*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Yep, far prefer pulse lasers, they just seem so much more effective (most likely a playstyle thing) to me, plus the added bonus of not requiring as much power, not cooking your ship as easily and not chewing through your WEP capacitor as fast :)
Yep, far prefer pulse lasers, they just seem so much more effective (most likely a playstyle thing) to me, plus the added bonus of not requiring as much power, not cooking your ship as easily and not chewing through your WEP capacitor as fast :)

Yer, I can have more to Sys now and save my shields longer.
Yer, I can have more to Sys now and save my shields longer.

Pulse do more damage to hull and sub systems than beam but beam can wreck shields faster.

Im pulse all day long. Think i might have to start playing again now with these new ships liking the look of the cutter
I have been monitoring the ED forums and there seems to be some saying that the Cutter is OP and same saying it isn't but I would rather hear from you guys what you think of the 2 big new ships?

i really like the ships, but they are not as an allrounder as the conda i think.

The cutter with the new trade-conda with its's mahoosive cargo hold, but it's going to be expensive and i'm expecting that you'll need a high imperial rank in order to get it. Maneuverability is sluggish, but i'd expect then

Cutter.. I'm not sold on the cutter at the moment, i think it should be more heavily armed, its a mini capital ship really.. the turns rate is better the cutter.

i like what they have done with the SCBs, it's a tricky one to balance. when i popped the scb it was taking about 5% hull damage, def need to pop heat sinks.

i think it's going to make it interesting to see how cmdrs use their aux hardpoints, more heatsinks i think
Folks, Ive just upgraded to a Python from an Imperial Clipper.

To be honest as I am going up the ladder of ships, I cant seem to see any significant differences when it comes to shields etc.

Ive armed 3 Large pulses and 2 Medium pulses... and seems to go through energy after around 30 or so shots?

Does this sound right?
Folks, Ive just upgraded to a Python from an Imperial Clipper.

To be honest as I am going up the ladder of ships, I cant seem to see any significant differences when it comes to shields etc.

Ive armed 3 Large pulses and 2 Medium pulses... and seems to go through energy after around 30 or so shots?

Does this sound right?

Don't go mad with Pulses. 2 or 3 max and a couple of cannons will do it.
Hmm, just hate ammo based weapons to go and rearm etc etc.
Grrr. Fair comments folks.

Whatabout turreted weapons? Ive never used them but heard they have a mind of its own and sometimes shoot things before you want them to?
Has anyone tried mining??

I picked up a Cobra MkIII on the weekend and headed to HIP 8396 to help Sirius Corporation improve the station facilities at Stepping Stone station.

My Cobra Mining Fit - http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_...31sC901012h.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==?bn=Mining Cobra

HIP 8396 Community Challenge - https://community.elitedangerous.com/galnet/uid/5640ba189657ba0828c5e695

Some more information on the challenge -

On average it is taking me about 1 hour to collect approximately 10 tons of Osmium. I've been flying out to the A-ring of the local planet (which has a Pristine Metallic ring) and it seems to be a bout 1 out of every 10 asteroids I check has Osmium content.

I'm not currently using Prospector Limpet Drones as I wanted to save on space in the Cobra for a Basic Discovery Scanner (lots of unexplored systems out here).

But looks like I will have to swap this out this evening and stick in the Prospector Limpet Controller, I'm hoping that will make it much more easy to fill my cargo hold quickly.

Hoping to upgrade to a bigger ship ASAP, what would you suggest for mining? next from a Cobra > Type 6?
Probably a type 6 because of the cargo space. If you have the money and rank, the Federal Dropship is also quite good because it can carry a lot of equipment/mounts and has more cargo space than a type-6. Though the jump range isn't that great.
you get a much better yield using prospector limpets, i posted a graphic about mining earlier in this thread.

for cobra i'd use this
http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_...30349C51lP4.Iw1-kA==.AwiMIypI?bn=cobra mining

you would have to be strict and dump things that you don't want

http://coriolis.io/outfit/type_6_tr...031v43C5P4.Iw1-kA==.AwiMIypI?bn=Type 6 Mining

the type 6 will be extremelt limited in terms of defence..... you're going to need that 3 a power plant tho

Thanks! - I did wonder about those prospector limpets...

I thought they just showed you which asteroids contained which minerals?

But it sounds like by using the prospector limpets you can improve the yield of an asteroid that would be lower yield if you mined it blind?

I've been manually sorting and dumping in the refinery / cargo window already :)
I have been trying mining in my python of late and have 7 limpet collectors on the go at any one time and a 10 bin refinery. Im in a pristine metallic ring and find platinum/osmium and paladium by the bucket load, but panite is still a challenge to find itr would seem

I make sure to take mining missions from the local bulletin boards to try and bump my income up but i cant seem to make more than about 1.8 million p/h, which is down on what a lot say they make on frontier forums - 4-6 million p/h.
I enjoy it but do still wonder if i should just trade as i would more than double my profits.

The prospector limpets increase the yield significantly so i always use them.
The prospector limpets increase the yield significantly so i always use them.

This ^^

Just changed my fitting and added a prospector limpet controller - filled up with 16 tons of osmium in about 30 minutes. Managed to run out of limpet drones though, probably need a better controller me thinks but will have to wait as I'm in the middle of nowhere at the moment.
To anyone using a 360 gamepad does this game support vibration/rumble because Im playing with a new controller and there is no vibration - I'm going mad because I cant remember if the game had rumble with my old gamepad (also a wired 360 pad) Ive deleted and reset my bindings and it still feels odd with no rumble, when shooting or crashing into things etc
To anyone using a 360 gamepad does this game support vibration/rumble because Im playing with a new controller and there is no vibration - I'm going mad because I cant remember if the game had rumble with my old gamepad (also a wired 360 pad) Ive deleted and reset my bindings and it still feels odd with no rumble, when shooting or crashing into things etc

Nope no rumble support as yet.
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