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Something like this works on the thorax:-

5 x 150mm (without a MWD, you're not going to get in range... your drones will do most of the damage)

Afterburner, Cap recharger, webber/cap recharger (depending on your cap, skills, you might want to have an extra cap recharger here to keep your tank going)

1600mm plate
2 armour hardeners
1 medium armour repairer II (it's going to be very hard without this.. *must* be tech II for the extravaganza missions)
1 cap relay

And then a mix of heavy drones. You might want to take 6 heavies and then some lights to help you with the NPC inties. :)
Only problem there, Daz, is I can't get hold of T2 kit, and can't afford to buy it. I'll just have to do the best I can, and avoid extravaganza missions. That said, I got to the 4th stage of Extravaganza with my thorax first time round (200mmx2, 4 rails, light drones, medium armour 1) by being very carefull! Ok, at one stage it was kill one, warp out, back to the gate rinse repeat, but managed to get through to the bit with the one ship, and multiple towers. Should be a bit easier with a stronger tank setup.
Ok, so I'm in a cheap Frigage with civilian laser thingies. Accidently fire at a dude in 0.8 space. Concorde owns me.

On my way back to the station some dude in a huge whacking great ship worth millions pod kills me, still in 0.8 space, and then loses his ship to Concorde. Apologises, pays for my new clone, nice chap, said he thought I was some dude who nicked Ore from him a few months ago or something.

Anyway, get awarded a free Velator. Get in, undock and..... the station I undocked from destroys my ship. Dock again, another free ship. Close game, go and do something, come back, un-dock, concorde owns me AGAIN despite not even having any guns on my ship.

Now, every time I leave the station I get destroyed by Concorde. It's been 30 minutes now since I accidently fired a single shot from my Civilian Pulse Laser and I've lost 4 ships now :p

Errr, why? :(
[TW]Fox said:
Now, every time I leave the station I get destroyed by Concorde. It's been 30 minutes now since I accidently fired a single shot from my Civilian Pulse Laser and I've lost 4 ships now :p

Errr, why? :(

Concorde are a little peed off with you at the moment... give it about 30 mins or so since the last time you undocked, and all should be fine.

I still don't understand how you accidentally fired at someone.. you get a warning message asking you if you're sure!
Garp said:
Concorde are a little peed off with you at the moment... give it about 30 mins or so since the last time you undocked, and all should be fine.

I still don't understand how you accidentally fired at someone.. you get a warning message asking you if you're sure!
By making a mistake which everyone who has ever played the game has also made? :p
I have to say ASCN was one of Burn Eden's harder empire wars. The blobbing was crazy. I remember 18 ships came to kill just me. They of course failed. I guess it didn't help matters that we had wars with Shinra and Black Omega too. Still we killed over 3x what we lost. However, our usual ratio is like 10:1 so i'd say we did pretty badly.

But yeah all ASCN would do was have their fleet in a safespot and a cover ops to get spots. Then they would all warp in right on top of someone. Still, they only ended up killing us when there was just one of us on and he got bored. Still the smacktalk from CLS/DDC was crazy. 18 of them camping a gate and only me in local. I safe (obviously) and they start busting out the insults.
Dj_Jestar said:
Join the channel "STK Scientific" and holla :)

Yeah.. particularly look out for Defa, Thavin or Salgudar, but just generally pop in and say hello. Most corp members keep themselves connected to that channel.

Also, pop over to and register on the forums and look in the Recruitment section, it'll explain to you how to go about joining.
CryptKeeper said:
But yeah all ASCN would do was have their fleet in a safespot and a cover ops to get spots. Then they would all warp in right on top of someone. Still, they only ended up killing us when there was just one of us on and he got bored. Still the smacktalk from CLS/DDC was crazy. 18 of them camping a gate and only me in local. I safe (obviously) and they start busting out the insults.

Your war dec came at a bad time, not for us though. It was the only war dec ASCN had at that time, so those that were bored were flying out to see what they could find. There was a lot of moaning about the fact that all they ever seemed to see of Burneden was your members safespotting, but giving you were outnumbered its hardly surprising. They were hoping for at least some creativity though, and some decent fighting.
I hate to sound too critical, but a small corp like yours attacking a huge alliance like ASCN wasn't a particularly smart idea. It should have been fairly obvious that you were likely to be outblobbed. If you weren't prepared to take on that kind of a situation (safespotting any time you see a big blob isn't taking the situation on), you shouldn't have declared war.
Oh .. and 18 ships? Thats a rather small fleet, you must have only been facing one of the minor wings :confused:
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