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Plates for extra HP, and it was one of the new level 4's, against Caldari and Amarr, so 3 different damage types. For serp missions, I just run kinetic as primary and thermal as secondary, but for angels, zazmatazz and the ones that do all types, I have to vary that a little.

Without the plates, I just get eaten alive so far, but I'm guessing that there's alternatives? I'm open to suggestions, [DW], but the thought of fighting without the plates just puts the wind up me! Would you suggest that I should just go resistance all the way?
Archangelus said:
Without the plates, I just get eaten alive so far, but I'm guessing that there's alternatives? I'm open to suggestions, [DW], but the thought of fighting without the plates just puts the wind up me! Would you suggest that I should just go resistance all the way?

I find peronally that resistances with more recharges in there allows me to tank better but some people prefer the plates to soak the damadge. Some people put plates on without know when to use them. But you might find it better to be given chance to kill them off.
I would say plates were only good if you know you cannot tank whatever you are fighting before your cap runs out and you need to buy yourself time whilst your reppers slowly loose the battle. Hoping that you can kill whatever it is before you loose all of your armour.

Otherwise its much wiser to keep the midslots rammed with Cap Recharger IIs, 2 LARIIs in the low, 2/3 hardeners then fill the rest with capacitor power relays, this ensures the best chance of an infinite tank and will allow quite likely allow you to shoot at the same time. Since the Domi is a drone-dealing-death-mobile you are laughing with an infinite tank.
Greater resistances are better than more armour. Especially now that ships have more HP than before.

It depends on how long you're fighting for and how good your resists are already.

With hardeners, a repairer's efficiency is effectively increased, so if you increase your all round hardeners by 50%, your armour repair efficiency is effectively increased by 50%, since your armour is 50% tougher... as well as your base armour HP effectively being increased by 50% due to the extra "hardness".

On smaller ships especially though, a plate will increase your HP sufficiently that a hardener pales in comparison to the increase in HP from a plate, as well as not requiring cap and a repairer to see the full benefit.

Horses for courses, as they say. :)
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Im in the hardening camp tbh. Large sheild extenders and plates have an adverse effect on your sig radius now, so they can soak up damage, but now at the cost that you will be recieving more damage. Hardners are the way forward, also try and get yourself one of those damage controls on your ship, a named if you can, they make a huge difference now, i dont undock without one.
Gentlemen, thank you. My new hardener setup is 1 cap recharger 18% in a mid, 2 LAR II's, active therm, active kinetic, and 3 cpr I's, and with 5962 base armour, I just tanked the whole first section of a level 4 vengence t once and didn't drop below 60% armour, or 40% cap, and that's with 2 350's, 3 250's, a nosfer, painter and webber running...

Previously, I'd have been running for the hills, but .... well... I'm impressed :)

wasn't deliberate, i have to say, to take on the whole level. one of my drones got away from me, and the rest is hitory!
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HI All,

Has anyone tried the Tech Secrets Lvl 2 mission in a destroyer ?

As the majority of the ships attacking appear to be frigates and the whole design of a destroyer is to take out frigs I thought it might be worth a go in my Thrasher, however....

I have tried it in my Stabber (first part) and got completely nailed and only managed to do it with some help from a Corp member :)

I get the impression that the Thrasher will get blown to bits in about 5 seconds !

Any advice would be much appreciated :)

um i wouldn't go in a thrasher they are ment to be good vs frigs but their amour and sheilds are pants when you are faced with 3+ frigs
I've not done the mission but i would have thought a tanked staber fitted with light/medium drones plus webber, medium proj should do you fine.
Thanks Lostcorpse :)

Need to train up the skill to get that webber fitted, should be able to get my hands on a Rupture tonight so hopefully that will help me go Solo on it :D

Current setup on the Stabber i have is;

2x 425mm Autocannon 1's (phased plasma)
2x 220mm Vulcan's (phased plasma)
2x heavy named or 2 light assualt named with thunderbolts or Thermal dmg lights

Med shield booster/med shield extender/10mn AB

Tracking booster thing/Small Armour Repair/Adaptive Nano plate

Really need to get my skills up relating to armour/shield tanking and sort out the webbing action.

Rupture will be good though as it will have the PG to use the med arts/howies to get those little frigates from a distance :)

THe drone bay on the stabber can only fit one light drone which i dont really find is much use !
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Armour Tanking is easyer to accomlish with smaller skill requirements.
Shield tanking requires a lot more skill.
Each work better for different ships and setups.

you may want to think about droping the Med shield extender for a boost amp as a thought.
The webber should allow your Medium canons to hit targets easyer.
Remmber to fit faction hardeners, i'e if your target uses explosive and kinetic damage types fit those hardeners.
On the low slot i'd stick a med repair and 2 hardeners.
your Autocannons fire fast enough it shouldn't make to much difference if you miss a few times plus with the weber it should be insta death for them
Re Drones dont be afraidd to use them its an extra gun that can be used up to about 35km away depending on skill.
Dont forget to change your ammo and missile damage types do good using thermal damage missiles if they have 70% Em 60% Exp 10% Them 40% Kin

A Rupture should help its a bit more versatile IMO

rambles on......
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