*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Spoke too soon second visit to the ring and used 28 prospector drones and found no Osmium! Will try switching between solo and open next time that happens....
LTT 4730 system, FNS Angelos just turned up, not exactly small...

As cool as they are, move on. You'll never make much money since FDev fixed an exploit where people were sitting next to the cap ships with turrets on Fire At Will. If a cap ship hits an enemy ship it will always get the kill, meaning it can be tough to get proper kill recognition. Shame since they're a great sight and the sound of them jumping in from hyperspace is great. :)
In other news, there's talk of the FDL getting a buff in the beta. Bigger class 6 power plant, and improvements to pitch and roll.

Not sure why they've done this tbh, it needed a little more top end boost speed and jump range. Power was never really an issue. :/
Aye, made about 620k, need to find another combat zone though as where I was the local station didn't do rearm which is a pita when you like your multi cannons...
ok that run with some missions for mining off the bulletin board made me exactly - 4,767,263 credits and just made another 4,090,494 from my next trip.

I have a python fitted out for mining with 7 collectors and 1 prospector controller, 192 tonnes cargo space and 2 D2 mining lasers.

Goto go pick kids up from school now but will add more info when i can later :)

I mine as i enjoy it :)

this is basically what im using currently
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What are they doing to the Python specifically or are you referring to the whole SCB thing ?

SCB stacking. Python could sit on a whole heap of batteries and keep the shields topped up without having to worry too much. Won't be the case now that the heat levels go through the roof.
Logged in finallybfor the first time in months to see what i had.

Hauling fitted conda and 107mill in the bank. Wonder if that will be enough for a hauling cutter.

Need to get my empire rank up though i think.
302 Mill + is what I'm thinking.

Add enough pennies for insurance (15 mill) and commodities (15 mill) means 330 mill.

So I'll be selling the 150 mill trade-conda, 150 mill war-Python and the Courier, have about 20 mill on top.
*Should* cover it.

With 720 cargo (or 728 without DC) it shouldn't be long to make that back ^.^
8 cargo is around 1% difference, with a parrot I find the DC helpful when need to move / play with her.

EDIT, enough weaps to smash things, 794MJ Shields, 15LY Jump
Yeah no problem. It'll just be a 'collision' shield if he's hauling. I used to run a 3A on my Clipper when running cargo. Just gives you a little piece of mind if things don't go to plan through the mailbox haha! ;)
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