The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I'm not opposed to the 0km warp option. Infact, I couldn't be more indifferent.

Like I say.. I'm already just putting up with 15km option, as I'm too lazy to copy BM's.

As for money.. well - For a start, ISK sells. By god, does it sell. There are a group of players who are borderline exploiting (I don't just mean CCP's definition of exploit, but the generic "greatly taking advantage of something" definition) most high level complexes, and the rumor is they are selling off the ISK on ebay. That's about 2-3billion per day, per complex, in ISK btw, and we know they have at least 6 complexes hogged in the south alone. There is also a further rumor they are doing this as a living.. lol.

There is also the legal trade of ISK for GTC's.. I know of players who are funding up to 8 accounts by trading ISK for GTC's, they aren't paying a penny for playing EVE. They can then sell these char's for ISK as well, also adding another expense to ISK.

Then there is the player controlled market. What's the price of a Vagabond these days? 280mill? They cost about 60mill to make, if that. Player controlled markets, in an easy to gain currency environment (by both legitimate and illegitimate methods) F T L. It's a vicious cycle, the production rates of T2 items are very limited, limited BPO's, and limited by long production times.. heavy demand has watched prices head skyward at an alarming rate, and as more, bigger and better ships/modules come out, new and more profitable methods of income are added, these items will increase further still in price.

Inflation on a smaller scale, but with much quicker results.

Most 0.0 entities are self sufficient, but every 0.0 entity relies on empire in one form or another. This is one of my biggest annoyances with EVE.. living in 0.0 is profitable, especially the further out you go, but you are always on a leash to empire. There is no escaping the horrid place that is high sec at times and you will always need to take trips back and forth, for skill books, and to sell minerals and drop items if nothing else. :(
Amarr win at tank tbh, there ARE other ships better at it but generally they have harder tanks than most other ships. the issue with that is that their weapons use LOADS of cap, and don't give as good damage as some other guns (but lets face it, they don't use ammo either so you can cram your cargo hold full of cap boosters). mostly the reason for using auto/artillery on amarr is that they don't use cap so you've got a ship with a) the best cap b)the best tank and c) no cap use apart from tank.
you CAN PVP IN AMARR. just because its not as "easy" as some think it should be should not put you off.

on the subject of T2 ships, I agree, its mad, but not just that, they quote high prices of T2 components (ie the moon mining materials) I know for a fact that the people buying those are the most tight fisted buggers EVER! the profit margins on moon mining are nothing like that of T2 (not that I mind, I don't perticularly want 10billion isk, I'd have nothing to do with it) I think that CCP need to relese more T2 BPOs onto the market, maybe as BPCs but they would inevitably be bought up by the ones with a BPO or ten already as they can afford to!
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Efour2 said:
<snip.. stuff about amarr>
I've done ok with lasers so far, sometimes wondering what the fuss is about.

Last night I took on a very well tanked dominix whilst in my geddon.. 6x mega pulse 2's made quick work of his shields and his tanked armor.. 1 salvo removed his shields and his armor was gone after about 4, maybe 5 salvos.. that's about 45seconds-1minute in total fight time. :) He was on a gate and jumped out with 50% structure though :(

Retribution, although gimped with only one midslot, is the highest damage dealing Assault Frigate (when setup correctly.) Crusader is the fastest, and highest damage dealing Interceptor. Zealot is the best HAC, in my opinion. Vagabond is only as popular as it is because at the moment you are basically untouchable, but when not running away, the Vagabond is actually not as good as you might think.

The one thing that makes an immense difference for amarr is keeping your distance.. if you get too close, you will get wiped by blasters and AC's.. in a geddon/apoc with mega pulse, you MUST keep 10k(ish) away from your target, or you will miss. In a retribution you MUST keep 5k away, or again, you will miss. Zealot, again, must be 10k away or you will miss.

My only problems with amarr is the tachyons are underpowered, barely any reason to use tach's over megabeams except for that little bit of extra range, and we are screwed for cap, and laser crystals should be 200 shots percrystal, not 2,000 (and build costs reduced accordingly. 45mill for a rack of Aurora L's is just.. ouch.)
True words. I am just looking for the path of "least resistence" If im fitting up my ship with mods needed to sustain my cap im wasting mods for damage, ew, etc etc etc. I think i know what im talking about ? i think it makes sense.

Im more than happy to give it a good crack. Im nearly there, have a nest egg built up to replace the first loads of stuff i lose.

I just dont want to be digging a hole with a teaspoon when i can use a JCB kind of thing :O
Nosferatu is an Amarr pilots best friend. Or worst if you are the victim :p

Tanks are no longer tanks without cap. I failed to mention I had two heavy *** with those 6 mega pulse, so his armor tank was non-existant.
exactly, unless you are a passive tanked Projectile user then vamps instill more fear than any gun or missile.
joys of minmatar
Dj_Jestar said:
even if you are fighting minmatar.. no cap == no scram so you can 'op it if things turn sour :p
yeah, but even with the best vamp setup you can keep a scram goingin you have a *** and time it right.
Real men fit neutralizers instead of vamps :p.

With the kali changes amarr will be have the advantage in the specific area of large passive armor tanks, having a huge hitpoint barrier and little cap requiring tank might give them the edge and allow them the cap to fire off their guns.

Anyone else heard the news today about changing cargo expander I bpos into t2 ,(basic have turned into t1) . What a joke lol, allowing players to print even more isk.
That's only because up until now, T1 have been via lottery and will be available on NPC market in Kali, so it's only fair to those who spunked RP's.

Where the problem lies, though, is that all T1 bpo's are T2.. but you need T1 to build T2, so we can't mass produce T2 expanders yet because we can't build the T1's to make them.. blah.

And for vamps vs Neuts, I need vamps to keep my guns going if I use my MWD :p
yer but DJ, the t1 prints made 4bn a month profit, the t2 are turning over like 1bn a day. Quite some upgrade
anyone watch the EVE TV thing? I stopped when it started lagging out. you'ed think they would put on enough bandwidth when they know its going to be busy!
JC said:
yer but DJ, the t1 prints made 4bn a month profit, the t2 are turning over like 1bn a day. Quite some upgrade
Those are vastly exaggerated, STK has one and it's no where near those figures. t2 is not making anything atm due to not having any t1 expanders left.. and I can assure you it was no where near 1bill a month, let alone 4bn a month in t1 expander sales.
JC said:
This is what Hybrid Syndicate do, (left click link to reach download page) 158mb Video showing HSY in PVP
Small EvE world, my old corp was at war with them 2 months ago.

VeNT said:
anyone watch the EVE TV thing? I stopped when it started lagging out. you'ed think they would put on enough bandwidth when they know its going to be busy!

They annouced a merger between White Wolf and CCP, nothing else of interest
Its a small EvE world, we had a war against HSY a few months ago
Even smaller, that guy who they kill first has killed me...

Im sorta new to the game only been playing 3 months... "Faricar"
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jimbonkers said:
They annouced a merger between White Wolf and CCP, nothing else of interest
Its a small EvE world, we had a war against HSY a few months ago
Even smaller, that guy who they kill first has killed me...

Im sorta new to the game only been playing 3 months... "Faricar"

it was a Q&A session from the fanfest dude. not just the announcement.
Any else read the amazing timeline on the chinese server?

After the alpha test, there were 4 Mega alience(Online Game Guilds United) controls the 0.0 area.
There are (By translation)

North Alience (6000 ppl) controls the big north
(PS created corp's leader is the boss of one of the bigest ingamemoneyseller corp in the real world --- Speed)
PIBC Alience (5000 ppl) controls the Southwest
(Created corp's second size guild of chinese player --- FRY)


BBE Alience (4000 ppl) controls the Southeast
(Created corp's bigest size guild of chinese player --- KOK)
EEC Alience (5000 ppl) controls the East
Imgod corp(become Aowar corp in the later game and formed a
Foutain Alience) (200 ppl; 2000 the alience) controls the west

Info are in the google search corp name.
PS some Chinese Game Guild are Huge with 10k-50k+ members played in many online games. If the leader decide to join a game they will control the best places and make the game unfare at the begining.

At the begining of the beta test my mates bought their first cheapest frigate from NPC after finishing one or two tutorial missions(get their 40k ISK)

With gangs of 2 ppl, fly straight to the 5/10 complexes, and get the 9th.
(One ppl pull the mobs and the other get the 9th)

30mins - 2 days
doing the same thing with 10 gangs for two days.
sell all 9th to buy the Cruisers BPOs and buy refine the stuff(e.g. Ospery) NPC sells to build Caracal and its mods.

2 days
Gang with 7-10 caracals runing the 5/10 from 1-6 floor with camping the 5th level by one caracal.

1st week
Buy all bettleship BPOs
pro scientist runing Lv4 transmiting Mission to get Lv 4 research standing done before the skill reached.

2nd week
Buy freighter and its mods' BPO starting research and build them.

2-3nd week
Buy Dreads and rank 1 CV's BPO and mods research.
Using noob Raven rating the 0.0
Waiting skills.

WAR(hunting) with each other using gang of 10 cruisers to kill those farming Ravens.

and....don't remember the time when pro miner skills done. Set the POS and get the stations which can be captured.

trade goods with freighters..within a month time...

and war with hundards of battles ships....server down>_<

(We don't get any skill training speed bonds)

So, within a month, this guys corp have bought all cruiser BPO's, all Battleship BPO's, Freighter BPO's + Component BPO's, have built an outpost (pointed out in a later reply) AND have dread's..

Jesus H. ****ing Christ on a bicycle!
well they've obviously got nothing better to do :P and if your in a mega clan in some game and say lets go play this game im sure its pretty easy to do stuff. like what with having 48k hours a day of player time.
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