*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

You need to buy a docking computer which takes up a slot on your ship. I've never had need for one myself.

Left hand targets panel, you can select and target anything and everything in system from the list in the first tab, there is also a bindable 'previous target' or 'nav target' option in the controls, I can't recall what the exact term is now but it will allow you to swap back to the previous navigation target though it is a little buggy at times.

Yup, standard docking computer available in outfitting, internal slots. That said, you will soon get used to where the pads are, once inside a station your compass will point to your pad, outposts, if you can't see it just fly past and check the other side, very rarely will it not be visible and again, you will get used to the rough layout of pads.

Thanks, folks. :)

I think this game is going to eat up a lot of my life, now!
Ooh, cool, so it will look like 4k? (Isnt this another name for super high uber type Antialiaising)?

Also will this grind my computer to a halt if Im using surround?
Ooh, cool, so it will look like 4k? (Isnt this another name for super high uber type Antialiaising)?

Also will this grind my computer to a halt if Im using surround?

DSR is Supersampling and a great addition. I am on 1440P and can run 5K if needed. VSR for AMD does a good job as well but not so many options.
Hahaha... was happily pootling about getting comfortable with all of the travel techniques etc. earlier and... ran out of fuel.

Noticed I was still moving, though, so thought hell, I'll just wait out the rest of the way to the next system.

Then DERNK DERNK DERNK, power failure, life support off, 4 minutes of oxygen left. Hahahaha. :D

Won't make that mistake again.
Hahaha... was happily pootling about getting comfortable with all of the travel techniques etc. earlier and... ran out of fuel.

Noticed I was still moving, though, so thought hell, I'll just wait out the rest of the way to the next system.

Then DERNK DERNK DERNK, power failure, life support off, 4 minutes of oxygen left. Hahahaha. :D

Won't make that mistake again.

http://fuelrats.com/ :D
I know they are working on a fix but the launcher sizing issue is a real pain in the behind.... I use my desktop scaled to 175% and I have to drop it down to 100% so I can start the game.....

Anyway, a fix is coming.
Caved in and bought it. Got this and a brand new Thrustmaster Hotas X for under thirty quid, not bad.
Found the Fuel Rats and thought it was a pity I'm playing Solo while I learn things. :D
Ah well... self destruct it is... :o

You can just go back to the main menu and switch to Multiplayer!!!!
You will be in the exact same place, just in MP mode.
You can still be saved!!!
Is there a way to fly uncoupled, a la Star Citizen, in this? I can't find any option for it =( feels so much better flying that way in a space game
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