep it switched off unless you're in a position to disengage, turn a few other things off, fire the SCB's and then come back to the fight with it turned off again.

Life support - go for a D class, just because it weighs less.

Discovery whatnots - Viper's aren't known for their jump ability. Waste of time messing about with the scanner, you're better off using the pointy end to make credits... Chuck a bigger scoop in there if you're planning to move around.

The second build is a lightweight but viable combat/pirate build. The cargo space just gives you flexibility should you wish to relieve someone of their cargo weight. ;)

I've never played with the SCB's before, might give it a shot and see if they work for me.
Yeah life support makes sense.
Discovery, I tend to drop this on when I'm off flying long hop missions, I've landed in a system before with a star I couldn't refuel from and no system map and not enough fuel to get anywhere, luckily I got the Rat's to come out to me and refuel me :)
Lightweight build, might be worth a play, but without cargo, just go blow people up and claim the bounties etc..
ECM is useless. No-one uses missiles since they're totally ineffective against shields. Chaff on the other hand is very useful. Get two chaffs, don't bother assigning them to a fire group and just use the standard chaff button. It will auto switch between the two chaff launchers allowing you to keep up a perfectly consistent stream, making it really hard for anyone using turrets or gimbals.

Does this work with the Shield Cells too? I've been manually switching between 2 or more shield cells when taking on anacondas in my cobra :)
I've never played with the SCB's before, might give it a shot and see if they work for me.
Yeah life support makes sense.
Discovery, I tend to drop this on when I'm off flying long hop missions, I've landed in a system before with a star I couldn't refuel from and no system map and not enough fuel to get anywhere, luckily I got the Rat's to come out to me and refuel me :)
Lightweight build, might be worth a play, but without cargo, just go blow people up and claim the bounties etc..

With certain ships the SCB's are useful. They're not light though and are absolute power hogs so are better suited to the multirole ships. They're useful on quick ships though that can dictate engagement range since you're able to bug out, turn them on and use a bank, then switch off and dive back in. Just remember there's a 5 second delay when activating and that if your shield is dropped entirely the SCB won't bring it online any quicker.

Know what you mean with the scanner, but as said the Viper is a ship for sticking to some known core systems, not something to go sending off into the unknown. Cobra or DB is better for such duties.

On a side note do you have any Imperial rank? Next ship upgrade could look toward a Courier, really good fun that. Or if you have the funds consider a Vulture, but honestly it's a bit like cheat mode if you're playing PVE. :D
Does this work with the Shield Cells too? I've been manually switching between 2 or more shield cells when taking on anacondas in my cobra :)

Can't say I've tried because I tend to fly ships that are already on the limit as far as power is concerned. Never had the headroom. :)
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