The *Official* Eve Online Thread

bigsteve said:
Oh LC, I take it for the Mission screen shots you are doing Minmatar missions as the Story line Mission is against Amarr.
It was one of the new LVL3 agent missions see second screen shot for the breifing. i'm currently working for minmatar. The actuall mission involved Caldari and Amarr forces. Caldari in the first stage and Amarr in the second stage (the stage i lost the Pest.

I dont think i mntioned it but my setup was somethign like :
4 x 650 large proj
2 x 1400 howitzer large proj
1 x named asult launcher with Defenders

Large T2 shield boost
Named Target painter
3 named Sheild hardeners

lage T1 armour repair
3 hardeners
2 named gyro stabilisers

6 x meidum drones

The set up seemed to work for me if not some what bizar.

"Oh Lost Corpse,
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, shield and Armour tank on the same ship,
its like this.
Doing both half heartedly is not as good a doing one a lot better."

Yep i know i'm a bad boy but it feels so gooood. I think my actuall problem is my mentality, i want a general purpose jack of all trades ship.

Right LC is out for a bit need to do some work. *point at mirror* "HAHA"
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ooo unlucky corpse. These lvl3's these days thow up some nasty ones ehh. Never seen that mission tho, it bears a resemblence to Angel Strike 10/10, thats a 3 stage nasty with 9 or 10 BS in on of the stages. A corp mate gave it a go in a raven and nearly got BBQed, tried it in the cerberus, no worries :)

I wont be looking forward to seeing this mission :O
Well there is a reason for putting rails or projectiles on a apoc and thats because it has no RoF or damage mods in its bonuses, just the 10% less to cap for energy weapons per level. And since hybrids and projectiles use naff all cap in comparison it does not really matter. Just the rate of fire sucks, I think that when I have 1400s on my poc its about 14 seconds cycle or somthing silly. :p

It does mean you can have a super tank with 3 LARs and 3 Hardeners or somthing with little scraggly guns on it, but since lasers are the coolest sounding guns only a fool would not put L lasers on a apoc. :D
the other advantage with putting rails or proj on an apoc is you can variy the damaged done mmore so than with lasers and if your PVPing you can surprise your oposision by doing kinetic/explosive damage. though if that were the case you'd be better mounting a short range set up 6 AC/blasters, and 2 large lasers for long range. owned.

I had big fun yesterday taking the PVP school out for their first 0.0 hunt, we managed to get a 15 player gang which is more about half our corp active at once and very impressive given the corp only started 4-5 weeks ago.

Anyway we ganked some poor blackbird prior to leaving lowsec and then tore out a harpy and a shuttle with pod before calling it a night. Really good fun, no losses and a lot of experience for about 10 of those present who are only in their second week of eve.
Garp said:
My first thought on seeing that was wondering why you were ganged with your enemy, but then I suddenly remembered. You empire peeps actually use your buddy list to store your friends in rather than your enemies..

I only ever keep war enemies in my buddy list.
I got EVE yesterday, any tips on who I should be? I know their is a big learning curve so any tips would be welcome.

Garp said:
My first thought on seeing that was wondering why you were ganged with your enemy, but then I suddenly remembered. You empire peeps actually use your buddy list to store your friends in rather than your enemies..

My first thought on reading that was wondering when Garp lost the abbility to differentiate between corp chat and gang chat...

Don't worry, my buddy list is mostly full of enemies, like twirrim, jenk, bigsteve, lostcorpse erm, other people who play eve and post here ;)
dymetrie said:
My first thought on reading that was wondering when Garp lost the abbility to differentiate between corp chat and gang chat...

Don't worry, my buddy list is mostly full of enemies, like twirrim, jenk, bigsteve, lostcorpse erm, other people who play eve and post here ;)

*looks again at picture*
Doh.. corp chat not gang chat..

Inquisitor said:
I only ever keep war enemies in my buddy list.

Likewise, plus a few selected other peeps I dislike / distrust, e.g. Painball, Raymearssurvival.

Painball amazes me. The player must have an empire alt that is reaping in tons of cash, because we keep blowing up painball in expensive ships.
Much respect is due to Painball though, as (s)he never runs away from a fight, and never seems to rely on easy ganks for kills.

Caldari PvP Championships.

That has to be the most nail biting piece of gaming ever, the fight was on between the Navy Megathron, Deimos, Iskur (KOAD) vs Caldari Navy Raven, Eagle, Tarranis (BOB).

The fight started with the Mega MWD to the webbed Raven, the Ishkur and Mega using its remote shield drones on the Deimos, as its only tank. The Tarranis soon went down, loosing the painter from TWD. All ships from each side were on the opposing primaries. The blasters pummelled the Raven with it fighting back with its torps, both were into structure when the Mega went down. We were screaming "It’s all over 'BoB ***'", but no. The Raven popped just seconds later. It was a sure win for KOAS their Deimos and Ishkur ready to pummel the Eagle to death. But Alasse held on, it slowly popped the Repairer drones of the Ishkur repping the Deimos. The Eagle was holding on by its bear teeth, constantly slipping into Armour. The Deimos had no tank so its armour eventually slipped into armour after a nail biting 2 minute scrap. Eventually it went with a whole hearly roar down Teamspeak. All was left was the Ishkur orbiting at 400m/s. Alase eventually broke its tank 60 seconds after the Deimos. Giving Alasse the world greatest epeen.

Kudos to everyone who played the most epic PvP fight EvE has ever seen.
It was great, I've been glued to Eve wireless for the last three nights. I really thought we'd have a pair of rattleships in the final but I was wrong.

Excellent final - In fact the whole tournament was very good. Biggest upset was probably a Dominix taking out a Vindicator!

[DW]Muffin said:

I have to say that was one of the best battles i've seen, its always class when a ship pilot can win outnumbered. One smooth guy Alasse must be to keep his cool and steer victory to BoB.

I'm suprised that the ishkur wasnt taken out first particularly given its array of rep drones, although with the CN raven primary I can see why BoB wanted the mega down asap.

Great great stuff, and will probably double the cost of Eagles lol.

The MC vs AM fight was even closer but I know Eyeshadow is a frickin awesome pilot but I'm suprised he used his large few cap charges to rep instead of sacrificing his tank to run his guns longer.

all these caldari ships winning...nerf ravens ;)
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