The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I just had a very quick lag filled play on SiSI (first time I've been able to log in) and I'm in love with the Harbringer!

Should be fun when I don't get booted half way through warping :(.
I'm wondering if theres going to be T2 vertions of the new BC out somtime?
or maybe they will change the look on one of the existing CS for the new BCs
They'll probably create a new class T2 BC, like we have for frigs and cruisers already (e.g. Assult Frigs are the same hull, whilst ceptors are different.) but then again.. HAC's are different hulls, but Recon's are not.. hmm.
Dj_Jestar said:
They'll probably create a new class T2 BC, like we have for frigs and cruisers already (e.g. Assult Frigs are the same hull, whilst ceptors are different.) but then again.. HAC's are different hulls, but Recon's are not.. hmm.
ceptors have same hulls don't they?

all the T2 vers are slightly different from T1 Look
Huzzah for Kali \o/

Rokh pwning:

Everyone ganking an archon - took 30 minutes with around 15 BS and loads of Drakes packing heavy assault missiles and so on, new HP system rocks for battles (click for bigger):

Archon Wreck, and me getting prawned by a Hel's 25 fighters/drones (Click for bigger):
VeNT said:
what systems that?
also what chan do you have to go in to help out?

on Singularity there is a "Bugs" channel, where some information is passed out, dosn't get used that much though tbh. #eve-chaos on is the place to ask questions about testing, it is also the place where Devs will tell us what they want and when (sometimes). The place where most of the chat goes on is local in FD-MLJ.

Forums are the best place to pick-up information Kali Testing and Development Forum and the Game Development Forum have the most information about testing, you just have to dig around.
just had an intresting encounter, I was out on the hunt in my thorax (Currently my main pvp ship- fitted with tech 2 and cheapish named stuff), I was scanning around and saw a Incursus and Moa in the belt so I warped in and DUN DUN DURNN he agro's me! at this point I thought uh oh hes got an expensive setup and is so confident that he attacked the hunter, but... no it was just a moa so I go in and get under his rail guns for a free kill.

His shield gone, his guns doing no damage at all, the Incursus pilot just a 1 day old character who was getting shown arround by the Moa pilot, free kill and an embarrest moa pilot... whats this? Ive lost my lock? hes... warpping out? STAB MONKEY! :(

I chase him around for ages but he doesnt want to fight.

SO... this brings me here to ask about the Kali warp core stabalizer changes, heard they were getting nerfed?
You should just bump him out of warp alignment by flying full speed into him with your mwd.

You know he is trying to warpout because if you click on him from the overview the "look at" will be greyed out when someone is trying to warp.
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