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Slightyl odff topic, well its eve related still got a dilema and would liek to knwo what you more experianced guys think.

Theres 5 of us and im the last one to roll up so i want to get it right.
Im ment to be one of the 2 tacklers we are heading for a small, i wont say elite, bunch of pirate alt nubs pretty much in cruisers and maybe 1 co vert ops at a puch if the guy can afford the damn thing :O


looking for a good takling crusier - and thought either Thorax or Stabber - obviously this is going to be decided by my race choice come Kali - that 800k startup is just too nice to miss.

what do you think... im not looking for extreme long term goals, im not going to train up bast Battles cruiser probably so no worries for major long term
Maybe dabble in assaul frigs and interceptors if I ever get that far.

I can roll a Galante and be in a hideously badly fitted Thorax in a week with MWD... and probably the same in a stabber....

Most of our DPS is coming from Caracel noobs.

oh it all does my head in so many choices and such a long time to get them, I just want a painless frig and cruiser that is disposable and fun but effective at its job

cheers lol ;)

im not dislexic just tired as hell and lazy
Minnie ***

I'm training the race now, screw perfect Amarr spec, I'll just fly Bhallgorns.

(Plus theres always the Vaga, and artie Sac's)
Yeah first quater of 2007 hopefully.

Slightly different topic and completey silly question, how much would a fleet issue stabber sell for you reckon? lol

There is one on escrow in jita for 165m isk I think that is insaine but i hear people collect the Fleet type versions..

I have a 1 run BP that is all.

Efour2 said:
Yeah first quater of 2007 hopefully.

Slightly different topic and completey silly question, how much would a fleet issue stabber sell for you reckon? lol

There is one on escrow in jita for 165m isk I think that is insaine but i hear people collect the Fleet type versions..

I have a 1 run BP that is all.


quite a bit.
their price is high as they are like vagas in layout/fittings etc. dunno quite how much they are worth tho.
VeNT said:
iirc kali 2 is easter ish
You really think it'll be that soon? :p

Kali 1 was planned for April '06.. whilst Kali 2 was planned Easter '07.. so add the delay of Kali 1, plus the problems it will bring, delaying Kali 2..

Late '08 is a bit pessimistic (but could turn out to be optimistic! :p)
Just had my first Caracal Navy Issue (BPC 2 run) offer from my level 4 Agent. I've currently got just short of 400k Loyalty points and this offer needs 200k and 40 million isk. I think for the moment im going to wait though! The LP builds up pretty quick and I might be lucky enough to get a Navy Issue Raven :D.
im gallente spec and still wishing i'd trained minmatar...

come kali i'll have t2 drones at 1M a pop dying in every single fight, 425mmII cost the bomb already, it will be even worse when the rokh is released. The hyperion should be small agile and sleek, it looks like a fallen tree trunk.

ishtar's cost 200-300M, but unlike the vaga you cant run away from the blobs, and without it's ECM midslot advantage it won't be able to fight multiple enemies, certainly no reason to fly it over the domi.

null and void are both being nerfed, whilst I understand the implications of large blasters shooting 20km+, tux seems to have forgotten that there are (s) and (m) sized charges applicable to other ships.

Kali will remove (insta) bookmarks, hurray for less lag, but this will remove about 3/4 of the kills we get in empire due to catching people at gates or stations without insta-gate or insta-dock bms. The only way to reliably get targets will be to camp a gate with sensor boosted lacheise's etc, but that kills roaming squads, and won't let us fight as a 15man corp vs a 500 alliance.

Solo PVP will suck for me, every war target nub already has an advantage when I jump into local, "Aakron" is the top name even in Jita when I frequent there, now my targets get a convenient (-) war target indicator next to my name to give them even more warning of my approach.

One of the few things i'm a fan of is the new probing system, i'll probably train both my characters to max out the whole skillset associated with them. If they can find a solution to cloak prices I think i'll just fly dedicated covops all the time...

...roll on kali :rolleyes:
i quite like the changes
most of my combat happens in belts, no-longer am I going to be stuck against tripple stabbed brutix etc (with any luck) my CS gets 20% agility bonus so I can either ditch the nanofiber and add to the damage/tank or keep the extra agility!

all in all I'll wait and see what kinda effect it has (lower ROF, bigger damage on autos is nice, I've been losing money on ammo somtimes!)

if you were to start again (heaven forbid) what race would you pick?

which one overall gives you the best ship selection and most versatility?

I know its a quadruple edged sword :p
The warp to 0 I'm neutral about. Everyone I fight thus far uses BM's anyway, so it will be no change for me. Autopilot doesn't have warp to 0 btw, so you'll still see nubs AP'ing around. (We found a few last week in Fountain.. :\)

However, personally I think they should have just removed bookmarks and not bothered adding warp to 0. Stuff it. If you want to go faster, use a speed mod.. it's what they are for. We used to have to deal with this, so why now should we all get a free insta? 'back in the day' you could warp to 0, they changed it to 15km for the very same reason people are complaining about now. Then they changed it so your ship entered warp at 80% and exited warp at 20% speed. Used to exit warp at full speed, and enter it at 0. So we'll see if they ever change it back to 15km and you have to adapt. Then again, we didn't have bubbles (and low sec still doesn't, but meh.. perhaps they'll make standings/wardec intelligent bubbles some day..)

The local thing I'm happy for.. like it makes any difference anyway. If someone is watching local, they'll spot you, icon or not, if they aren't, then they won't spot you anyway. Removes those small spats of lag where need to right click > show info to see who it is.
Efour2 said:

if you were to start again (heaven forbid) what race would you pick?

which one overall gives you the best ship selection and most versatility?

I know its a quadruple edged sword :p
The grass is always greener...

Every race has it's gripes. Most of mine are currently Amarr, due to my many SP's in amarr related stuff (lasers, amarr ships, etc.)

I'm currently training up minmatar, but already I want Gallante, and also Caldari.. (my char originally started as Caldari.. I've had caldari bs3 trained for over two years, yet have never flown a Scorp/Raven because I haven't trained any missile skills except torps 4.. I have 279k SP in missiles :p)

The price of 1400mm T2's, and 425mmT2's has taken the appeal away from both. So has the shoddiness of node/server stability in fleet battles, to want to train up for a snipathron/snipapest.. but the appeal of a blasterthron/dominix (vamp)/ishtar has me tempted for small scale/1v1 engagements. At the same time, AC tempest and Muninn has me tempted.. so it's swings and roundabouts all over the place.
Kali is a total sell out for the carebears, now with warp to 0KM, standings in Local & Inertia Stabs It's nigh impossible to die unless your AFK in lowsec. I'd rather have no Insta BM's and only 15KM option with only consalation Chat. Would make the game Far more intersting for PvP.
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