The *Official* Eve Online Thread

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Conversely, I still log on most days, go and do a few missions from time to time and enjoy it as much as I ever did as a casual player. I'm not joining a busy corp and letting it take over my life again. Although I did enjoy the late night freighter runs down to Feythabolis with Tessa Yor whispering instructions in that sweet accent.
28 Jan 2011
Conversely, I still log on most days, go and do a few missions from time to time and enjoy it as much as I ever did as a casual player. I'm not joining a busy corp and letting it take over my life again. Although I did enjoy the late night freighter runs down to Feythabolis with Tessa Yor whispering instructions in that sweet accent.

did you ever listen to EVE Radio Feek? I was a DJ on it for a month or two back in the day! My handle was "Sheol". :)
24 Feb 2003
I still log in most days and potter about a bit, I don't engage with corp stuff really anymore, only a couple of people from my corporation actually log on anymore anyway.
3 May 2012
Glad to see this is still going.

I played it from about 2007 for about 5 years or so and regard it as the best game ever made.

I had to stop playing it as to get the most out of it you need to be unemployed and/or living on your own.

But what a game, thousands of hours.........
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I occasionally log in as an alpha, to see the changes or catch up with old friends, but less and less often, I miss the Eve of approx. 2013 a lot but the game as it is now does not appeal to me in the remotest.
22 Nov 2005
it's a dead game, scumbag company farming dedicated players for microtransaction income.
someone should do a docu on how CCP made blunder after blunder, until they had no money left and had to sell out.

all the money they made wasted on games that never came to fruition, minimal investment in the actual money maker, no eve 2 that could have fixed all the mistakes they made with the first game.

another company ruined by short sighted greed instead of realising they had a monopoly of a niche genre that for a large period, made a ton of money
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I don't really see a need for an Eve 2 - they needed to put more time into new experiences though and a lot less time into constantly changing or rebalancing established mechanics and stats. It completely killed the game for me when far too often spending time, resources and planning towards something got ended not by other players but by uninspired dev changes. I think it is telling that many of the big content creators of the early 2010s stopped playing around 2015, most of them not due to being bored/burned out, with the player population coming down with it, though I'm surprised it is still managing to keep around the 20Ks active.

The game could easily still be around double the current population and probably a lot more of those percentage wise being paying players if there was better vision for the game and that is not something easily achieved in this game space. Though some haven't got the time for it any more the vast majority of ex-Eve players I've talked to haven't stopped playing due to being bored of the game.

I had to stop playing it as to get the most out of it you need to be unemployed and/or living on your own.

Mid 2010s there was a fairly good balance, without being too much pay to win, if you were prepared to pay real money to offset some of the grind as long as you weren't part of a corp/alliance which needed/demanded a high state of availability like some nullsec groups. IMO it was a good balance as it made it lucrative for those who were time rich, cash poor and those time poor but cash rich to be able to enjoy the game without stuff like pay to win having a big impact, which doesn't exist in quite the same way now or before it.
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18 Jul 2009
Tividale, West Midlands
I am an ex Eve player. I sometimes log-in as an Alpha to check my messages or see if the graphical models of the game have improved, but that is about it.

My observations.

1) Lots of my old buddies from 2004 and since have left the game due to various reasons, but mostly boredom. Me to.
2) Toxic players can make the game a misery.
3) Price, £15.99 a month vs World of Warcraft's £9.99! Seriously!
4) Lack of innovation over a decade. Game has stagnated and is obsessed with selling you skins and boosts...
5) Competition, we have No Mans Sky (one time payment), Elite Dangerous and probably many more that offer similar experiences for far less cost.
6) Eve can be like a job, recruiting staff, managing finances of your corp., retention of staff, logistics, blueprint purchases, building up to capital level star ships. It was a real time sink.
7) It was no longer fun.

I miss the era of 2003 and 2004 when the game was new, and people enjoyed this fresh experience. Now, it is over 20 years old and CCP sold the IP to the highest bidder. Which was not in the interest of their players.
24 Feb 2009
I didn't realise the cost of the subscription these days! That's not something I'd be willing to pay for the amount of time I'd actually get to play it for. I'd have thought something like £8 per month or something.

It was back around 2008-2012 when I played and it sounds like it's gone down the pan a bit since then which is a shame :(
9 Mar 2003
Eve was one of the most expensive MMO's back in the day, I don't think it was ever £8 if you paid direct (e.g. didn't buy time cars from dodgy 3rd party sellers). I recall WoW in its hay day being £8 and you had to buy the game/expansions at full price.

£15/month is probably well below inflation increases in reality.
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