The *Official* Eve Online Thread

i'm still waitng for my password, to my main account. I've not been able to access Lostcorpse since fiday morning when i sent him on his afk merry way. had to messages from CCP with regards to account access and TBH i'm not expecting to get access to my account untill the very earlyest of Tuesday.
I still have my other account, which is good oz it means i can build some standings with him :) or make some time and go play planetside.
VaderDSL said:
Hey!! firstly I don't appreciate being spoken to in that way! Secondly I wasn't complaining, I'm happy for them to sort it out in their own time. Thirdly I agree it was daft but I never thought to change it.

We all can't be as infallible as yourself.

sorry, i had just spent a while browsing the eve online forums and got a little ****** off at the people moaning at CCP and all the whiners about the situation. Didnt mean to go off at you like that.
AlienWhere said:
I certainly do have a problem with is the lumped stereotype feek has given at least twice in this thread that all pirates prey on the weak. Sure there are plenty, but it isnt all of us, likewise fighting in 0.0 doesnt make you some extreme hardcore 'big brave' pvper all of a sudden.
I don't think I said anywhere that pirates only prey on the weak. What I've said more than once is that the majority of "big bad pie rats" hang around in 0.1-0.4 systems looking for kills. You can't deny that, because it's true. Apart from BE, I don't think I've ever seen a group of players from pirate corps kicking around in 0.0, certainly not in the space that I'm in on a daily basis. I'd never dream of suggesting everyone who hangs out in 0.0 is a bigass pvp'er either because it's blatantly not true.

The standard Eve stereotype of a pirate is someone who hangs out in 0.1-0.4 ganking people. I'm not the first person to make comments about such a stereotype and I'm sure as pods are pods that I won't be the last.

If you've not noticed yet, I don't like pirates. I have no problem with them being part of game mechanics, but I just don't like pirates.

managed to get my account sorte this morning. They sent a mail last nite around 7:00pm (thats late for a working weekend) saying that i should expect a mail, but hadn't recieved anything untill this morning. So i'm a ahappy bunny now. everything looks good.
Feek said:
I don't think I said anywhere that pirates only prey on the weak. What I've said more than once is that the majority of "big bad pie rats" hang around in 0.1-0.4 systems looking for kills. You can't deny that, because it's true. Apart from BE, I don't think I've ever seen a group of players from pirate corps kicking around in 0.0, certainly not in the space that I'm in on a daily basis. I'd never dream of suggesting everyone who hangs out in 0.0 is a bigass pvp'er either because it's blatantly not true.

The standard Eve stereotype of a pirate is someone who hangs out in 0.1-0.4 ganking people. I'm not the first person to make comments about such a stereotype and I'm sure as pods are pods that I won't be the last.

If you've not noticed yet, I don't like pirates. I have no problem with them being part of game mechanics, but I just don't like pirates.


I dont believe it, but im going to agree with Feek on this one, there is nothing worse than 0.4-0.1 pirates, by definition they rely on the weak, vulnerable and the downright stupid to amuse themselves. Sure taking on cruisers in a frigs is an achivement when they are fitted for pvp, but when the larger ship is setup for npcing and some lameazz "pirate" (read:moron) attacks them in a pure pvp fitted frig, usually why the bigger ship is agressed by a handful of npc's, its really nothing to be proud of. Get your butt into 0.0 start flying with and against people who's sole purpose is to pvp, then you can hold your head up high and bang your chest.
The only PvPers I respect in Empire are the alliance guys (you know when they move their wars into Empire) and anti-pie rat pvpers..

Oh and Aakron because he makes me giggle ;)
Well i seem to have hit upon an issue here... i for one think piracy adds to the game. Low sec belt rats are pathetic. Even triple battlecruiser spawns can be taken down in my rax with no problems at all.Having pvp players therefore makes low sec actually DANGEROUS the way it should be. Yes it borderes on griefingto gank a hauler entering low sec. BUT where was its escort? This game is multiplayer, haulers and miners should not be able to just sit in a belt mining jaspet or even hemorphite in 0.2 all day on their own. Yes the pirate corps around me do sit on gates and stop everything coming through. Why shouldn't they? If all the carebear corps cared enough they would actually try and protect their assets. The camp is never more than 3 bs AND they will be aggressed by the sentrys so tanking at least 200 more damage than the non aggresor ships.

O and have been at the receiving end of piracy before. It taught me quite a lot and althought i was ****** off im greatful for the lesson.

No swearing.

Lil old me said:
Well i seem to have hit upon an issue here... i for one think piracy adds to the game. Low sec belt rats are pathetic. Even triple battlecruiser spawns can be taken down in my rax with no problems at all.Having pvp players therefore makes low sec actually DANGEROUS the way it should be. Yes it borderes on griefingto gank a hauler entering low sec. BUT where was its escort? This game is multiplayer, haulers and miners should not be able to just sit in a belt mining jaspet or even hemorphite in 0.2 all day on their own. Yes the pirate corps around me do sit on gates and stop everything coming through. Why shouldn't they? If all the carebear corps cared enough they would actually try and protect their assets. The camp is never more than 3 bs AND they will be aggressed by the sentrys so tanking at least 200 more damage than the non aggresor ships.

O and have been at the receiving end of piracy before. It taught me quite a lot and althought i was ****** off im greatful for the lesson.

Sure they are a necessary evil in the game, they make 0.4-0.1 interesting, they should be able to continue to do so. I think the problem that most people have with pirates is their attitude, several pirates that ive had dealings with or heard about are jsut immature smackers. They think they are gods give because they can pop a hauler, i know im making sweeping generalisations here, but once your involved in fights versus real oponents who are honourable and skilled, you feel nothing but contempt for the "omgwtfbbq" 0.4 pirates.
i think the point about pirates are that there are very few honourable one, i dont mind piracy, so long as they do as they agree. i.e. 10mill ransom, or death.
its when and if you agree and they still pod you or even pod kill you that i have a problem.
Yep i've wondered in to 0.4- and srvived or but plain be killed with out warning i was even pod killed lost 150mil in implants life goes on.
DanSolo said:
Sure they are a necessary evil in the game, they make 0.4-0.1 interesting, they should be able to continue to do so.

They make the game interesting? There is nothing interesting about being instapopped at a gate you can do nothing about becuase some 'uber leet pie rat' is sat 100km off it in a battleship wasting his entire day popping worthless haulers and cheap cruisers with nothing in the way of loot in them.

Although that said the last few times I've been through Aunenen and Mara etc they've not bothered to lock me up, didn't realise Thorax's were THAT scary :p
it's funny when flying through a well known for piracy sytem and getting ganked, kk I got ganked. Go back there wearing alliance tags.. oh look, they leave me alone :p
I just wanted to add my 2 pence worth.

I'm a total n00b to this game ,but i've been MMORPG'ing for about 2 years.I'm afraid this kind of stupid n00bish behaviour is not unique to EVE. I often heard of instances in starwars galaxies where a Bounty hunter had a jedi mark..., the jedi would pay the bounty hunter to go away instead of kiling the player Jedi. Sometimes the Bounty hunter takes the money and leave and sometimes they dont.. prepared to be stabbed in the back. Having said all this, I still wouldn't get rid of this type of player. They do add a unpredictable element to the game, which helps keep things on edge. you always need a bad guy ;)
Dj_Jestar said:
it's funny when flying through a well known for piracy sytem and getting ganked, kk I got ganked. Go back there wearing alliance tags.. oh look, they leave me alone :p

Didn't think of that, lame pie rats don't pick on alliances it would seem, perhaps they are frightened that if they do they'll have a proper fight on their hands :p
i think everything is being generalised too much and this is where the animosty towards pirates comes from. The ones near me are an alright bunch and their main targets are usually the haine foundation. These pirates certainly do not cower at the sight of their tags as they're their principal enemy.
Regarding ransomers who then kill. Yes this is low but it is not true for all pirates. The guy i killed did not pay. He told me to **** off in private chat. So instead of paying me 1m to go away he lost a celestis and then got pked because he still refused to pay. He had every oppertunity to run as it took 12s to lock his pod! He probably smacked about me in whichever system his clone was in but how is that any more useful than pirates who smack in local. When i lost my ship I was angry but i accepted it and mined more to make a new one.

regarding this comment 'There is nothing interesting about being instapopped at a gate ' wel there is...use instas, use a cloak, dont travel in low sec in a hauler or a frig, or bring an escort! The rewards in low sec are that much higher because the risk is also that much higher. Gate ganking is not really 'doing nothing'. It is staking a claim on a system. For instance Red-A corp basically own old man star. They gate camp villore gate most nights. Why? They do get nice loot and bounties. If another corp wanted to oust them then they could and then the system would be theirs to use as they please.

edit... i do realise I might be generalising too positively and my pirates are actually good ones! Im sure there are losers out there but I dont think the sweeping negative comments really help.
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The risks associated with lowsec over the rewards are frankly pathetic, the way things are now is 0.4 = death, 0.5 = chaching in comparison.

At the moment eve is broken into 3 sections. Empire (0.5+) the only hassles you have here are NPC's which can't shoot their way out of a wet paper bag.

0.1-0.4 = pirate infested gank land. There may well be some honorable pirates left, but at the end of the day, 99/100 you will get killed. Sentry guns? lol@them.

0.0 = different area entirely. Hard to describe in all honesty. In my alliance space I am more safe than anywhere else in the game, yet we have unrestricted PvP.
Dj_Jestar said:
The risks associated with lowsec over the rewards are frankly pathetic, the way things are now is 0.4 = death, 0.5 = chaching in comparison.

At the moment eve is broken into 3 sections. Empire (0.5+) the only hassles you have here are NPC's which can't shoot their way out of a wet paper bag.

0.1-0.4 = pirate infested gank land. There may well be some honorable pirates left, but at the end of the day, 99/100 you will get killed. Sentry guns? lol@them.

0.0 = different area entirely. Hard to describe in all honesty. In my alliance space I am more safe than anywhere else in the game, yet we have unrestricted PvP.

I cant agree with you there im afraid. The rewards for mining hemo or jaspet are massive and many systems are quiet most of the time anyway meaning you can mine in relative peace.
Mining is also not the only way to get rich of course. Missions in 0.4 can be very very rewarding. I get 1m payout and 2k lp from my qual 18 lvl 3 in haine. Ok so its peanuts to most of you guys but it really isnt to me.
If you want to go the manufacturing route then you dont need to leave 0.5 as most buy orders are in high sec anyway.
I didnt say sentrys are the be all and end all and will dissuade pirates at all. But if you want to attack a camp its alost 99% certain they will fire first giving you anothe 200 damage that you wouldnt ordinalrily have.
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