The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Bloomin' Ouch!!!!!!!!!

Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 484.0 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 506.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 518.9 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 492.9 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 481.3 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lands a hit on you which glances off, causing no real damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 445.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 468.9 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 478.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 447.4 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John barely scratches you, causing 438.2 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 449.3 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lands a hit on you which glances off, causing no real damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 452.8 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 485.9 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 481.5 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 460.8 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 475.2 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 447.3 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 485.5 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 446.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 451.1 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 477.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 483.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 471.3 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 445.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 476.5 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 465.3 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 483.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 464.5 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 462.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 447.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 480.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 484.9 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John barely scratches you, causing 437.8 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 444.2 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 477.7 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 446.4 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 387.2 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lightly hits you, doing 372.8 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John lands a hit on you which glances off, causing no real damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 456.4 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John heavily hits you, inflicting 469.4 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John barely scratches you, causing 441.8 damage.

That was on a Structure tanked Megathron with 58% resistance to each damage type, 6 Local Reinforced Bulkheads + 1 Internal Forcefield Damage Control.

The thing is, before the Carrier pilot switched off me then back onto me I was recieving :

Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 72.6 damage.
Ogre II belonging to Cutter John hits you, doing 85.1 damage.

So I was into armour, taking around 70 damage per hit from the Ogre II's, then the drones went yellow to me (carrier was still alive) then he retargetted me and after that the Ogre's started doing insane damage!
Have you been hit by Fighters yet?

Takes the word "ouch" to new meanings..

And unless you jump, there is no escaping them.

got overpowered?
Dj_Jestar said:
tis a good way to wreck the in game economy too.

Not really, the isk is all in a cycle so it isnt going anywhere. Its also permitted by ccp so they obviously dont see it as a major problem. The biggest thing wrecking the economy is the t2 market, the timecard market is miniscule in comparison.
DanSolo said:
Not really, the isk is all in a cycle so it isnt going anywhere. Its also permitted by ccp so they obviously dont see it as a major problem. The biggest thing wrecking the economy is the t2 market, the timecard market is miniscule in comparison.

"Oh look, a fancy ship/mod/BP/exotic girls... damn, not enough cash.. hmm.. Time Card sale.. cha ching, now I can buy that fancy item" - also applies to any and every item on the market, including t2 ;)

"Hey, I just sold a fancy item for xxx ISK, I'll up the price."

"CCP's official statement on the sale of Time Cards for ISK is: Keep it up, our wallets can only get fatter!"

Of course CCP don't see it as a problem, if everyone was buying Time Cards for trade of ISK, they would make much, much more money.

It's a shortcut for people who want to pay real cash for ingame credits, and ****ing stinks.

It also encourages macro-mining for people who need to make up the ISK to pay for their accounts.

In other words, yes, it wrecks the in game economy ;)
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Id disagree. The amount of timecards sold is miniscule in comparison to the amount of extortionate T2 products sold. I think its safe to say that people who macro mine are not in it for timecards, they are in it for selling the isk on ebay.
The persons in my corp who pay for timecards don’t macro mine, because first of all it’s a ban able offence, and secondly, mining veldspar in a 1.0 system would literally take a week to get the 300m for a 90 day time card.

It gives people, who cant afford the subs, to play. I know that is the case for two or three of our members, especially the ones with young families. If people do want to pay money for isk in this manner, well fair enough, its their cash and they can do what they please with it.
The flow of isk through time cards is tiny when compared to the numpties who have a decent t2 bpo and are selling them at a 300%+ markup on base price, not to mention the cartels, now that is a problem. These corporations are becoming massive isk sinks, who can near hold a monopoly on the market, for example t2 cap rechargers. Now im not whining about how unfair it is because I don’t have a bpo, as we have a nice shiny munin bpo in our possession.

In short, yes it has an effect on the market, however the effect Is tiny when compared to actual game mechanics, and it enables less fortunate individuals to play this magnificent game
It allows the less fortunate to play, whilst ruining it for everyone, yes.

We all know most macro miners are in it for eBay, but I said encourage, not causes ;)

Miniscule? goto eve-search and search the trade forum for "GTC".. hardly miniscule.

T2 prices are affected by GTC trades. People who are willing to spend REAL cash to get that t2 item can simply buy a GTC, sell it for ISK, then use the ISK to buy the t2 item, as shown in my previous reply.

It may not be that bad now, but rest assured, it always goes bad - every game that has ever allowed the use of real cash for in-game items and/or credits goes bad. Can't argue with history ;)

The longer CCP allow this to continue, the more widespread it will become.
Dj_Jestar said:
It allows the less fortunate to play, whilst ruining it for everyone, yes.

We all know most macro miners are in it for eBay, but I said encourage, not causes ;)

Miniscule? goto eve-search and search the trade forum for "GTC".. hardly miniscule.

T2 prices are affected by GTC trades. People who are willing to spend REAL cash to get that t2 item can simply buy a GTC, sell it for ISK, then use the ISK to buy the t2 item, as shown in my previous reply.

It may not be that bad now, but rest assured, it always goes bad - every game that has ever allowed the use of real cash for in-game items and/or credits goes bad. Can't argue with history ;)

The longer CCP allow this to continue, the more widespread it will become.

It is miniscule, it may look like its not when you do a search for all the posts made in the last 3 months, but at the end of the day, there are thousands of overpriced t2 sales taking part every day. The effect on people who do not buy time cards is even smaller. In addition saying t2 prices are affected by time card sames is a weak link at best, t2 prices are driven by demand and greed, not the amount of timecards are sold that week.

In any cyclical economy such as the eve one everything will effect everything else, but not to the degree you think in this example.

No offense mate, but i really think your making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Anyways, talking about market forces is far too boring while at work, these forums are supposed to relieve the day to day humdrum :P
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There are several factors affecting the T2 market, it's a seperate discussion.

I haven't sololy blamed t2 prices on GTC's. I've simply stated one of the problems causing the prices. It only takes a handful of people to pay over the odds for a t2 item for the price to rocket. GTC's do play a part in this, because it allows those who bought them to pay higher prices.

People wouldn't be selling them for isk if they didn't want the isk to spend. Simple logic.

It's more than a molehill, again I state that every game that ever allowed such a trade became infested with people obsessed in this method of "playing." If you can call it that.

I might just be barking about it before it does completely ruin the game, if CCP don't do it first with all this crap they are bringing out for 0.0 alliances to turtle themselves in - but that's a different story.

Dark Age of Camelot took a similar turn with the BuffBot scenario. It became "the norm" for everyone to have a second account dedicated to buffing their main, it ruined it for anyone else who didn't have a buffbot account because it was 2v1 in fights, not 1v1, and they just didn't stand a chance, and of course the developers were too busy counting the extra cash to realise it was spoiling the game.

It is a similar case because those who were 'rich enough' in real life easily became 'rich' in the game.
Sure, it is a mechanism to allow people to afford the more expensive items, but in all seriousness its not really problem to the t2 market.

You never see a single person selling a single timecard, which would pretty much buy them any t2 ship they wanted, its usually multiple timecards from one person, which leads me to believe it is for capital ships, or other isk intensive operations. So taking that into account, it is reasonable to state that timecards have a minimal, at best effect on the T2 market at this time. The T2 market, as i said before is driven by demand and greed, the use of timecards to obtain single items is minimal at best.

I agree that it could be a problem, however i think you are grossly overestimating the impact of timecards on the eve economy, especially at this stage.

Lets agree to disagree on this one, with no more posts about market forces and all that dross from here on out, its sucking the life out of me :P
DanSolo said:
Id disagree. The amount of timecards sold is miniscule in comparison to the amount of extortionate T2 products sold. I think its safe to say that people who macro mine are not in it for timecards, they are in it for selling the isk on ebay.
The persons in my corp who pay for timecards don’t macro mine, because first of all it’s a ban able offence, and secondly, mining veldspar in a 1.0 system would literally take a week to get the 300m for a 90 day time card.

It gives people, who cant afford the subs, to play. I know that is the case for two or three of our members, especially the ones with young families. If people do want to pay money for isk in this manner, well fair enough, its their cash and they can do what they please with it.
The flow of isk through time cards is tiny when compared to the numpties who have a decent t2 bpo and are selling them at a 300%+ markup on base price, not to mention the cartels, now that is a problem. These corporations are becoming massive isk sinks, who can near hold a monopoly on the market, for example t2 cap rechargers. Now im not whining about how unfair it is because I don’t have a bpo, as we have a nice shiny munin bpo in our possession.

In short, yes it has an effect on the market, however the effect Is tiny when compared to actual game mechanics, and it enables less fortunate individuals to play this magnificent game

the ingame economy's wrecked anyway, if it isnt timecards it's someone bleeting about t2 bpo's and people using them for economic or political gain and you know what? i dont care, i love it, it's what makes the eve world go around. You wont stop me talking about politics, i love it, it's one of the best things about eve.

DanSolo said:
Sure, it is a mechanism to allow people to afford the more expensive items, but in all seriousness its not really problem to the t2 market.

You never see a single person selling a single timecard, which would pretty much buy them any t2 ship they wanted, its usually multiple timecards from one person, which leads me to believe it is for capital ships, or other isk intensive operations. So taking that into account, it is reasonable to state that timecards have a minimal, at best effect on the T2 market at this time. The T2 market, as i said before is driven by demand and greed, the use of timecards to obtain single items is minimal at best.

I agree that it could be a problem, however i think you are grossly overestimating the impact of timecards on the eve economy, especially at this stage.

Lets agree to disagree on this one, with no more posts about market forces and all that dross from here on out, its sucking the life out of me :P
Or for buying t2 bpo's :p

disagreement agreed. :)
ribbo said:
the ingame economy's wrecked anyway, if it isnt timecards it's someone bleeting about t2 bpo's and people using them for economic or political gain and you know what? i dont care, i love it, it's what makes the eve world go around. You wont stop me talking about politics, i love it, it's one of the best things about eve.

When I said politics, I meant we are all happy to leave our soap boxes at the door. :)
Who needs GTC's when you live next to a gistii domination complex that your corp is able to run twice a day :D
AlienWhere said:
Who needs GTC's when you live next to a gistii domination complex that your corp is able to run twice a day :D
You couldn't slip us a 10mn AB (or mwd) out the back door? :p

Are angels the gap fillers in space btw? Like, where there aren't NPC stations for Guristas, Sanshas, Blood Raiders etc. is all the 'unclaimed' space filled with Angels?

I know you're in the south now with LV and not up north.. but Angels just seem to be in a hell of a lot of space compared to the others at least.
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We arent really in the south, certainly when compared to Branch though! Black Reign are in LV, fight with LV but we dont live in the same systems as Shinra and Mcorp
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