*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Well given I'm still only in my Viper at the mo I don't suppose it makes much odds to me :D, got 4mill in the bank now though, hope to get another 1> later tonight as the missus has friends round, should give me a few hours in and out of Combat Zones hopefully..
Need to decide what I am going to do with it though, Python would be a good next step, but the cost from Viper to Pythons not a 10 minute job...
Well given I'm still only in my Viper at the mo I don't suppose it makes much odds to me :D, got 4mill in the bank now though, hope to get another 1> later tonight as the missus has friends round, should give me a few hours in and out of Combat Zones hopefully..
Need to decide what I am going to do with it though, Python would be a good next step, but the cost from Viper to Pythons not a 10 minute job...

Vulture from viper, wrecks at combat zones.
WTF is going on with the server stats???!!!

I went RESing, as I often do, last night in my Class-A Vulture packing a beam laser and multicannon.... Done this a hundred times easy.

Anaconda, Elite, Wanted, no problem here we go... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
OK, obviously missed something there. Restart, pair of Cobras... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
Oh... alright... Go again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy, but it's a rare day when a RES sees me lose more than 20% hull, never mind outright dying seven times in less than three hours!!
I typically only leave a RES because I need more ammo.

I had NPCs shooting me that weren't showing up red or flashing on the scanner, NPCs that could hit me with Plasma Accelerators every single time, smaller ships that could hit me from over 3.5km when my own weapons were showing as out of range... and even big, slow ships that could out-turn my Vulture despite my engines being maxed!!!

I thought it was just me having a really bad Off Day, or something gone screwy due to having the Beta installed, but a couple of non-Beta friends were experiencing the very same problems too.

Have they decided to just nerf all Players, or something?
I just lost near 20million credits in rebuy costs!!!
Will 6A shields do the job, even with the boosters, given your mass?

As has been said...
For Trading:
  • Find the lowest class shield that is valid (if hull mass > shield ability you cannot equip it).
  • If jumprange for fav route is important, D rating, if not, A rating
  • If power plant supports it, slap some shield boosters on there - Again unless getting that extra 0.5LY jump means your route becomes a one jump route
Job done for a trader.

Don't even need a shield as much since the repair values are so low now.
Still good if you get interdicted though.
I like to blow things up that interdict me, my route is very short so can equip weapons / A rated shield / boosters etc.
WTF is going on with the server stats???!!!

I went RESing, as I often do, last night in my Class-A Vulture packing a beam laser and multicannon.... Done this a hundred times easy.

Anaconda, Elite, Wanted, no problem here we go... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
OK, obviously missed something there. Restart, pair of Cobras... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
Oh... alright... Go again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy, but it's a rare day when a RES sees me lose more than 20% hull, never mind outright dying seven times in less than three hours!!
I typically only leave a RES because I need more ammo.

I had NPCs shooting me that weren't showing up red or flashing on the scanner, NPCs that could hit me with Plasma Accelerators every single time, smaller ships that could hit me from over 3.5km when my own weapons were showing as out of range... and even big, slow ships that could out-turn my Vulture despite my engines being maxed!!!

I thought it was just me having a really bad Off Day, or something gone screwy due to having the Beta installed, but a couple of non-Beta friends were experiencing the very same problems too.

Have they decided to just nerf all Players, or something?
I just lost near 20million credits in rebuy costs!!!

It must have been one of those nights... I also sat in a HRES and was getting slaughtered in my Conda. I had 3 Condas in a wing firing on me and I managed to get away with roughly 30% of my hull left.

I have just over 320 mill in the bank to buy my new ship but I am keeping my Conda. My assets are just shy of a billion.
WTF is going on with the server stats???!!!

I went RESing, as I often do, last night in my Class-A Vulture packing a beam laser and multicannon.... Done this a hundred times easy.

Anaconda, Elite, Wanted, no problem here we go... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
OK, obviously missed something there. Restart, pair of Cobras... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
Oh... alright... Go again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy, but it's a rare day when a RES sees me lose more than 20% hull, never mind outright dying seven times in less than three hours!!
I typically only leave a RES because I need more ammo.

I had NPCs shooting me that weren't showing up red or flashing on the scanner, NPCs that could hit me with Plasma Accelerators every single time, smaller ships that could hit me from over 3.5km when my own weapons were showing as out of range... and even big, slow ships that could out-turn my Vulture despite my engines being maxed!!!

I thought it was just me having a really bad Off Day, or something gone screwy due to having the Beta installed, but a couple of non-Beta friends were experiencing the very same problems too.

Have they decided to just nerf all Players, or something?
I just lost near 20million credits in rebuy costs!!!

Eagles and Asp's seem to be fitted with Rail guns these days (or at least since I started playing again) That does have quite an effect on shields if you pick a fight or are attacked.

What I have started doing is checking out if they are equipped with Rail Gus's etc and if a wing has one with, I will take that out first.

I am back to a Vulture as my heavily armored and shielded Python was having difficulties when things got busy. I have just completed my stint with the CG and had no issues with pirate fire power.... I am about to jump back on and see how things are........
That does have quite an effect on shields if you pick a fight or are attacked.
Nah, this was going from full shields 100% hull, down to less than 10% hull within mere seconds.
Against three Elite Anacondas, yeah, sure... But against one or two poxy little Cobras (Competent at best) that move like Eagles, kill faster than stations and aren't even showing as shooting??

Were it just me, that'd be different, but others online at the same time were reporting the same.
Something DEFinitely up, there... :mad:
Rail guns. Cobras have them too, usually the 'Deadly' variety. They don't bloody miss either.
Progress on Horizons:

The Elite Dangerous team are working very hard getting ready for the Horizons beta next week. I have been impressed at what I’ve seen, it’s looking really beautiful; they are doing amazing things.

As always we’ve come across and solved quite a few issues. Our game is already using 64 bit data structures internally, and has been since the Kickstarter, but we’ve had to make a late decision to move to 64 bit OS support only (for Horizons), as some of the things we are doing with compute shaders have proved unreliable on Windows 32, especially with certain graphics cards even with the latest drivers.

So 2.0 and the Planetary Landings beta will be Win64 only. Season one will remain supported on 32 bit as well as 64 bit, until sometime next year at least. The good news is this doesn’t affect the majority of players; over 99% of our existing players are already running a 64 bit OS, but I’m afraid the roughly 0.5% on our last hardware survey who were still running a 32 bit OS will have to upgrade to run Horizons (most of these people may have upgraded anyway as they were still on DX10).

The team are working very hard, including this weekend to get the beta ready. The compute shader issues have caused us some delays, but it is well worth it. We are pushing this technology harder than we think anyone else has pushed it, and the results are great – the quality has continued to get better than those shown in my sneak peeks so far.

It will be tight for Tuesday but hopefully we can still achieve this date. It is looking and feeling really good, but if we find another major issue before Tuesday, we’ll let you know.

I will remain on this thread answering questions for the next hour, and will try to do a ‘sneak peek’ tomorrow too.

Right on Commander!


Looking pretty good for Tuesday, such a pity I will be at work until 10pm... it's likely to be a late night :D
Progress on Horizons:


Looking pretty good for Tuesday, such a pity I will be at work until 10pm... it's likely to be a late night :D

im on the fence as to if i should help with the beta test for horizons or wait until its deployed on the live servers and enjoy it in its full glory with less bugs etc...... I just get this voice saying SRV & landings much fun do it, do it now :)
WTF is going on with the server stats???!!!

I went RESing, as I often do, last night in my Class-A Vulture packing a beam laser and multicannon.... Done this a hundred times easy.

Anaconda, Elite, Wanted, no problem here we go... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
OK, obviously missed something there. Restart, pair of Cobras... BAMBAMBAMBAM, DEAD.
Oh... alright... Go again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

I'm not the greatest pilot in the galaxy, but it's a rare day when a RES sees me lose more than 20% hull, never mind outright dying seven times in less than three hours!!
I typically only leave a RES because I need more ammo.

I had NPCs shooting me that weren't showing up red or flashing on the scanner, NPCs that could hit me with Plasma Accelerators every single time, smaller ships that could hit me from over 3.5km when my own weapons were showing as out of range... and even big, slow ships that could out-turn my Vulture despite my engines being maxed!!!

I thought it was just me having a really bad Off Day, or something gone screwy due to having the Beta installed, but a couple of non-Beta friends were experiencing the very same problems too.

Have they decided to just nerf all Players, or something?
I just lost near 20million credits in rebuy costs!!!

Are you sure you are in a res... I made a similar mistake in a combat zone... Thought I was in a res , didn't pick a side and as soon as I fired I had everyone on me and dead in about 10secs!!!
Has anyone else had a bug when mining with an Anaconda?

Im using prospector and collector limpets and using everything the same way as i did with the Python but, for some reason the Anaconda suddenly wont let me deploy the cargo scoop? even from the right panel?

So i thought ill leave the asteroid ring and SC back in, but i also cant use SC it says i cant as something is deployed when it isnt?
very strange i never had this with the python at all?

current live version not the beta.

when trying to deploy the cargo scoop i get a beep to say the ship has recognised a command but nothing happens, if i log off and back on immediately the problem is resolved again, this has now happened on two different occasions today.

repair sequence didnt help and killing off my limpets doesnt help either, only quitting and re loading the game fixes it.....
I pre-ordered knowing how much time I would be spending on the game. I would have grabbed the lifetime thingy but was far too slow to get that and when I knew about it, it was already removed :(

Think i probably will do tbh, yeh 1 of my mates got the lifetime expansions but was too late in hearing about it.

Started trading a bit earlier 3,600 profit per ton roun trip on the new route.
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