[DW]Muffin said:
ecm ravens?, some tacklers? cruise missiles for hacs and bc's?
Need a whole new gang setup tbh
ecm ravens dont work all that well in lowsec unfortinatly because were more often than not tanking the guns, but we usually have a scorpian or two in larger gangs, tacklers we usually have, but as I said before we have gun agro usually and frigs die very quickly to them, hell I had an inty try and tackle me for his friends I got my lock on him, his friends ran off, gun agro switched to him and I had a scram point on him, was dead just as my torps reached him.
Bah anyways were talking about my setup here, not my gangs
I fit torps because with cruise I loose a lot of damage against battleships (somthing to the tune of 100dps according to quickfit) where as against bc I loose only 30ish compared to the cruise (in fact I was testing against my corp mates bruitx earlier and I was doing 350ish damage a torp, not all that much less than a cruise missle would, and not a massive difference in rof 9.3 with the torps and probobly 8ish with cruise) , and cruisers die quickly anyways, to my guns or my gang mates, it doesnt matter too much. Plus theres usually at least one person using cruise missles, aswell as others target painting.
With the warp scram, sure thats a job for tacklers, but they tend to get popped under sentry fire, and an extra point here and there helps a lot, never know who's going to be in range.