CryptKeeper said:Guys you gotta play it smart. You cane expect to show up with a huge force and get an easy engagement. Split you fleet up. Use uber tanked apocs and EW to overcome your oponent with similar numbers.
Cussing them out cause you blobbed them isnt really a worthwhile cause.
Try setting traps using tanked indys with tripple webs etc or dominixs with EW.
Think outside the box and a whole new game opens up to you.
CryptKeeper said:Think outside the box and a whole new game opens up to you.
Archangelus said:Thorax with small neutrons, webber, and warpscrambler = toasted Malediction intie, kitted with mostly T2 kit. Always nice
daz said:Small neutrons FTL... especially with the boosted power grid of the thorax now... go for tech II ions. One inty you don't want to mess with is a crow - crows will generally hurt a thorax as they will stay outside blaster/web range and spam missiles, engaging/disengaging as they choose. Would be interesting to scare one with some dual 150's one day.
doozer said:Love this game although I want to fly all the ships hehe.
Currently flying the amazingly fast ferox which makes level 3's a breeze. Although now I don't know wether to get a raven or a harpy.
Like the idea of a harpy as it would be a nice change zipping around. Just not got a clue how it handles the bigger ships in pve.
doozer said:Yeah I was joking I forgot my smiley oops.
Yeah it is a awesome tank but as you say not too fast.
Good job I can run the game in windowed mode so as I collect cans I can read forums.
VaderDSL said:Ferox .... Fast??? Fast??? Ferox??? .......... Fast??? ... In a Ferox?
Richard Slater said:Garlic?? and Bread????