The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Stfu Eternity you smelly northener (ex(empire n00b)).

Muffin, I think this Eagle is cursed, I might try selling it within the alliance next, but I'm not too confident of moving it from KDF to Feyth in a Bestower :D.
Skully said:
Stfu Eternity you smelly northener (ex(empire n00b)).

Muffin, I think this Eagle is cursed, I might try selling it within the alliance next, but I'm not too confident of moving it from KDF to Feyth in a Bestower :D.

????????????? lol.

nice m8.
sure youre not mistaking this for a wow thread ?
Skully said:
Stfu Eternity you smelly northener (ex(empire n00b)).

Muffin, I think this Eagle is cursed, I might try selling it within the alliance next, but I'm not too confident of moving it from KDF to Feyth in a Bestower :D.

Now if it were a Cerberus, ill buy it
Skully said:
Muffin, I think this Eagle is cursed, I might try selling it within the alliance next, but I'm not too confident of moving it from KDF to Feyth in a Bestower :D.

Leave it, It'll go eventually I'm sure :(
Skully said:
Stfu Eternity you smelly northener (ex(empire n00b)).

Muffin, I think this Eagle is cursed, I might try selling it within the alliance next, but I'm not too confident of moving it from KDF to Feyth in a Bestower :D.

All amarr ships are cursed, they have a tendancy to have bugged capacitors and wtf explode as a result. :p
dymetrie said:
erm... Billy...

An Eagle is a Caldari HAC...

you numpty

i thought that.. but he means the bestower than skully is using to transport it in.

(at least i hope for his sake thats what he means)
chase said:
i thought that.. but he means the bestower than skully is using to transport it in.

(at least i hope for his sake thats what he means)

Errr yeah! :D

Realises that there is no way to convince people that he misread Eagle as Zealot. (checks market) Yeah Zealot. :p
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just a quick noob question, will my ship blow up if I try to go into a star? its tempting me :D :p

EDIT: never mind, it wont let me warp any closer that 130,000km and it would take me 7 days to go all that way normally :(
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Bah, well i've just lost a ship to a human player for the first time, my fault though. Wasnt paying to much attention :o. A blackbird with several million in stuff fitted. I was warping between astroid fields looking for decent NPC pirate things to hunt (had gotten a couple for 50k for each so it was plenty more fun than missions). Pirate warps in when my attention is elsewhere for a second so its a couple secounds before I try and warp out. And its to late already had my warp blocked (or whatever you call it). This point I know i'm pretty much screwed so I hit my sheild bosters and afterburner to try and out run him (how long is the range about on the warp disrupter things anyways) while i'm firing everything i've got at him. I get him to about half his shields before I get blown up, warp out to the nearest station in my pod, buy a shuttle and head home.

ah well good exuse to buy the carcal i've been eyeing :D
b (thats it) said:
just a quick noob question, will my ship blow up if I try to go into a star? its tempting me :D :p

EDIT: never mind, it wont let me warp any closer that 130,000km and it would take me 7 days to go all that way normally :(

ha ha, im tempted to fit a microwarp drive to a Crusader which is ruffly 3300 m/s and leaving it going overnight :p
Alright, another question. I just got my carcal fitted with 4 assult launchers and one dual 150mm Railgun with lead charges. It seems to work fairly well and i've got plenty of power left. The railgun doesnt seem to do much damage at all though, would it be worth while to get rid of it and fit another launcher instead?
b (thats it) said:
Alright, another question. I just got my carcal fitted with 4 assult launchers and one dual 150mm Railgun with lead charges. It seems to work fairly well and i've got plenty of power left. The railgun doesnt seem to do much damage at all though, would it be worth while to get rid of it and fit another launcher instead?

yes definitely :) use the caracals missile bonuses :)and make sure you use kinetic missiles also :)
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