*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Is there a way to fly uncoupled, a la Star Citizen, in this? I can't find any option for it =( feels so much better flying that way in a space game

I assume you mean without flight assist? There is a keybind to turn it off, it's certainly more challenging :)
Grats Gregster :D

Thanks Dano :)

Not sure if I want to go trading or exploring now or just joining in a a CG for a spell.

Anyone got any tips on what ship is best for exploring? I know the Asp is pretty decent but is there something a bit better?
Asp is great for exploring, I know a lot of people use Anacondas but the view out of the cockpit is just rubbish in comparison.

I'd stick with trading until Horizons personally so you can setup for landings too :)
Super tempted to pick it up myself in the sale! New 390 just arrived today so would be nice to have a nice new game to enjoy with it (although heard there's some sort of amd framerate bug in a certain circumstance? Not sure how big of an impact that is).

Think I'm gonna grab a Steam Controller next week as well so will be interesting/cool to give it a play with that if I do decide to buy it..


Anyone got any tips on what ship is best for exploring? I know the Asp is pretty decent but is there something a bit better?
I've always just used my Anaconda, I like the jump range and knowing that if I get interdicted on my way back I can't be mass locked and can soak plenty of damage. Never had any cracks appear in my canopy either, so I'm guessing it has tougher glass than the Asp.

Just got back from my latest trip to the core, build was as below:

Remember to turn off scanners, shields, cargo hatch and power distributor as soon as you're out of the bubble since you won't be needing them and they just generate extra heat.
Cheers and cheers Tbh. I will use my Conda when I do go exploring like I have previously done but do find its turning is very sluggish.

Bought myself a T9 to do some trading in (didn't want to strip my Conda down for that) and I forgot what a whale this thing is lol.
I will use my Conda when I do go exploring like I have previously done but do find its turning is very sluggish.
Yaw is poor, but pitch and roll are actually very responsive; if you keep your movement to the longitudinal rather than lateral axis then it's really not too painful. Of course as an experienced 'conda pilot I'm sure you already know this, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded :)
Do you own Elite already or are you coming onboard with Horizons?

I already own Elite Dangerous and was on the fence so to say.
But am impressed and £30 for what ever billion planets we can land on, I would say its worth it. ;)

Hope we find the Thargoids this season. :p
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