I'm going to be using the iPad to replace my notebook
I'm going to be using the iPad to replace my notebook (the paper kind, old fashioned I know). I'm looking for an app that will allow me to take notes at meetings and create a list of actions for me to do(add dates to complete etc). I know I could do this with two seperate apps, but has anyone got experience of one app, as I don't want to have to open and close apps all the time (well at least until OS4).
Don't mind paying if it's a good app.
Cheers for the info guys.
Had used evernote before and it works well and like the fact that I have the ability to synch between multi devices. It is really good in regards to capturing notes from each meeting and sharing that info. It also has the ability to capture :ToDo (Actions), but the downside it it doesn't allow me to allocate that action to a person and put a start time, deadline etc for the To DO.
I think Evernote is probably the closest application that I can use as one application to do most things.
I think at present I have to use to applications if I want to do the full Action management as well. As there seems to be a two streams of apps on e for actions/to dos (e.g. Things) and another for Note taking (.e.g Evernote).
Bloomberg app is stunning.