The *Official* Eve Online Thread

bigsteve said:
How thw hell am i suposed to know, I am not ASCN i am bigsteve, you'll have to ask ASCN yourself.

You mean ASCN don't share FC's?

To be more specific, have these order been given over TS, gang chat, orders on forums?
VeNT said:
dear god no
the one and only
Highs 4x T2 150mm rails (small) med ***
med, AB, web, scram
lows small T2 repper, damage control, energised all round hardener, 1600mm tungsten plate.

5x T2 light
5x T2 med

over 5k armour right there, your drones are the damage, you've just got to stay alive.
if you KNOW your facing somthing bigger and still want to try it, swap the drones for Heavys

Could blasters be shoehorned in there instead of rails? effectively makeing a lower spec 'rax?
VeNT said:
dear god no
the one and only
Highs 4x T2 150mm rails (small) med ***
med, AB, web, scram
lows small T2 repper, damage control, energised all round hardener, 1600mm tungsten plate.

5x T2 light
5x T2 med

over 5k armour right there, your drones are the damage, you've just got to stay alive.
if you KNOW your facing somthing bigger and still want to try it, swap the drones for Heavys

Well its alright for you to list off all those expensive items and the setup to end all setups but this one atm is working well for me.

Nieldo said:
Well its alright for you to list off all those expensive items and the setup to end all setups but this one atm is working well for me.

hardly anything expencive, and yes you can use T2 small nutron blasters in there, but not meds, if you drop the plate to a 800 then you can get med blasters but tbh your better off with the rails as they will hit your main targets (frigs and cruisers) harder than blasters, also you can have about 20km working range with rails.
Inquisitor said:
Sorry, this is completely OT, but JC, what's the pic in your sig? :p

it rotates so there is more than one pic, but they are just snips from deviant art landscapes
Had another 1v1 with my strange vexor setup, another caracal lol, I love the way they go down so fast.

he warped in at 40k so I couldnt get my guns on him, but unlucky for him I had just finished scout drone op 3 and could easily set my drones on him from that range, he warped out and I followed at 15k then continued to smash him :).

Been playing eve all day so I docked and logged, decided to turn down a small gang hunt my corp was about to do to a complex nearby, theres always someone there :P.
Nieldo said:
Had another 1v1 with my strange vexor setup, another caracal lol, I love the way they go down so fast.

he warped in at 40k so I couldnt get my guns on him, but unlucky for him I had just finished scout drone op 3 and could easily set my drones on him from that range, he warped out and I followed at 15k then continued to smash him :).

Been playing eve all day so I docked and logged, decided to turn down a small gang hunt my corp was about to do to a complex nearby, theres always someone there :P.

congrats, its always nice to get a good kill, but your success is due to fighting noobs and fighting caracals, not the strenght of your setup
JC said:
congrats, its always nice to get a good kill, but your success is due to fighting noobs and fighting caracals, not the strenght of your setup

Whats up?

edit: The thing I like about eve online is that you dont have to follow that template or have that uber leet setup that everybody sprouts off about on forums, you can use what works for you and win.
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VaderDSL said:
Nothing wrong with taking a caracal 1v1 :)

My first PvP kill was a caracal in my rifter!

i remember that. sounded like a good fight :)

my first was a rifter v a rifter, wa so close!
I remember over 2 years ago using a rifter for pirating in aunenen. I could nail any cruiser in that ship. Then they bugged the dual mwd's and people got wise about drones. Believe it or not i found at that time not many people carried drones on a cruiser.

Was fun days :)
v2^ said:
I remember over 2 years ago using a rifter for pirating in aunenen. I could nail any cruiser in that ship. Then they bugged the dual mwd's and people got wise about drones. Believe it or not i found at that time not many people carried drones on a cruiser.

Was fun days :)
rifter frame ships are still the god for frig based PVP 1v1s, just be more careful of people with T2 missiles etc.
I came up against a torp fitted raven in my jag, wasn't having any damage taken from his missiles (to any extent) and was locking him down while the backup to kill arrived (bugger had gone to next system and not told me!) but all of a sudden this ravens doing MAD damage! the guy mentions on local that he had forgotten to load in his precision cruise missiles..........till then. I called his bluff tho, he can't have had more than two salvos of them as after the second hit (why would you use paradise precision for PVP or PVE?) and my tank holding up he was back onto torps and my backup arrived.
silly raven, no n.o.s.? no precision missiles (to speak of)? no drones?
some people deserve to die!
Been hit with precision cruise myself, they are just a little overpowered at the min :(

rifters are good little frigs as well just gotta watch out for rocket kessies they can be a real pain
CCP just banned a corp mate illegitmately..

He was selling GTC's (I'm ignoring my hatred for GTC sales for now :p) and specified in his post on the market NOT to send money until the sale is confirmed.

So what happened? Some asshat sent him the ISK with reason "1 90 day GTC", he didn't have any cards left and now his 6 accounts have been banned, permanently :rolleyes:
Dj_Jestar said:
CCP just banned a corp mate illegitmately..

He was selling GTC's (I'm ignoring my hatred for GTC sales for now :p) and specified in his post on the market NOT to send money until the sale is confirmed.

So what happened? Some asshat sent him the ISK with reason "1 90 day GTC", he didn't have any cards left and now his 6 accounts have been banned, permanently :rolleyes:
meh, all GTC sellers should be shot and then banned
I'm having a similar issue with GTC's. I apperntly sold a fake one on a trial account, first off, I never used it on a trial account, and they took the isk from my main, subbed account. Second, all codes were fine according to the customer, unless they were keeping them for R/L currency and the messed it up and lied, waiting 5 day's per GM response and having a -400Mil over my head takes the ****.
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