The *Official* Eve Online Thread

daz said:
I look forward to changes to large and medium blasters. :D

damn lol hawk is going to be very sweet now. I just wish they'd get around the the blaster boost that is needed
I have only flown the Jaguar once, and lost it due to really long Gate LAG jumping in on a G & there LAG machine.

havent brought one again as Wolf are more readily avaiable to us.

but this but, is swaying me, in buying some more. (and Stocking up) as i am sure prices are going to go up for them
b (thats it) said:
Jesus, think they closed down enough systems after start up today? Must be at least a couple hundered. Filled up my log up all the way at least.

theres always 20-30 (and thats what it was today) that close at startup, they boot too fast are get the advisorys, its nothing to worry about
We (The 5) are having some great fun tonight, I will post some screenshots when its over. 230 in local, multi-alliance gangs, even saw Kinsy in my target square ;)
Darn lossed my first ship in ages, I guess I got unlucky...we jumped into them which lagged for about a minute, my ship uncloaked whilst everyone else emergency warped so there I was sitting pretty whilst I got picked off.

The pic is from a bit earlier when we had to destroy a pos after we killed off one of their fleets

Hi! I'm a new EVE player who recently defected from WOW.

Since I have only been playing the game for about 2 weeks I dont have much ISK so please feel free to make a donation :D

p/s Im hooked on it already :eek:
Welcome aboard. Just make sure you keep your skills training at all times! Forward planning and all that!
check your wallet. the 1 isk should be there.

things on eve arent 'fluffy' like on wow im afraid;better you get used to that sooner rather than later.
William said:
Dym is fluffy.... :(

yeah dym seems a nice guy. he must be odd in other ways though; maybe he likes fishing or cackling maniacally on ts or dare i say it ... pulling the legs off insects ??

imo if dym were a chocolate he would be an orange cream.

[ so no one moans] 4 jumps ... blah then i bought a tachyon beam II and 5000 paradise cruise missiles.from a space eve.
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