The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Dj_Jestar said:
Actually, I'm ashamed to admit.. it was more fun than ratting has been. :\

Atleast I got to make a start on reading my book :D

Thanks to my úber Gang Bonuses it came in more and faster,

2d 13hrs till Director 5, then the Mining Foreman Mindlink can be plugged it. then its úber, úber bonuses.
Plugged the Mining Foreman Mindlink in this morning, aannndddd.

Only benifit i can see is the increase in Cycle time of the Mining laser.

NO, desernable benifit to Ganged players mining amount,
So my only conclution that:
1. its still bugged/not working propperly
2. the first bonus is only applicable to your own lasers.

Oh if you ask me, it should be named Mining Director Mindlink.
just to let you know,
each MDM II mines 103 units of Ark/Bist each cycle (3 on my the hulk of course)
and the cycle time is 138.5 secs.
"Extended Downtime, Wednesday 1 November, 10:00-10:00 GMT (24
reported by: Oveur | 2006.10.18 16:28:33

Tranquility will have an extended downtime, Wednesday 1 November, running for 24
hours from 10:00 to 10:00 GMT. This downtime will add 10 new nodes, more RAMSAN
capacity and connections to more internet backbone providers for increased stability and
fault tolerance."

hopefully this should sort out a few lag problems people seem to be experiencing?
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