I like the Domi, partly because I've got a lot invested in skills, and partly because it looks like a Vexor on Steroids. I find the Megathon better for soloing level 4 missions, because it lasts a bit better with my current skill setup. Even with the Megat, I still struggle with outdamaging the repairers on some of the BS rat's in level 4's, but I can only use Medium rails at the moment, 7 x 250mm, and a named heavy Nosferatu in the 8th slot.
It's weird, because sometimes I'll rip through a BS's shields and armour in no time, other times I just can't outdamage the repairer before my tank's breached.
A word of adivce on skills please? I've got mostly level 3-4 skills in mechanic skills, electronics (for cpu), electronics for p/g, and also level 2-4 in most of the general gunnery skills relating to hybrid turrets (targetting, rapid bursts etc). Should my next step be a 6 day train on Mechanic 5 so I can use LAR II's, or should I focus on my gunnery skills to use large turrets effectively?
I'm torn here, as both have their advantages.