The *Official* Eve Online Thread

There seems to be the notion that ASCN are being told to stay logged off after a node crash - this is true, but only because when we logged in straight away on the first few occasions after crashes we'd just get owned as there'd be people waiting for us already logged in.

dun dun dun

I've just realised! I haven't logged on in a week, last skill i left training only had 1 day 20hrs left. Sod it :(
On a non political note:

Tuxford announces

# Powergrid of Sacrilege, Deimos and Muninn increased to 1100MW, 950MW and 1100MW respectively

# CPU of Sacrilege and Deimos increased to 350tf for both ships

# CPU of Anathema, Helios and Cheetah increased to 280tf, 290tf and 275tf respectively

# bonus of covert ops ships changed so it reduces cpu need of covert ops cloaking device from 98% to 100%

# Agility of battlecruisers and command ships boosted by 20%

# Nighthawk's explosion velocity changed to launcher rate of fire bonus

# Inertia stabilizers give decrease in mass as well as agility and give a penalty to signature radius

This is all I can remember for now.
o.0 i really like those amarr changes, I hope that does get brought in..brings a much needed variety to the amarr lineup
indeed.. and it's just wrong.. you only train amarr skills to fly them (plus HAC etc) so why all of a sudden will they need missiles!?

bigsteve said:
Last night 19:00 to 23:00 ASCN had the best time since the start of the war,
I think that time period BoB lost more Battleships than we did, cant confirm as I dont have access to either killboards and also ours has been restricted in kill posting because of fake mails.

yeh i was in that fleet, you jumped about 7:1 bs into us, it was crazy it took ages to load your fleet up i mean 2-3 minutes, i saw some ships, but it was 1-2 minutes before a primary came up, even then we couldnt lock him (i was consistent 11sec minimum module lag) i was nailing some guy in a megathron until i saw the primary pop up (i was in a claw) then i switched.

with overview optimizations and graphical optimizations carried out (all legit before you ask :rolleyes: ) it was the worst lag i've seen in a while, normally we relocate somewhere ingrid until overview loads and items load up but i think that lag surprised even us (especially as we couldnt tell how many you jumped into us).. still was fun but i got on no kills. lag means you win some you loose some :D

personally the stuff spouted by cyvok + mccreedy is so wide of the mark it was insulting and is now funny and we're loving this fighting, we're very experianced players in bob and we dont need the wool pulled over our eyes, we just need targets, a ship and some F keys :D

Oh yeah, we made a little timing error on that one, Our Frig/ruiser support got to the gate a little too ealry that our Battleships.
I think them getting there early was quite advantagious to us as your lot were busy dealling with them plus were had an order to fit short range ammo while in warp.

And the other other times i was thinking of is when we were putting up another PoS,
You warped to a loading point just b4 the Tower was finishing anchoring, then warped from there to 150km away from us and that same goes for when it was onlining too.

Those three engagements that night were the best for me in a long time, as the client lag was only about 10 to 20 secs on module activation.

Hope the week end bring the same enjoyment for me.
Oh talkign about Tech II close range ammo, (ie Quake), i didnt realise that it actually Hiked up the tracking speed of my guns quite a lot, 75% I beleive.
Found out while sitting looking at Weapon stats. lol
bigsteve said:
Oh yeah, we made a little timing error on that one, Our Frig/ruiser support got to the gate a little too ealry that our Battleships.
I think them getting there early was quite advantagious to us as your lot were busy dealling with them plus were had an order to fit short range ammo while in warp.

And the other other times i was thinking of is when we were putting up another PoS,
You warped to a loading point just b4 the Tower was finishing anchoring, then warped from there to 150km away from us and that same goes for when it was onlining too.

Those three engagements that night were the best for me in a long time, as the client lag was only about 10 to 20 secs on module activation.

Hope the week end bring the same enjoyment for me.

ah i've not suicided a hostile pos in ages, it's typical "hold your breath underwater" tactics :D we did a lot of it against CODA, knowing that as usual everyone had eachothers back :D

Dj_Jestar said:
Actually, I'm ashamed to admit.. it was more fun than ratting has been. :\

Atleast I got to make a start on reading my book :D

lol, when I use to mine in empire I just used to have 4 small drones and mine omber in my osprey.

Quite often I would find belts and belts of it with no one in the system, could mine to my hearts content and not even have to worry about rats as the drones took care of them, i used to work on my Cisco course whilst mining :D
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