The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I spent a few hours in Empire yesterday. Doesn't it suck. How do you people manage to stay sane with all those junk spam cans around gates and stations. I had to fly a fair way without instas and on around 50% of the gates there were idiots targetting me and a few saying things in local like "shoot meh" and rubbish like that.

I was going to stay there for a few days, do some level 3's to get my eye back and and maybe lose a ship or two to some level 4's but I just got so fed up with the place in a few short hours that I flew back to Ascenia at about 2 o'clock this morning!

You get used to the junk can's some are usfull if your jumping into a low sec space some one might say that there are known pirates in that system.
I just think you were in the wrong part Feek. its not to bad in empire ;) you dont have to worry about Pirates every 5 mins (most peoples perception of low sec space).
Sorry when i said "You get used to the junk can's some are usfull if your jumping into a low sec space some one might say that there are known pirates in that system."
I ment when you jump into 0.4-0.3/0.2 most of the alliences seem to live from 0.1-0.0
Example Gelfvin is a 0.6 ystem, when you jump to Alter 0.4 system you find a spam can that said know pirate presence.
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Agreed feek, empire is balls. Im glad i went back up to deklein yesterday afternoon, i got to participate in the popping of 2 BoB dreadnaughts :), it was lagtastic, but at the end of the day everyone had the same lag, so meh.
Lostcorpse said:
R0551 you left again?? wan me to sent my game CD and a copy of my latest eve folder?

I've never been (?). If you don't mind dude as would really like to try it out.
I find empire a nightmare because you jump into a system where there are 2 billion cans and it stutters along until you finally warp away, only to stutter at the next gate. Oh then there’s the getting stuck in systems. Every time I've gone to Jita I've either CTD'ed or got stuck in the system.
Feek said:
I spent a few hours in Empire yesterday. Doesn't it suck. How do you people manage to stay sane with all those junk spam cans around gates and stations. I had to fly a fair way without instas and on around 50% of the gates there were idiots targetting me and a few saying things in local like "shoot meh" and rubbish like that.

I was going to stay there for a few days, do some level 3's to get my eye back and and maybe lose a ship or two to some level 4's but I just got so fed up with the place in a few short hours that I flew back to Ascenia at about 2 o'clock this morning!


I think this when I go back to empire space aswell, it just seems so crowded, full of junk cans and loser pirates in 0.4 - 0.1

Deep 0.0 is nice and quiet,there's plenty of room for everyone who lives there plus the opportunity for proper pvp if you're in the mood, not the idiots in 0.4 - 0.1 just after the quick gank and run as soon as they are presented with a deccent fight :mad:
wordy said:
I think this when I go back to empire space aswell, it just seems so crowded, full of junk cans and loser pirates in 0.4 - 0.1

Deep 0.0 is nice and quiet,there's plenty of room for everyone who lives there plus the opportunity for proper pvp if you're in the mood, not the idiots in 0.4 - 0.1 just after the quick gank and run as soon as they are presented with a deccent fight :mad:

Nail, head, hit.
you guys that are in aliences in 0.0. do you have a safe root back to empire? or do you travell through the 0.1-0.4 systems??

Also whats the going rate for 0.0 passes for a week roughly?
Lostcorpse said:
you guys that are in aliences in 0.0. do you have a safe root back to empire? or do you travell through the 0.1-0.4 systems??

Also whats the going rate for 0.0 passes for a week roughly?

Not really such a thing as a safe route back to empire, i use two routes depending on how brave im feeling. As long as you dont run into a bubble and have a few WCS on your generally ok. Before anyone starts whining about WCS, i consider them essential for traveling to/from 0.0, once im there i take them off, as they are a waste of a slot :P

Passes vary in price/conditions, im not entirely sure of irons policy at the moment as we have a bob blob to play with, but its a pretty good region, plenty to kill, plenty to mine and close to X-70 and EC-8PR if you feel like some pvp :) If you would like some further information gimmie a shout tonight mate.
DanSolo said:
If you would like some further information gimmie a shout tonight mate.

Thanks will do, I catch you when your next on.

So you guys dont keep a clear route open? hmm i suppose thats a good thing keeps all the n00bs out of your space.
It's not practical, or possible to keep a route open. There are a few routes to Ascenia and parts of them get camped from time to time. I was going to fly back today just after DT but I received intel late last night that a particular route was clear so I flew that with no problems. Again, I loaded with WCS just in case and met up with a friendly intie en route. We convoyed the last 30 jumps.

ASCN don't offer passes to our space.

Well this is fun, thought i was going mad when i could not login. just hope that i have an email when i get home from work tonight....... :rolleyes:

Anyway this is a pretty mad thread. Is most people here from the OcUk corp?
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Lostcorpse said:
Thanks will do, I catch you when your next on.

So you guys dont keep a clear route open? hmm i suppose thats a good thing keeps all the n00bs out of your space.
keeping a ~50 jump route (1 of a handful) open is not an easy, nor interesting task :p
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