WTF is going on with the server stats???!!!
I went RESing, as I often do, last night in my Class-A Vulture packing a beam laser and multicannon.... Done this a hundred times easy.
Anaconda, Elite, Wanted, no problem here we go... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
OK, obviously missed something there. Restart, pair of Cobras... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
Oh... alright... Go again, and again, and again, and again, and again...
I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy, but it's a rare day when a RES sees me lose more than 20% hull, never mind outright dying seven times in less than three hours!!
I typically only leave a RES because I need more ammo.
I had NPCs shooting me that weren't showing up red or flashing on the scanner, NPCs that could hit me with Plasma Accelerators every single time, smaller ships that could hit me from over 3.5km when my own weapons were showing as out of range... and even big, slow ships that could out-turn my Vulture despite my engines being maxed!!!
I thought it was just me having a really bad Off Day, or something gone screwy due to having the Beta installed, but a couple of non-Beta friends were experiencing the very same problems too.
Have they decided to just nerf all Players, or something?
I just lost near 20million credits in rebuy costs!!!