*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

A single heat sink will happily negate the effects of a single A4 SCB in the Viper mk.4 setup I was testing last night, it is a matter of timing however, use the SCB first and you'll start cooking stuff. I personally think it's a good thing, SCB are detrimental to the game as they are, the people bemoaning that are just annoyed because their gankships are getting nerfed and will actually have to use something other than the ridiculous SCB meta that we currently have and they are suddenly going to find that armed traders might actually have a chance to put up something of a fight whereas previously it was a massively stacked scenario.

I am not sure I agree. They could just limit it to one SCB per ship, just as they do with other single allowable equipment. I play solo, so it is not an advantage for me in any PVP which seems to be the bemoan of those advocating these changes or in fact the removal of SCB's from the equipment inventory.

I have been testing today as well. I have loaded up my Python with Armour and gone looking for trouble. Up against a wing of 7 including an anaconda and a python, managed to get away no issues with chaff, boost after my shield was downed. My hull was 76%. So in that respect it is OK. However if I was a trader and got bounced.... would be a different story.

Screw me.... just spent the morning getting powerplay vouchers... Ive got only 1050 so far after half a day! This doesn't sound right surely.... how can I get 10k in one week!

It is a bit odd. I did my 1500 in less than 10 hours last week. So now I have only 750 to do this week to keep rank. This though has an advantage that is totally unfair.

I am in Kaushpoos doing the pirate clearing community goal. Since I now have a 50% bonus for bounties in Hudson controlled/exploited systems. I have made top 15% in 3 hours as it goes on credits handed in. I have an unfair score because of my PP allegiance and rank. Defo needs to be looked at as it dose not seem very fair.
I am not sure I agree. They could just limit it to one SCB per ship, just as they do with other single allowable equipment. I play solo, so it is not an advantage for me in any PVP which seems to be the bemoan of those advocating these changes or in fact the removal of SCB's from the equipment inventory.

That works too, regardless of how they fix it the fact remains that the current SCB implementation needs to be changed.
How difficult is this to get into for a new player? I'm toying with buying it but read that it is pretty much just an unforgiving grind for new players, particularly those without beta access etc.
How difficult is this to get into for a new player? I'm toying with buying it but read that it is pretty much just an unforgiving grind for new players, particularly those without beta access etc.

It is quite tough to pick up but I wouldn't say it is hard. Beta access doesn't make any difference to the main game either but if you do buy it, go through all the training missions and play in solo till you are confident.
It is quite tough to pick up but I wouldn't say it is hard. Beta access doesn't make any difference to the main game either but if you do buy it, go through all the training missions and play in solo till you are confident.

Cool, might get it this weekend at some point, just got Ashes of the Singularity too. Maybe get round to investing time into FO4 as well. Too many games...
Cool, might get it this weekend at some point, just got Ashes of the Singularity too. Maybe get round to investing time into FO4 as well. Too many games...


Horizons will be released in a few weeks, it's pointless buying the base game at this point in time, wait until Horizons has been released and buy that.
I have been monitoring the ED forums and there seems to be some saying that the Cutter is OP and same saying it isn't but I would rather hear from you guys what you think of the 2 big new ships?

We've (wing of 3 FDL's) killed about 40 Cutters and Vettes today in founders world, some in multiple wings (we were without loss). They die FAST and can barely move. Even with turrets on an FDL can tank the damage and strip their shields in seconds. One chap exploded before his hard points even finished deploying and we did this against known elite players. The only thing that got away from us all day was an Anaconda, big ships are flying coffins in open and a really really large target.
We've (wing of 3 FDL's) killed about 40 Cutters and Vettes today in founders world, some in multiple wings (we were without loss). They die FAST and can barely move. Even with turrets on an FDL can tank the damage and strip their shields in seconds. One chap exploded before his hard points even finished deploying and we did this against known elite players. The only thing that got away from us all day was an Anaconda, big ships are flying coffins in open and a really really large target.

Wow, that's kinda meh and I was expecting the Vette to be far quicker at turning, so could cause big damage against the much slower Conda. Cheers for the info :)

I really do like the look of that Cutter though and have been trying to level up in the Empire for it but after reading that, I am now not so sure.
To be fair, name a ship that could last for more then a few seconds against a wing of 3 FDL's who know what they're doing?

Even the conda, once the sheilds are stripped, it's touch and go if you're gonna escape.
Is the FDL that good?

Yes. It's pretty much a huge hardpoint with whopping engines on the back of it. There's 4x medium hardpoints too, the ability to have about ~700mj of shielding whilst still hitting 406 on boost and 300 without.

The new mechanics for SCB's might hit it a little, but I think that's more likely to hit the Python guys who stack loads of SCB's all the time.
Well, they take time to activate - before you've even popped one off.

They also chuck a huge amount of heat into your ship. My FDL idles at around 30ish percent. If I turn everything bar shields and life support off I can get to about 20%. Firing off a single SCB will raise my temp to just under or over 100%. The days of stacking loads and firing them simultaneously are numbered.
Well, they take time to activate - before you've even popped one off.

They also chuck a huge amount of heat into your ship. My FDL idles at around 30ish percent. If I turn everything bar shields and life support off I can get to about 20%. Firing off a single SCB will raise my temp to just under or over 100%. The days of stacking loads and firing them simultaneously are numbered.

I feel that is a good thing as far as stacking goes and seems a decent trade off. Maybe temps a bit too high for a single but fair. On my Conda it takes around 7 seconds after pressing SCB before it starts to kick in, which if not carefull can be too late but again, I feel that is fair.
There's an extra delay now. The 5 second delay is still when you trigger one is there, but there's an additional 20 second delay if switching it on from the right hand panel. This means no more hot swapping a juicy weapon off for a quick SCB during a scrap.
There's an extra delay now. The 5 second delay is still when you trigger one is there, but there's an additional 20 second delay if switching it on from the right hand panel. This means no more hot swapping a juicy weapon off for a quick SCB during a scrap.

Ohhh, that sucks lol :D

On another note, I have tried weapon after weapon and always settled on beam lasers (fixed or Gimballed) but just thought I would try pulse lasers again and wtf.... These things are so powerful, how did I miss these? Loving them.
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