The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I got this far:
Blacklight: ASCN are looking to survive. BoB are looking for a war. The end result will be BoB owning at least 3 more regions.
and stopped reading..

bored of BL's tireless efforts to willy wave tbh.

The Gurad dude.. you reckon he is in ASCN? lol.
It wouldnt be fun without the spin, it just shows the alliances with ability to lead from the front rather than push from behind
JC said:
It wouldnt be fun without the spin, it just shows the alliances with ability to lead from the front rather than push from behind
This is where the spin lies.. the only leader who isn't on the 'front lines' everyday is CYVOK due to moving house and other stuff outside of eve. Everyone else with a title other than grunt in ASCN is leading from the front..

Fox: drop the propaganda/spin/provocative stuff.. not in this thread.
I'm sure that the respective leaders of BoB have to deal with out of game issues from family, employment and illness. Its quite amusing to see the comments directed towards BoB accusing them of lesser social standing and living in their parents basements :p .

Politics are every part of eve, otherwise it would just be a mindless destructive game. I don't see why they can't be mentioned in the thread.

As long as the comments aren't personal everyone should have the right to post their opposing viewpoints.
Because it is personal? Calling Steve "bitter" with a wink is not politics.

Note I also didn't say "don't discuss politics" I only said don't post crap designed to try and provoke a reaction..
Where do all you guys stand in this war?

as im still an empire newb i know very little of who is who, who the big names are.

Any of you activley in this war, or even calling the shots.

Very interesting stuff :D
I'm in ASCN, just a grunt, have been in a few skirmishes and a couple fleet fights, but my play time is so skimpy at the moment, I'm rarely on for more than a couple of hours a week.
Little story, I was heavily into Dark age of camelot and got frustrated with the game not being able to cope with the volumes of players in relic raids and BIG keep fights.

Is Eve just as bad in large fleet encounters, becuase i have a dream that one day i'd like to do some of that for somone
Efour2 said:
Little story, I was heavily into Dark age of camelot and got frustrated with the game not being able to cope with the volumes of players in relic raids and BIG keep fights.

Is Eve just as bad in large fleet encounters, becuase i have a dream that one day i'd like to do some of that for somone
its not uber evil most of the time, but when you get ASCN and BOB turning up in the same system it can cause issues.
but then, you could be talking about 1/20th of the entire clusters players turning up on one node
Efour2 said:
Any of you activley in this war, or even calling the shots.

I'm ASCN High Command and a Corp Director. Been fighting and scouting when I'm online and able to.

It was me who got the PNQ operation started (No comments from Fox or Muffin here! :p) and it can be great fun when the fights are fair (in terms of server, not opposing sides).

The worst thing is when we get lag in big fleet battles, it gets ridiculous when you lose your ship before your screen even loads, for both sides.
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