Agreed with Gatsby.
Tbh, there is only one thing I've seen in this war that I would call 'fishy' - not an exploit just, I dunno, taking advantage of the situation:
Previously when we have fought BoB we rarely, if ever, saw them jump into us. (This is personal experience.. I haven't been in every bob fight

Now since the node crash epidemic and the login system, I am seeing BoB actually rush to make sure they are the first to jump. The reason why BoB are so hasty to jump first
appears to be because the node is guaranteed to crash if more then 10 people jump at once. Then we see BoB some how managing to login, and more importantly, regroup quicker than our own fleets - no flames here, it's just simply how it is.. BoB are logging in and reforming quicker than ASCN.
Now that's the gate camp broken, essentially the first line of defence defeated. What sucks about it, is it wasn't a kickass fight that broke the camp, it wasn't a session of raw carnage, it was node death that beat the camp.
The next sucky part is due to login queues everyone logs in, in dribs and drabs and reappearing all over the place - sometimes infront of a hostile fleet == immediate death. These losses are petitionable, but that's not the point.
Like I say.. I don't call it an exploit, as there isn't anything either side can do about it, short of saying "We'll let you jump in unhindered provided you meet us at 'x' and we both wait 5mins for the lag to clear before we start pew pewing." Which quite obviously, is never going to happen.