*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

What do you mean by 'uncoupled' then?

It's sort of the same, SC just does it differently. SC keeps ship stability active (spin etc) but carries the movement of the ship, if that makes sense. So when flying uncoupled you keep going in the direction of movement, but can freely rotate the ship but the ship rotation self-stabilises - and to change your direction of movement you manually control the thruster. It's kind of awkward to explain if you've not tried it.. but I find it allows for a greater degree of precision control by manipulating the momentum of the ship feathering the throttle.
Disabling flight assist (from a quick test) appears to allow me to carry the direction of movement while rotating the ship (without auto stabilisation which is a bitch) but you can't manipulate the momentum in the same way... *shrug* I'll try it more in depth tomorrow.
No, that makes perfect sense but you can't do it in Elite, it's all or nothing when it comes to flight assist, people have been asking for optional assist controls since beta (maybe even alpha) with no success.
It's beginning to annoy me that every Hangar in every space station is exactly the same.

Yer, there is only a few different ones really and essentially 3 different types of station but all generally look the same inside. I do like to find the one's with palm tree's though and makes a nice change :)
I bought an EDtracker around 6 months ago but gave up on it after it wouldn't play ball and today I thought I would give it another try.... Well after some serious messing about and realising that I had it upside down, I got it working properly and OMG, game changer styleeeee. So much more immersive and so annoyed at myself for not getting on this sooner. :mad:

I urge anyone who is into this game to grab one.
It's beginning to annoy me that every Hangar in every space station is exactly the same.

I swear I read somewhere that they are working on more variations, or that is on the to do list.

I bought an EDtracker around 6 months ago but gave up on it after it wouldn't play ball and today I thought I would give it another try.... Well after some serious messing about and realising that I had it upside down, I got it working properly and OMG, game changer styleeeee. So much more immersive and so annoyed at myself for not getting on this sooner. :mad:

I urge anyone who is into this game to grab one.

It's certainly nice to have for Elite and much more imersive but not really a necessity, the scanner is far too good, that said, if you think head tracking is imersive you should try VR, now that is a whole new level of imertion :D
It's certainly nice to have for Elite and much more imersive but not really a necessity, the scanner is far too good, that said, if you think head tracking is imersive you should try VR, now that is a whole new level of imertion :D

It is a bit like voice attack. It just adds more to the game but certainly not needed but for gadget gimps like me, I love them :D

As for VR, I have the cash set aside for whatever gets released first out of the Vive or the Rift and so many times I have been tempted to buy the DK2 but been told that the res just isn't good enough, so wait it out.
You don't notice the res in the rift when you are in game. With your kind of setup Gregster you would probably be able to play at very high settings and x2 DSR. First thing you notice is being there :D But yeh cv1 and vive just around the corner. Will probably get the Vive tbh.

Finally getting back into this tmw (x52 pro arriving).
You don't notice the res in the rift when you are in game. With your kind of setup Gregster you would probably be able to play at very high settings and x2 DSR. First thing you notice is being there :D But yeh cv1 and vive just around the corner. Will probably get the Vive tbh.

Finally getting back into this tmw (x52 pro arriving).

I had a 2 month spell out when my X52 broke and because I had a backlog of games, I didn't rush to buy another but thankfully I realised that I missed it and got right back into it again. I do hope these VR things don't get delayed or at least not by much and we can get hold of them quite readily. The last time I tried VR was around 23 years ago and whilst it worked, it did leave me with really painful eyes. Surprised it has taken this long in truth but with tech now, it should be less painful lol
You don't notice the res in the rift when you are in game. With your kind of setup Gregster you would probably be able to play at very high settings and x2 DSR. First thing you notice is being there :D But yeh cv1 and vive just around the corner. Will probably get the Vive tbh.

Finally getting back into this tmw (x52 pro arriving).

Has Rift support been removed in with the latest SDK/Driver combo?

I only have a DK1, but upgraded to Windows 10 a litle while ago. I see no option for the Rift when running Elite... but from what I've read, at the moment if you're in Windows 10 you're screwed.
Just noticed that it's £9.99 on the Frontier store and that way all profits go to the developers without Valve taking a cut. So I decided to go that route and then use the option from the Frontier store to link it to my Steam account.
I only bother with the launcher and not go through Steam. I did register it on Steam but never bothered to use it and it just opens up the launcher, so wasting time :D
I bought an EDtracker around 6 months ago but gave up on it after it wouldn't play ball and today I thought I would give it another try.... Well after some serious messing about and realising that I had it upside down, I got it working properly and OMG, game changer styleeeee. So much more immersive and so annoyed at myself for not getting on this sooner. :mad:

I urge anyone who is into this game to grab one.

I've got one but gave up on it as well. What have tou mounted it in?
I have several baseball caps and I sewed it to the top of one and that has done the job nicely. I don't like wearing headphones for gaming but you could buy a hair band that footballers wear and chuck a couple of elastic bands around it. Make sure you have it the correct way up as well :D
When I got this game I was expecting to be wow'd by the graphics and sound, yet playing the tutorial I'm just feeling meh. Doesn't help the fact that I have a keyboard and mouse for this :p

But I noticed even set to 144hz/140fps(Capped MSI) it doesn't look all that smooth when moving about in the Asteroid field. I get this judder graphic effect, that is only improved by turning on Vsync ( would be great to have Gsync ). Also the graphics don't look all that, and the sound isn't too immersive.

Is it just the tutorials that are like this?
Could do with some help getting rid of stuttering. Win 10 Pro 64bit, 980 SLI, i7 3770K, 16GB RAM, SSD.

I get random juddering/stuttering when rotating and general maneuvering when near stations and stars. Its not all the time and its irrelevant of what graphic settings are used, sli disabled or enabled, tried all NVCP settings with various max frames, vsync on/off etc etc. At first you dont notice it much but after a while it starts to really annoy.

I'm only playing solo too at the moment.

Any ideas would be great, but as stated I've tried all the usual fixes.
Had to look what an EDTracker was, just like TrackIR :)

Anyone used Voice Attack yet?

I use voice atack all of the time in ED. It massively adds to the immersion. It just feel so great to say "Landing Gear" and hear your gear clunk down, "Jump" etc.. It's really easy to set up too...
Could do with some help getting rid of stuttering. Win 10 Pro 64bit, 980 SLI, i7 3770K, 16GB RAM, SSD.

I get random juddering/stuttering when rotating and general maneuvering when near stations and stars. Its not all the time and its irrelevant of what graphic settings are used, sli disabled or enabled, tried all NVCP settings with various max frames, vsync on/off etc etc. At first you dont notice it much but after a while it starts to really annoy.

I'm only playing solo too at the moment.

Any ideas would be great, but as stated I've tried all the usual fixes.

Try disabling SLI and see if that helps. The game isn't the smoothest going and I run G-Sync and still notice the occasional stutter but that is more to do with jumping in FSD.
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